


姓名:黄永梅 学历:博士 职称:教授




科技部基础研究专项子课题,河北省南部群落清查及群落数据库建设, 2011.6-2016.6,主持。




[1] He Kejian, Qi Yu, Huang Yongmei*, Chen Huiying, Sheng Zhilu, Xu Xia, Duan Lei. Response of aboveground bioimass and diversity to nitrogen addition - a five-year experiment in semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia, China. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:31919.

[2] Zhang Jinghui, Huang Yongmei*, Chen Huiying, Gong Jirui, Qi Yu, Yang Fei, Li Engui. Effects of grassland management on the community structure, aboveground biomass and stability of a temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Arid Land, 2016,8(3):422-433.

[3] Huang Yongmei, Kang Ronghua, Mulder Jan, Zhang Ting, Duan Lei*. Nitrogen saturation, soil acidification, and ecological effects in a subtropical pine forest on acid soil in southwest China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2015, 120, 2457-2472.

[4] Huang Yongmei, Kang Ronghua, Ma Xiaoxiao, Qi Yu, Mulder Jan, Duan Lei*. Effects of calcite and magnesite application to a declining Masson pin forest on strongly acidified soil in Southwestern China. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 481: 469-478.

[5] Li Xia, Huang Yongmei*, Gong Jirui, Zhang Xinshi. A study of the development of bio-energy resources and the status of eco-society in China. Energy, 2010, 35: 4451-4456.