


姓名:程昌秀 学历:博士 职称:教授;博导



[1] 国家自然科学基金黄河专项课题:黄河流域人地系统耦合大数据平台(编号:42041007)

[2] 科技部重点研发课题:气象灾害对区域社会经济的影响过程和机制(编号:2019YFA0606901)

[3] 科技部重点研发子课题:公众参与模式下灾害灾情数据融合与灾情研判技术(编号:2017YFB0504102)

[4] 自然科学基金(面上)项目:基于历史事件的全球海啸灾害时空分异规律及风险评估(编号:41771537)

[5] 学校自主科研基金:“一带一路”地震/台风灾害时空分异特征研究

[6] 科学院先导科技专项:限制开发区地理图景建构与红线管控(编号:XDA23100303)

[7] 部委横向项目:全国耕地质量和耕地产能评价试点成果

[8] 部委横向项目:地理标志产品质量保护追溯监控信息系统软件开发(编号:09L90650AJ)

[9] 部委横向项目:地理标志保护要素数据收集和分析系统软件定制与开发(编号:07M72070AM)

[10] 863课题子课题:基于遥感和GIS技术的经济普查分区优化设计技术(编号:2006AA120106)















以第1/通讯作者发表中英文论文90余篇,其中,SCI检索40余篇,分别发表在JGR、IJGIS、Science of the Total Environment、Landscape Ecology、Land Use Policy、Journal of Hydrology 、Natural Hazards、Remote Sensing、IJRS、ISPRSI JGI、《中国科学: 地球科学》、《地理学报》等知名地学刊物上。主持参与编制《地理信息简单要素访问》、《地理信息空间抽样与统计推断》等国家标准7部;获得8项国家发明专利;出版《空间数据库管理系统概论》、《基于执行代价的空间查询优化方法》等专著2部。主要论文列表如下:


-- Zhang T, Shen S,Cheng C*,et al. (2021).A Topic Model based Framework for Identifying the Distribution of Demand of Relief Supplies using Social Media Data .IJGIS,https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2020.1869746.

--Qiao C, Shen S, Cheng C*, et al. (2021). Vegetation Phenology in the Qilian Mountains and Its Response to Temperature from 1982 to 2014. Remote Sensing. 2021, 13, 286.https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13020286.

--Zhang T, Cheng C. (2021). Temporal and Spatial Evolution and Influencing Factors of Public Sentiment in Natural Disasters—A Case Study of Typhoon Haiyan. ISPR IJGI,10, 299.https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi10050299.

--Zhang T, Cheng C., Song C. (2021). The spatial transformation process and critical time node detection in global extreme high temperature clusters. Earth and Space Science, 8, e2020EA001282. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EA001282

-- Cheng C, Zhang T, Song C, Shen S et al. (2020).The Coupled Impact of Emergency Responses and Population Flows on the COVID‐19 Pandemic in China. GeoHealth, 4,e2020GH000332.

-- Zhang X, Gu X, WangL, Zhou Y, Huang Z, Xu C*, Cheng C*. Spatiotemporal variations in the incidence of bacillary dysentery and long-term effects associated with meteorological and socioeconomic factors in China from 2013 to 2017.Science of the Total Environment, 755(2021)142626.

-- Zhang X, Gu X,Cheng C* et al. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of PM2.5 and its relationship withurbanization in North China from 2000 to 2017.Science of the Total Environment, 744(2020)140925.

-- Zhang X, Nie J, Cheng C*, et al.(2020).Natural and Socioeconomic Factors and Their Interactive Effects on House Collapse Caused by Typhoon Mangkhut. IJDRS, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13753-020-00322-6.

-- Dai K. Shen S, Cheng C*, et al. (2020). Trade-off Relationship of Arable and Ecological Land in Urban Growth When Altering Urban Form: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China.Sustainability,12, 10041; doi:10.3390/su122310041.

-- Shen S, Song C, Cheng C, et al. (2020). The coupling impact of climate change onstreamflow complexity in the headwater area of the northeastern Tibetan Plateauacross multiple timescales. Journal of Hydrology, (588) 124996.

-- Ye S, Song C...,Cheng C*et al.(2020). Spatial pattern of arable land-use intensity in China. Land Use Policy,(99) 104845.

-- Ye S, Song C...,Cheng C*et al.(2020). Digital Trade Feature Map: A New Method for Visualization and Analysis of Spatial Patterns in Bilateral Trade. ISPRS JGI,9,363,doi:10.3390/ijgi9060363.

-- Wu X, Cheng C*, Qiao C, et al. ( 2020). Spatio-temporal differentiation of spring phenology in Chinadriven by temperatures and photoperiod from 1979 to 2018. Science China-Earth Sciences,63:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-019-9577-5.

-- Wu X, Cheng C*, Raul Z, et al.(2020). An overview of clustering methods for geo-referencedtime series: from one-way clustering to co- and tri-clustering,IJGIS,34(9):1822-1848.

-- Gao P, Wang X, Wang H. Cheng C.(2020).Viewpoint: A correction to the entropy weight coefficient method by Shen et al. for accessing urban sustainability [Cities 42 (2015) 186–194]. Cities, 103(2020)102742.

-- Gao P, Wang H,Samuel A.C,Cheng C* et al.(2020).Sustainable land-use optimization using NSGA-II:theoretical and experimental comparisons of improved algorithms.Landscape Ecol.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-020-01051-3.

-- Gao P, Zhang H, Jia D,Song C, Cheng C*, Shi S.(2020)Efficient approach for computingthe discrimination ratio-based variant of information entropy for imageprocessing. IEEE/Access 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.

-- Jia D, Song C, Cheng C*, et al.(2020).A Novel Deep Learning-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Method for Combining Satellite Images with Different Resolutions Using a Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Network. Remote Sensing, 12, 698; doi:10.3390/rs12040698.

-- Jia D, Gao P, Cheng C*,et al.(2020).Multiple-feature-driven co-training method for crop mapping based onremote sensing time series imagery.International Journal of Remote Sensing,41:20, 8096-8120.

-- Hui C, Cheng C, Ning L.(2020).Multifractal Characteristics of Seismogenic Systems and b Values in the Taiwan Seismic Region. IJGI,9, 384; doi:10.3390/ijgi9060384.

-- Jiang J, Qin C , Yu J, Cheng C*, et al.(2020).Obtaining Urban Waterlogging Depths from Video Images Using Synthetic ImageData. Remote Sensing, 12, 1014; doi:10.3390/rs12061014.

-- Jiang J, Liu J, Cheng C, et al. (2019).Automatic Estimation of Urban Waterlogging Depths from Video Images Based on Ubiquitous Reference Objects.Remote Sensing, WOS:000462544500115.

-- Gu X, Zhang Q, Li J, Singh V. P., Liu J, Sun P, Cheng C.(2019).Attribution of Global Soil Moisture Drying to Human Activities: A Quantitative View point. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(5):2573-2582.

-- Gao P, Samuel A. C., Liu G,Ye S, Shen S, Cheng C*.(2019). FracL: A Tool for Characterizing the Fractality of Landscape Gradients from a New Perspective.ISPRS IJGI,8, 466;doi:10.3390/ijgi8100466.

-- Gao P, Cheng C* .Song C.(2019).Satellite remote sensing for biodiversity conservation: exemplary practices and lessons learned. Landscape Ecology,34:2045–2047.

-- Ning L, Zhou Y, Cheng C*, et al.(2019).Using a Complex Network to Analyze the Effects of the Three Gorges Dam on Water Level Fluctuation in Poyang Lake. ISPRS IJGI,8, 470;doi:10.3390/ijgi8110470.

-- Ning L, Cheng C*, Shen S.(2019).Spatial-temporal variability of the fluctuation of soil temperature in the Babao River Basin, Northwest China. JGS,29(9):1475-1490.

-- Ning L., Zhou, Y., Yang, J., Cheng C. *, SongC,et al (2018). Spatial-temporal variability of the fluctuation of water levelin Poyang Lake basin,China. OpenGeosci.;10:940–953.

-- Zhang T, Cheng C *, Gao P. (2019).Permutation Entropy-Based Analysis of Temperature Complexity Spatial-Temporal Variation and Its Driving Factors inChina. Entropy,1, 1001;doi:10.3390/e21101001.

-- Zhang T, Shen S, Cheng C*. (2019).Impact of radiations on the long-range correlation of soil moisture: A case study of the A'rou superstation in theHeihe River Basin. JGS,29(9):1491-1506.

-- Zhang T., Shen, S., Cheng, C*., Song, C.*, etal. (2018). Long-range correlation analysis of soil temperature and moisture on Arou hillsides, Babao River Basin.JGR:Atmospheres.123,12,606–12,620.

-- Cheng C, Zhang T, Su K et al. (2019).Assessing the Intensity of the Population Affected by a Complex Natural Disaster Using Social Media Data. ISPRS IJGI,8,358; doi:10.3390/ijgi8080358.

-- Yang J, Cheng C*, Song C.(2019). Spatial-temporal Distribution Characteristics of Global Seismic Clusters and Associated Spatial Factors.Chinese Geographical Science, 29(4): 614–625.

-- Yang J, Cheng C*, Song C.(2019).Visual analysis of the evolution andfocus in landslide research field, Journal of Mountains Science,16(5):991-1004.

-- Yang J, Cheng C*, Shen S, et al.(2017).Comparison of Complex Network AnalysisSoftware: Cite space, SCI2 and Gephi. 2017 IEEE 2nd International Conference onBig Data Analysis Proc.169-172.

-- Shen S.,Ye S., Cheng C*, Song C*., et al. (2018). Persistence and corresponding timescales of soil moisture dynamics during summer in the Babao River Basin,Northwest China. JGR: Atmospheres, 123(17),8936-8948.

-- Shen S, Cheng, C*, Song C*, et al.(2018). Spatial distribution patterns of global natural disasters based onbiclustering[J]. Natural Hazards, 92(3): 1809-1828.

-- Shen S, Cheng, C*, Yang J et al. (2018).Visualized analysis of developing trends and hot topics in natural disaster research. PLoS ONE,13(1): e0191250.

-- Shen S, Nikita M, Song C, Cheng C*. (2017). Information retrieval of a disaster event from cross platform social media, Information Discovery andDelivery,45(4):220-226.

-- Shen S, Cheng C*, Su K, Yang J, Yang S. (2016).Quantitative visualization about differences between scientists concerned nature disastersand historic events.IEEE/ACM BESC2016.

-- Ye S, Liu D, Yao X, Tang H, Xiong Q, Zhuo W, Du Z, Huang J, Su W, Shen S, Zhao Z ,Cui S, Ning L, Zhu D*, Cheng, C*, Song C*.(2018) .RDCRMG: A Raster DatasetClean & Reconstitution Multi-Grid Architecture for Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Dryness. Remote sensing, 10, 1376;doi:10.3390/rs10091376.

-- Yang S, Cheng, C*, Shen S, Yang J.(2018). Visual analysis of the evolution andfocus of agricultural drought research on crops[J]. IAEJ,27(2): 350-354.

-- Nikita M, Shen S, Cheng C*. (2017). Propagation of Disaster Information about Typhoon Haiyan[J]. Research in Computing Science,143:10-28.

-- Nikita M, Cheng C*.(2017).Disaster hashtags in social media. ISPRS IJGI,6,204:1-17.

-- Hou Y, Liu F, Gao J, Cheng C, Song C.(2017).Characterizing Complexity Changes inChinese Stock Markets by Permutation Entropy. Entropy,19,514:1-10.

-- Cheng C*.(2017).Indexing. The International Encyclopedia of Geography(AAG).DOI:10.1002/9781118786352.

-- Cheng C*, Song X,Yang J,Hu X,Shen S,Wang L.(2015).A CDT-Based Heuristic Zone Design Approach for Economic Census Investigators, Mathematical Problems in Engineering,(828374):1-14.

-- Cheng C*, Song X, Zhou C.(2013).Generic cumulative annular-bucket histogram for spatial selectivity estimation of spatial database management system. IJGIS,27(2),339-362..

-- Cheng C*, Niu F, Cai J. et al. (2008). Extensions of GAP-tree and its implementation based on a non-topological data model. IJGIS,22(6):657-673.

-- Cheng C*, Lu F, Cai J.(2009).A quantitative scale-setting approach for building multi-scale spatial databases. Computer & GeoSciences, 35:204-2209.

-- Song X, Cheng C*, Zhou C, et al.(2012).Gestalt-based Douglas-Peucker algorithm tokeep high shape similarity of vector data and no change in polygon area. SENSOR LETTERS,11(6-):1015~1021.

-- Song X, Cheng C*, Zhou C.(2010). Research on permutation generation algorithm basedonsorting, ICISE2010

-- Cheng C*, Jiang P,Liu J.(2013). A Common Traceability Method for Agricultural Products Based on Data Center,Sensor Letters,11(6-7):1269~1273.

-- Cheng C*, Yang J, Song X, Yang S, Wang L. (2015). An accurate selectivity estimation method for window queries and an implementation thereof, Geo-spatialInformation Science,18(2-3):1~89.

-- Cheng C*, Zhou C, Chen R et al.(2011) The Generic Annular Bucket Histogram for Estimating the Selectivity of Spatial Selection and Spatial Join. Geo-Spatial InformationScience,14(4):262-273.

-- Yang Y,Cheng C*, Yang J, et al.(2012). Geographical Analysis of Maize Rough Dwarf Disease in the North China Plain:A Comparison of Four Spatial Regression Models,SENSOR LETTERS, 10(1-2): 349-361(13).

-- Jiang P, Cheng C*, Xie J.(2010). Research on storing raster metadata in spatial database.ICISE2010, 2010: 3962-3964.

-- Yan X, Chen R, Cheng C*, Peng X.(2010). Spatial query processing engine in spatially enabled database, Geoinformatics 2010.


-- 程昌秀, 宋长青, 吴晓静, 等. 地理时空三向聚类分析方法的构建与实践.地理学报, 2020, 75(5):904-916.

-- 吴晓静, 程昌秀*, 乔灿灿, 等. 光温驱动下中国1979—2018年春季物候时空分异规律. 中国科学: 地球科学, 2020, 50, doi: 10.1360/ SSTe-2019-0212.

-- 叶思菁,宋长青,程锋,张蕾娜,程昌秀*等. 中国耕地健康产能综合评价与试点评估研究.  农业工程学报. 2019,35(22):66-78.

-- 苏凯, 程昌秀*, Nikita Murzintcev, 等. 主题模型在基于社交媒体的灾害分类中的应用及比较. 地球信息科学学报, 2019,21(6):865-874.

-- 张婷; 程昌秀*.  顾及空间集聚程度的中国高温灾害危险性评价. 地球信息科学学报, 地球信息科学学报,2019,21(6):865-874.

-- 张婷, 程昌秀, 杨山力, 等. 时空聚集性探测方法在极端高温事件聚集分析中的应用研究, 地理与地理信息科学,2019,35(3):51-57.

-- 程昌秀, 史培军, 宋长青, 等. 地理大数据为地理复杂性研究提供新机遇. 地理学报, 2018, 73(8):1397-1406.

-- 程昌秀,沈石,杨山力,查询计划枚举中的空间启发式规则研究,地球信息科学学报,2017.5.1,19(5):581-586

-- 杨静, 程昌秀. “大数据”分析软件 Citespace 和 SCI2的对比分析研究. 计算机科学与应用, 2017, 7(6): 580-589.

-- 杨静,程昌秀,李晓岚,陈驰,网络结构空间格局相似度分析——以1938~2014年北京市骨干交通网络为例,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2016.12(5):1593~1598

-- 胡夏天,杨山力,程昌秀,基于四叉树的景观指数分析方法,地理信息世界,2016.4.25,(02):21~26

-- 程昌秀,胡夏天,宋晓眉,陈驰,利用累计AB直方图进行空间选择率估计,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2016.9.5,(09):1183~119

-- 程昌秀;杨山力;宋晓眉;王利军,空间约束对概念的提出与实现,地球信息科学学报,2015.9.1,17(9):1009 ~1013

-- 杨静,李晓岚,程昌秀,数据网格化的多尺度特性研究,安徽农业科学,2015.1.19,43(4):353~355

-- 李晓岚,程昌秀,陈驰,土地利用动态度的跨行政区空间融合方法,地理与地理信息科学,2014.07.12,30(4):56~58

-- 崔珂瑾,程昌秀,李晓岚,基于决策树的耕地转建设用地分析与预测——以北京房山区为例,地理与地理信息科学,2014.01.01,(01):60~64+2

-- 崔珂瑾,程昌秀,,空间数据模型研究综述,地理信息世界,2013.6.25,(03):31~38

-- 颜勋; 陈荣国; 程昌秀*; 宋晓眉. 内嵌式空间数据库优化器代价评估框架及实现. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版).2011

-- 程昌秀,陈荣国,朱焰炉.一种基于窗口查询的空间选择率估算方法, 武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2010,35(3):399-402.

-- 宋晓眉,程昌秀*,周成虎,朱德海. 利用k阶空间邻近图的空间层次聚类方法, 武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2010,35(12):1496-1499.

-- 程昌秀. 矢量数据多尺度空间索引方法的研究.武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2009,34(5):597-601.

-- 牛方曲, 甘国辉, 程昌秀*, 祁铮. 矢量数据多尺度显示中的关键技术, 武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2009, 34(7), 869-872.

-- 姜平,程昌秀,谢炯,陈荣国. 空间数据库中栅格元数据管理模型的设计与实现. 遥感技术与应用. 2012, 27(2):315-321.

-- 于滨, 程昌秀*,左廷英. 面向全国经济普查需求的专家系统地理编码方法. 计算机应用研究. 2010,27(8):2976.

-- 宋晓眉,程昌秀*,周成虎. 简单多边形顶点凹凸性判断算法综述. 国土资源遥感. 2011(3),25-31.

-- 程昌秀; 于滨. 一种基于规则的模糊中文地址分词匹配方法. 地理与地理信息科学, 2011,27(3), 26-29.

-- 朱焰炉,程昌秀*,陈荣国等.基于直方图的空间查询选择率估计研究, 计算机科学, 2010, 37(12):125-129.

-- 程昌秀,陆锋.一种矢量数据的双层次多尺度表达模型与检索技术.中国图象图形学报,2009, 14(6):1012-1017.

-- 张纯,陈荣国,程昌秀*.两种主流空间数据库国际标准与应用分析.地球信息科学,2009, 1(4):526-534.

-- 牛方曲, 甘国辉, 程昌秀*, 焦丽. 矢量数据综合规则表达与实现方法——以土地利用数据综合为例. 地球信息科学学报. 2009, 11(4), 421-427.