姓名:阎广建 学历:博士 职称:教授
1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,复杂地形区地表短波辐射估算及时空扩展研究,2014/01-2018/12,308万元。
2. 国家973课题,遥感信息空间尺度效应及尺度转换模型,2013/01-2017/08, 546万元。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,复杂地形区热红外方向性辐射建模及组分温度反演, 2009/01-2011/12, 38万元。
4. 国家973课题,地表时空变化特征参数的遥感定量描述与尺度转换,2007/07-2011/08,364.79万元。
5. 新世纪优秀人才支持计划,多角度植被间隙率遥感估算的尺度效应及纠正,2006/01-2008/12,50万元。
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,利用AATSR和SPECTRA联合反演植被组分温度的方法研究,2005/01-2007/12,37万元。
7. 国家863计划,机载多角度多光谱成像技术在电力系统应用的研究,2003/05-2005/06,298.6万元,(注:技术总负责)。
8. 教育部优秀青年教师资助计划项目,直方图尺度转换函数研究,2003/01-2004/12,7万元。
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,利用ATSR-2数据提取地表组分温度的方法研究,2002/01-2004/12,24万元。
10. 国家863计划,机载多角度、多光谱成像技术,2002/01-2003/12,167万元。
(1)Ling Chen, Guangjian Yan*, Tianxing Wang,Huazhong Ren, Ronghai Hu, Shengbo Chen, Hongmin Zhou, Spatial ScaleConsideration for Estimating All-Sky Surface Shortwave Radiation With aModified 1-D Radiative Transfer Model, IEEEJournal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,2019, 12(3): 821-835.
(2)Jianbo Qi, Donghui Xie, Linyuan Li, Wuming Zhang, XihanMu, GuangjianYan, Estimating Leaf Angle Distribution From Smartphone Photographs, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,2019
(3)Zhong-Hu Jiao, Guangjian Yan*, Tianxing Wang, XihanMu, Jing Zhao, Modeling of Land Surface Thermal Anisotropy Based on Directionaland Equivalent Brightness Temperatures Over Complex Terrain, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in AppliedEarth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019, 12(2):410-423.
(4)Guangjian Yan, Ronghai Hu,Jinghui Luo, Marie Weiss, Hailan Jiang, Xihan Mu, Donghui Xie, Wuming Zhang, Reviewof indirect optical measurements of leaf area index: Recent advances,challenges, and perspectives, Agriculturaland Forest Meteorology, 2019, 265: 390-411.
(5)Jianbo Qi, Donghui Xie, Tiangang Yin, Guangjian Yan,Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry, Linyuan Li, Wuming Zhang, Xihan Mu, Leslie KNorford, LESS: LargE-Scale remote sensing data and image simulation frameworkover heterogeneous 3D scenes, RemoteSensing of Environment, 2019, 221:695-706.
(6)Wuming Zhang, Peng Wan, Tiejun Wang, Shangshu Cai, YimingChen, Xiuliang Jin, Guangjian Yan, A Novel Approach for the Detection ofStanding Tree Stems from Plot-Level Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data, Remote sensing, 2019, 11(2):211.
(7)Yiming Chen, Wuming Zhang, Ronghai Hu, Jianbo Qi, JieShao, Dan Li, Peng Wan, Chen Qiao, Aojie Shen, Guangjian Yan, Estimationof forest leaf area index using terrestrial laser scanning data and path lengthdistribution model in open-canopy forests, Agriculturaland Forest Meteorology, 2018, 263: 323-333.
(8)Linyuan Li, Xihan Mu, Craig Macfarlane, Wanjuan Song, JunChen, Kai Yan, Guangjian Yan, A half-Gaussian fitting method for estimatingfractional vegetation cover of corn crops using unmanned aerial vehicle images,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2018, 262: 379-390.
(9)Qinhuo Liu, Guangjian Yan, Ziti Jiao, QingXiao, Jianguang Wen, Shunlin Liang, Jindi Wang, Crystal Schaaf, Alan Strahler, FromGeometric-Optical Remote Sensing Modeling to Quantitative Remote SensingScience—In Memory of Academician Xiaowen Li, Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(11):1764.
(10)Xihan Mu, Wanjuan Song, Zhan Gao, Tim R McVicar, RandallJ Donohue, Guangjian Yan, Fractional vegetation cover estimation by usingmulti-angle vegetation index, RemoteSensing of Environment, 2018, 216: 44-56.
(11)Wanjuan Song, Yuri Knyazikhin, Guoyong Wen, AlexanderMarshak, Matti Mõttus, Kai Yan, Bin Yang, Baodong Xu, Taejin Park, Chi Chen,Yelu Zeng, Guangjian Yan, Xihan Mu, Ranga Myneni, Implications of Whole-DiscDSCOVR EPIC Spectral Observations for Estimating Earth’s Spectral ReflectivityBased on Low-Earth-Orbiting and Geostationary Observations, Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(10): 1594.
(12)Ronghai Hu, Elena Bournez, Shiyu Cheng, Hailan Jiang,Françoise Nerry, Tania Landes, Marc Saudreau, Pierre Kastendeuch, GeorgesNajjar, Jérôme Colin, Guangjian Yan, Estimating the leafarea of an individual tree in urban areas using terrestrial laser scanner andpath length distribution model, ISPRSJournal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2018, 144: 357-368.
(13)Fang-Cheng Zhou, Zhao-Liang Li, Hua Wu, Si-Bo Duan,Xiaoning Song, Guangjian Yan, A remote sensing method for retrieving landsurface emissivity and temperature in cloudy areas: a case study over SouthChina, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018, 1-12, https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2018.1519288.
(14)Shunlin Liang, Jiancheng Shi, Guangjian Yan, RecentProgress in Quantitative Land Remote Sensing in China, Remote Sensing, 2018, 10 (9): 1490.
(15)Meng Liu, Ronglin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, GuangjianYan, Integration of two semi-physical models of terrestrialevapotranspiration using the China Meteorological Forcing Dataset, International Journal of Remote Sensing,2018,1-15, https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2018.1482026.
(16)Guangjian Yan, Yiyi Tong,Kai Yan, Xihan Mu, Qing Chu, Yingji Zhou, Yanan Liu, Jianbo Qi, Linyuan Li,Yelu Zeng, Hongmin Zhou, Donghui Xie, Wuming Zhang, Temporal Extrapolation ofDaily Downward Shortwave Radiation Over Cloud-Free Rugged Terrains. Part 1:Analysis of Topographic Effects, IEEETransactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 56(11): 6375 - 6394.
(17)Ronghai Hu, Guangjian Yan*, Françoise Nerry,Yunshu Liu, Yumeng Jiang, Shuren Wang, Yiming Chen, Xihan Mu, Wuming Zhang,Donghui Xie, Using Airborne Laser Scanner and Path Length Distribution Model toQuantify Clumping Effect and Estimate Leaf Area Index, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 56(6):3196-3209.
(18)Donghui Xie, Xiangyu Wang, Jianbo Qi, Yiming Chen, XihanMu, Wuming Zhang, Guangjian Yan, Reconstruction of Single Tree with Leaves Basedon Terrestrial LiDAR Point Cloud Data, RemoteSensing, 2018, 10 (5),
(19)Hong Chen, Hua Wu, Zhao-Liang Li, Bo-hui Tang, RonglinTang, Guangjian Yan, Spatial upscaling of remotely sensed leaf areaindex based on discrete wavelet transform,International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018, 1-16,: https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2018.1460515.
(20)Peng Wan, Wuming Zhang, Andrew K Skidmore, Jianbo Qi,Xiuliang Jin, Guangjian Yan, Tiejun Wang, A simple terrain relief index fortuning slope-related parameters of LiDAR ground filtering algorithms, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and RemoteSensing, 2018, 143: 181-190.
(21)Kai Yan, Taejin Park, Chi Chen, Baodong Xu, Wanjuan Song,Bin Yang, Yelu Zeng, Zhao Liu, Guangjian Yan*, Yuri Knyazikhin,Ranga B Myneni, Generating Global Products of LAI and FPAR From SNPP-VIIRSData: Theoretical Background and Implementation, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 56(4):2119-2137.
(22)Yingji Zhou, Guangjian Yan*, Jing Zhao, Qing Chu,Yanan Liu, Kai Yan, Yiyi Tong, Xihan Mu, Donghui Xie, Wuming Zhang, Estimationof Daily Average Downward Shortwave Radiation over Antarctica, Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(3):422.
(23)Tianxing Wang, Guangjian Yan*, Xihan Mu, ZhonghuJiao, Ling Chen, Qing Chu, Toward operational shortwave radiation modeling andretrieval over rugged terrain, RemoteSensing of Environment, 2018, 205: 419-433.
(24)Fang-Cheng Zhou, Zhao-Liang Li, Hua Wu, Si-Bo Duan,Xiaoning Song, Guangjian Yan, A Practical Two-Stage Algorithm for RetrievingLand Surface Temperature from AMSR-E Data—A Case Study Over China, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in AppliedEarth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, 11(6):1939-1948.
(25)Meng Liu, Ronglin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Yunjun Yao, GuangjianYan, Global Land Surface Evapotranspiration Estimation FromMeteorological and Satellite Data Using the Support Vector Machine andSemiempirical Algorithm, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied EarthObservations and Remote Sensing, 2018, 11(2): 513-521.
(26)Fang-Cheng Zhou, Zhao-Liang Li, Hua Wu, Bo-Hui Tang,Ronglin Tang, Xiaoning Song, Guangjian Yan, Retrieving K-BandInstantaneous Microwave Land Surface Emissivity Based on Passive Microwave BrightnessTemperature and Atmospheric Precipitable Water Vapor Data, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations andRemote Sensing, 2017, 10(12):5608-5617.
(27)赵静,阎广建*,焦中虎,陈玲,储卿,SBDART 的参数化短波辐射传输模型,遥感学报,2017,21(6):853-863。
(28)Xihan Mu, Ronghai Hu, Yelu Zeng, Tim R McVicar, HuazhongRen, Wanjuan Song, Yuanyuan Wang, Raffaele Casa, Jianbo Qi, Donghui Xie, GuangjianYan, Estimating structural parameters of agricultural crops fromground-based multi-angular digital images with a fractional model of sun andshade components, Agricultural and ForestMeteorology, 2017, 246:162-177.
(29)Jianbo Qi, Donghui Xie, Dashuai Guo, Guangjian Yan, ALarge-Scale Emulation System for Realistic Three-Dimensional (3-D) ForestSimulation, IEEE Journal of SelectedTopics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, 10(11): 4834-4843.
(30)Donghui Xie, Yan Wang, Ronghai Hu, Yiming Chen, GuangjianYan, Wuming Zhang, Peijuan Wang, Modified gap fraction model ofindividual trees for estimating leaf area using terrestrial laser scanner, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,2017, 11(3): 035012.
(31)Wanjuan Song, Xihan Mu, Gaiyan Ruan, Zhan Gao, LinyuanLi, GuangjianYan, Estimating fractional vegetation cover and the vegetation index ofbare soil and highly dense vegetation with a physically based method, International Journal of Applied EarthObservation and Geoinformation, 2017, 58: 168-176.
(32)宋婉娟,陈一铭,穆西晗,尹沛榕,张孝斌,张吴明,阎广建,利用Kinect进行地面植被分层覆盖度估算研究,北京师范大学学报: 自然科学版,2017,53(5):554-558。
(33)阎广建,胡容海,穆西晗,如何更有效地测量植被叶面积,科技纵览, 2017,6:80-81。
(36)Wuming Zhang, Yiming Chen,, Hongtao Wang, Mei Chen,Xiaoyan Wang, Guangjian Yan,Efficientregistration of terrestrial LiDAR scans using a coarse-to-fine strategy forforestry applications, Agricultural andForest Meteorology,2016, 225: 8–23.
(37)Wuming Zhang, Jianbo Qi, Peng Wan, Hongtao Wang, DonghuiXie, Xiaoyan Wang, Guangjian Yan, An Easy-to-Use Airborne LiDAR Data FilteringMethod Based on Cloth Simulation, RemoteSensing, 2016, 8(6):501.
(38)Ronghai Hu, Jinghui Luo, Guangjian Yan*, Jie Zou, and Xihan Mu, Indirect Measurementof Forest Leaf Area Index Using Path Length Distribution Model andMultispectral Canopy Imager, IEEE Journalof Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2016, 9(6):2532 – 2539.
(39)Guangjian Yan, Ronghai Hu, Yiting Wang,Huazhong Ren, Wanjuan Song, Jianbo Qi, and Ling Chen, Scale Effect in IndirectMeasurement of Leaf Area Index, IEEETransactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2016, 54(6): 3475-3484.
(40)Kai Yan, Taejin Park, Guangjian Yan, Chi Chen,Bin Yang, Zhao Liu, Ramakrishna Nemani, Yuri Knyazikhin, Ranga Myneni,Evaluation of MODIS LAI/FPAR Product Collection 6. Part 1: Consistency andImprovements, Remote Sensing, 2016,8(5): 359.
(41)Kai Yan, Taejin Park, Guangjian Yan*, Zhao Liu,Bin Yang, Chi Chen, Ramakrishna Nemani, Yuri Knyazikhin, Ranga Myneni,Evaluation of MODIS LAI/FPAR Product Collection 6. Part 2: Validation andIntercomparison, Remote Sensing,2016, 8(6): 460.
(42)YitingWang, Donghui Xie, Song Liu, Ronghai Hu, Yahui Li, Guangjian Yan, Scaling of FAPAR from the Fieldto the Satellite,Remote Sensing, 2016, 8(4):310.
(43)Guangjian Yan, TianxingWANG, Zhonghu JIAO, Xihan Mu, Jing ZHAO, Ling CHEN, Topographic radiationmodeling and spatial scaling of clear-sky land surface longwave radiation overrugged terrain, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2016,172:15-27.
(44)Xihan Mu,Maogui Hu*,Wanjuan Song,Gaiyan Ruan,Yong Ge,Jinfeng Wang,Shuai Huang,Guangjian Yan,Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Validation ofRemotely Sensed Fractional Vegetation Cover,Remote Sensing,2015,7:16164-16182。
(45)Fan, Xiwei,Tang, Bo-Hui,Wu, Hua,Yan, Guangjian,Li, Zhao-Liang(*) ,A three-channel algorithm for retrieving night-timeland surface temperature from MODIS data under thin cirrus clouds,InternationalJournal of Remote Sensing,2015,36(19-20):4836-4863。
(46)Tian, Xin,Li, Zengyuan*,Chen, Erxue,Liu, Qinhuo,Yan, Guangjian,Wang, Jindi,Niu, Zheng,Zhao, Shaojie,Li, Xin,Pang, Yong,Su, Zhongbo,van der Tol, Christiaan,Liu, Qingwang,Wu, Chaoyang,Xiao, Qing,Yang, Le,Mu, Xihan,Bo, Yanchen,Qu, Yonghua,Zhou, Hongmin,Gao, Shuai,Chai, Linna,Huang, Huaguo,Fan, Wenjie,Li, Shihua,Bai, Junhua,Jiang, Lingmei,Zhou, Ji ,The Complicate Observations and Multi-Parameter LandInformation Constructions on Allied Telemetry Experiment (COMPLICATE),PLos One,2015,10(9).
(47)Song, Wanjuan,Mu, Xihan*,Yan,Guangjian,Huang, Shuai ,Extractingthe green fractional vegetation cover from digital images using ashadow-resistant algorithm (SHAR-LABFVC),Remote Sensing,2015,7(8):10425-10443。
(48)Zhonghu Jiao, Guangjian Yan*, Jing Zhao, TianxingWang, Ling Chen, Estimation of surface upward longwave radiation from MODIS andVIIRS clear-sky data in the Tibetan Plateau, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2015, 162:221–237.
(49)Zhang, Yanli,Li, Xin*,Wen, Jianguang,Liu, Qinhuo,Yan, Guangjian,Improved Topographic Normalization for Landsat TMImages by Introducing the MODIS Surface BRDF,Remote Sensing,2015,7(6):6558-6575。
(51)Xiwei Fan, Bo-Hui Tang, Hua Wu, GuangjianYan*, and Zhao-Liang Li,*, DaytimeLand Surface Temperature Extraction from MODIS Thermal Infrared Data underCirrus Clouds, Sensors,2015,15(5), 9942-9961; doi:10.3390/s150509942
(52)Huazhong Ren, Rongyuan Liu, Guangjian Yan*,Zhao-Liang Li, Qiming Qin, Qiang Liu, and Françoise Nerry, Performanceevaluation of four directional emissivity analytical models with thermal SAILmodel and airborne images. OpticsExpress, 2015, 23, A346-A360.
(53)Jie Zou, Guangjian Yan, and Ling Chen,Estimation of Canopy and Woody Components Clumping Indices at Three MaturePicea crassifolia Forest Stands, IEEEJournal Of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,2015, 8(4): 1413-1422.
(54)Huazhong Ren, Guangjian Yan*, Rongyuan Liu,Zhao-Liang Li, Qiming Qin, Françoise Nerry, and Qiang Liu. Determination ofoptimum viewing angles for the angular normalization of land surfacetemperature over vegetated surface. Sensors,2015, 15, 7537-7570.
(55)Huazhong Ren, Chen Du, Rongyuan Liu, Qiming Qin, GuangjianYan, Zhao-Liang Li, and Jinjie Meng, Atmospheric water vapor retrievalfrom Landsat 8 thermal infrared images. Journal of Geophysical Research:Atmospheres, 2015, 120, 1723-1738.
(56)Xiwei Fan, Bo-Hui Tang, Hua Wu, Guangjian Yan, Zhao-LiangLi, Guoqing Zhou, Kun Shao, Yuyun Bi, Extension of the generalized split-windowalgorithm for land surface temperature retrieval to atmospheres with heavy dustaerosol loading, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied EarthObservations and Remote Sensing,2015,8(2):825-834
(57)Mu, Xihan*,Huang, Shuai,Ren, Huazhong,Yan, Guangjian,Song, Wanjuan,Ruan, Gaiyan ,Validating GEOV1 Fractional Vegetation Cover DerivedFrom Coarse-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Over Croplands,IEEE Journalof Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,2015,8(2):439-446。
(59)Zhang, Yanli*,Yan, Guangjian,Bai, Yulong ,Sensitivityof Topographic Correction to the DEM Spatial Scale,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,2015,12(1):53-57。
(60)HuazhongRen, Chen Du, Rongyuan Liu, Qiming Qin, Jinjie Meng, Zhao-Liang Li, and Guangjian Yan. Evaluation of RadiometricPerformance for the Thermal Infrared Sensor Onboard Landsat 8. Remote Sensing, 2014, 6, 12776-12788
(61)RonghaiHu, GuangjianYan*, Xihan Mu, and Jinghui Luo. Indirect measurement of leaf areaindex on the basis of path length distribution. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014, 155, 239-247.
(62)Huazhong Ren, Chen Du, Rongyuan Liu, Qiming Qin, GuangjianYan, Zhao-Liang Li, and Jinjie Meng, Noise Evaluation of early imagesfor Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager, Optics Express, 2014, 22, 27270-27280.
(63)Huazhong Ren, Rongyuan Liu, Guangjian Yan*, Xihan Mu,Zhao-Liang Li, Françoise Nerry, and Qiang Liu, Angular normalization of landsurface temperature and emissivity using multiangular middle and thermalinfrared data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2014, 52, 4913-4931.
(64)Meng Xia,Xie Dong-hui*,Wang Yan,Jia Ying-fang,Yan Guang-jian,Study on Multi-Angular Polarized SpectrumCharacteristics of Leaf Based on Some Indoor Experimental Data,Spectroscopyand Spectral Analysis,2014,34(3):619-624。
(65)张吴明, 张孝斌, 郭新平, 阎广建, 周国清. 月球控制点影像库的制作方法与流程. 北京师范大学学报. 自然科学版. 2014, 50, 195-198.
(66)Jiqiang Zhao, Donghui Xie, XiaMeng, Xihan Mu, and Guangjian Yan. Accuracy analysis of vegetation cover measurement using digitalphotography for regular planted woodland. NongyeGongcheng Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of AgriculturalEngineering. 2013, 29, 152-158.
赵继强, 谢东辉, 孟夏, 穆西晗, 阎广建.规则林地覆盖度照相测量法的精度分析. 农业工程学报. 2013, 29, 152-158.
(67)Wuming Zhang, Xiaobin Zhang, YimingChen, Kan Yan, Guangjian Yan, Qiang Liu, and Guoqing Zhou. Generation ofpixel-level resolution lunar dem based on chang'e-1 three-line imagery andlaser altimeter data. Computers & Geosciences.2013, 59, 53-59.
(68)HuazhongRen, Guangjian Yan*, Rongyuan Liu, RonghaiHu, Tianxing Wang,and Xihan Mu. Spectral recalibration for in-flight broadbandsensor using manmade ground targets. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2013, 51(7): 4316-4329.
(69)Huazhong Ren, Guangjian Yan*, Rongyuan Liu, Françoise Nerry, Zhao-Liang Li,and Ronghai Hu, Impact of sensor footprint on measurement of directionalbrightness temperature of row crop canopies.Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013, 134, 135-151.
(70)Zhao-Liang Li, B.-H. Tang, H. Wu, H. Ren, G.J. Yan, Z. Wan, I.F. Trigoand J. Sobrino, Satellite-derived land surface temperature: Current status andperspectives. RemoteSensing of Environment, 2013, 131:14-37.
(71)Zhao-Liang Li, H. Wu, N. Wang, Q. Shi, J.A. Sobrino, Z.Wan, B.-H. Tang, and G.J. Yan, Land surfaceemissivity retrieval from satellite data.International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2013,34(9-10):3084-3127.
(72)HuazhongRen, Shunlin Liang, Guangjian Yan, and Jie Cheng, Empirical algorithms to mapglobal broadband emissivities over vegetated surfaces. IEEE Transactions onGeoscience and Remote Sensing, 2013, 51(5):2619-2631, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2216887.
(73)Wuming Zhang, Jing Zhao, Weidan Wang, Huazhong Ren, LingChen, and Guangjian Yan, A preliminaryevaluation of surface latent heat flux as an earthquake precursor. NaturalHazards and Earth System Sciences, 2013,13, 2369-2647
(74)Wu-Ming Zhang, Xiao-Bin Zhang,Qiao-Zhi Li, Guangjian Yan, and Guo-Qing Zhou. Automatic crater extraction method for lunarimages under low solar elevation angle. YuhangXuebao/Journal of Astronautics. 2013, 34,1246-1252.
张吴明, 张孝斌, 李巧枝, 阎广建, 周国清. 低太阳高度角月球影像的陨石坑自动提取方法. 宇航学报. 2013, 34, 1246-1252.
(75)Ling Chen, Guangjian Yan*, Tianxing Wang, Huazhong Ren, Josep Calbó, JingZhao, Richard McKenzie, Estimation of surface shortwave radiation componentsunder all sky conditions: Modeling and sensitivity analysis, RemoteSensing of Environment, 2012,123: 457–469.
(76)TianxingWang, Guangjian Yan*, Ling Chen, Consistent retrieval methods toestimate land surface shortwave and longwave radiative flux components underclear-sky conditions, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2012, 124: 61–71.
(77)Liu, Qiang,Yan, Chunyan, Xiao, Qing, Yan, Guangjian, Fang, Li,Separatingvegetation and soil temperature using airborne multiangular remote sensingimage data,International Journal of Applied EarthObservation and Geoinformation,2012, 17: pp 66-75.
(78)Yaokai Liu, Xihan Mu, Haoxing Wang, Guangjian Yan, A novel method for extracting green fractionalvegetation cover from digital images, Journal of Vegetation Science, 2012, 23(3):406-418.
(81)Xihan Mu, Qingfeng Shen, Zhao-Liang Li, Guangjian Yan and José Antonio Sobrino, A comparison ofdifferent optimization algorithms for retrieving aerosol optical depths fromsatellite data: an example of using a dual-angle algorithm, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 2011,32(24):8949-8968.
(82)Huazhong Ren, Guangjian Yan*, Ling Chen, Zhaoliang Li, Angular effect ofMODIS emissivity products and its application to the split-window algorithm, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetryand Remote Sensing, 2011, 66: 498-507.
(83)邹杰,阎广建,联合摄影及斜点样方法的单株植物冠层结构参数测量(I): 冠层三维重建,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2011,47(1):69-75.
(84)邹杰,阎广建,联合摄影及斜点样方法的单株植物冠层结构参数测量(II): 结构参数测量,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2011,47(2):192-196.
(85)黄华国, 阎广建,柳钦火,覃文汉,扩展真实结构模型模拟植被冠层半球图像,系统仿真学报,2011,23(5):1045-1050.
(86)阎波杰,赵春江,阎广建,潘瑜春,陆洲,基于3S 技术的禽流感疫情耗费评估方法研究,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2011,47(3):310-315.
(87) Tianxing Wang, Guangjian Yan*, Huazhong Ren, Xihan Mu,Improved Methods for Spectral Calibration ofOn-orbit Imaging Spectrometers,IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2010,48(11):3924-3931。
(88)王天星,阎广建*,任华忠,穆西晗, 高光谱传感器光谱性能参数反演与反射率恢复, 光谱学与光谱分析,2010,30(10):2714-2718.
(89)宋晓宇,王纪华,阎广建,黄文江,刘良云,基于多时相航空高光谱遥感影像的冬小麦长势空间变异研究,光谱学与光谱分析 ;2010,30(07):1820-1824。
(90) 李静,阎广建*,穆西晗,面向LAI反演的SAILH模型参数化方法,遥感学报,2010,14(6):1189~1203.
Jing Li, Guangjian Yan, XihanMu, A parameterized SAILH model for LAI retrieval, l, Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010,14(6): 1182-1188.
Di Shi, Guangjian Yan*,Xihan Mu, Optical remote sensing image apparent radiance topographic correctionphysical model, Journal of RemoteSensing, 2009, 13(6): 1030-1038.
(93)Xin Li, Xiaowen Li, ZengyuanLi, Mingguo Ma, Jian Wang, Qing Xiao, Qiang Liu, Tao Che, Erxue Chen, Guangjian Yan,Zeyong Hu, Lixin Zhang, Rongzhong Chu, Peixi Su, Qinhuo Liu, Shaomin Liu, JindiWang, Zheng Niu, Yan Chen, Rui Jin, Weizhen Wang, Youhua Ran, Xiaozhou Xin, andHuazhong Ren, Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2009,114 (D22103),doi:10.1029 /2008JD011590.
(94)Jie Zou, Guangjian Yan*, Lin Zhu and Wuming Zhang, Woody-to-total arearatio determination with a multispectral canopy imager, Tree Physiology, 2009(29):1069-1080.
(95) Zhao-Liang Li, Ronglin Tang , Zhengming Wan, Yuyun Bi, Chenghu Zhou,Bohui Tang, Guangjian Yan, and Xiaoyu Zhang, A Review of Current Methodologies for Regional EvapotranspirationEstimation from Remotely Sensed Data, Sensors,2009, 9, 3801-3853; doi:10.3390/s90503801.
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(102) 段四波, 阎广建*, 钱永刚, 李召良, 姜小光, 李小文,利用HJ-1B模拟数据反演地表温度的两种单通道算法,自然科学进展,18(9): 1001-1008, 2008.
(103) Guangjian Yan*, Xihan Mu, Yinchi Ma, and Zhao-Liang Li, A Strategy to Integrate A PrioriKnowledge for An Improved Inversion of the LAI from BRDF Modelling, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 29(17): 4927 -4941, 2008.
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(105) Yan Guangjian, Li Chaoyang, ZhouGuoqing, Zhang Wuming, Li Xiaowen, Automatic extraction of power lines fromaerial images, IEEE Geoscience and RemoteSensing Letters, 4(3):387-391,2007.
(106) 李巧枝,张吴明,阎广建,穆西晗,月球卫星三线阵CCD影像模拟,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),43:298-302,2007.
(107) 段四波, 阎广建,山区遥感图像地形校正模型研究综述,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),43:362-366,2007.
(108) 冯雪,沈斌,阎广建*,段四波,李召良,基于陆面过程模式的热红外卫星遥感影像模拟,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),43:330-336,2007.
(109) 沈斌,阎广建*,冯雪,王锦地, 热红外比辐射率光谱野外测量方法对比研究, 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),43:264-268,2007.
(110) 郭占军,阎广建*,冯雪,王远征,张霄羽,遥感估算植被覆盖度的角度效应分析,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),43:343-349,2007.
(111) 李朝阳,阎广建*,肖志强,李小文,郭军,王锦地,高分辨率航空影像中高压电力线的自动提取,中国图象图形学报,12(6):1041-1047,2007.
(112) 罗军,潘瑜春,王纪华,陆洲,曹荣龙,阎广建,基于高分辨率遥感影像的设施农业资源信息采集技术研究,地理与地理信息科学,23(3):51-54,2007.
(113) Xiaoyu Zhang, Guangjian Yan*, Qiaozhi Li, Zhao-Liang Li, Huawei Wan, Evaluating the fraction ofvegetation cover based on NDVI spatial scale correction model, Int. J.Remote Sensing, 27(24), 5359–5372. 2006.
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(115) Yanfei Wang, Shufang Fan, Xue Feng, Guangjian Yan, Yanning Guan ,Regularized inversion method forretrieval of aerosol particle size distribution function in W1,2space.,Appl. Opt., 45(28): 7456-7467,2006.
(116) 刘峻明,王鹏新,颜凯,阎广建,机载多角度电力巡线系统中预警模型的设计与实现,电力系统自动化,30(16):81-85,2006。
(117) 张吴明,杨又华,阎广建,王鹏新,汪骏发,苏林,刘强,刘峻明,肖志强,机载多角度多光谱成像技术在电力系统中的应用,华中电力,19(6):1-2,12,2006。
(118) 张吴明,阎广建,赵伟,李巧枝,直升机电力巡线系统中利用核线约束进行线路三维重建,北京师范大学理科学报,42(6):629-632,2006。
(119) 何立明,王桥,李小文,阎广建,王文杰,魏斌,光学遥感大气订正方法与软件应用分析,地球信息科学, 8(2):110-115,136,2006.
(120) 余涛,田启燕,顾行发,王进,刘强,阎广建,城市简单目标方向亮温研究,遥感学报,10(5), 661-669, 2006.
(121) 钟耀武,刘良云,王纪华,阎广建,基于矩匹配算法的山区影像地形辐射校正方法研究,地理与地理信息科学,22(1):31-34,39, 2006.
(122) 钟耀武,刘良云,王纪华,阎广建,SCS+C地形辐射校正模型的应用分析研究, 国土资源遥感,4:14-18,28, 2006.
(123) 李朝阳,阎广建*,肖志强,李小文,郭军,王锦地,航空图像中基于DSM的多尺度树冠分割,北京邮电大学学报,29(6):40-43,2006.
(124) 何立明,阎广建*,李小文,王桥,王文杰,AMTIS单通道多角度热红外图像的大气订正,红外与毫米波学报, 25(6):429-433,2006.
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(126) 秦军,阎广建,刘绍民,梁顺林,张颢,王锦地,李小文,集合卡曼滤波在遥感反演地表参数中的应用—以核驱动模型反演BRDF为例,中国科学,D辑,35(8):790-798,2005。
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(127) 姚延娟,阎广建*,王锦地,多光谱多角度遥感数据综合反演叶面积指数方法研究,遥感学报,9(2): 117~122,2005。
(128) 何立明,阎广建*,王华,李小文,从宽波段热红外图像反演组分温度的相关问题讨论——通道响应函数和比辐射率波段变化的影响,遥感学报,9(3): 234-241, 2005。
(129) 何立明,阎广建,王桥,李小文,光学遥感大气订正模型及其相关问题分析,地球信息科学,7(4):33-38,2005.
(130) 焦子锑,王锦地,谢里欧,张颢,阎广建,何立明,李小文,地面和机载多角度观测数据的反照率反演及对MODIS反照率产品的初步验证,遥感学报,9(1):64~72, 2005。
(131) 何立明,李小文,阎广建,王华,王锦地,AMTIS大气订正算法——基于MODTRAN4.1与BRDF大气订正环,遥感学报,8(5):389-396,2004。
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(133)ui Sun, J.M. Chen, Qijiang Zhu, Yuyu Zhou, J. Liu, Jiangtao Li,Suhong Liu, Guangjian Yan, Shihao Tang, Spatial distribution of net primary productivity andevapotranspiration in changbaishanNatural Reserve, China, using Landsat ETM+ data,Can. J.Remote Sensing, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 731–742, 2004.
(134) 王锦地,阎广建,王昌佐,遥感反演中不确定性信息处理的一种数学方法,遥感学报,8(3):214-219,2004。
(135) 赵红蕊,阎广建,邓小炼,王锦地,李小文,一种加入空间关系的实用图像分类方法,遥感学报,7(5):358-363,2003。
(136) 何立明,王华,阎广建, 李小文,朱文娇,王锦地, 气溶胶光学厚度与水平气象视距相互转换的经验公式及其分析, 遥感学报,7(5):372-378,2003。
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(138) 周宇宇,唐世浩,朱启疆,阎广建,基于新型机载多角度传感器AMTIS的LAI反演,国土资源遥感, 4:9-12,21,2003.
(139) 阎广建, 蒋玲梅, 王锦地, 陈良富, 李小文, 行播作物热辐射双向间隙率模型及验证, 中国科学,D辑,32(10):857-863,2002。
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(1)Qing Chu, Yanan Liu, Guangjian Yan, A Cloud DetectionAlgorithm for Tiangong-2 Remote Sensing Data Over the Tibetan Plateau, Proceedingsof the Tiangong-2 Remote Sensing Application Conference, Springer, Singapore,2019, 82-93.
(2)Meng Liu, Ronglin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Huarui Mao,Fangcheng Zhou, Guangjian Yan, Estimation of Annual Averaged Evapotranspirationby Using Passive Microwave Observations, Geoscienceand Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2018 IEEE International, 791-794.
(3)Zhong-Hu Jiao, Guangjian Yan, Tianxing Wang, XihanMu, Jing Zhao, Modeling Surface Thermal Anisotropy Using Brightness Temperatureover Complex Terrains, Geoscience andRemote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2018 IEEE International, 1160-1163
(4)Wanjuan Song, Juri Knjazihhin, Guoyong Wen, AlexanderMarshak, Guangjian Yan, Xihan Mu, Taejin Park, Chi Chen, Baodong Xu,Ranga Myneni, Earth reflectivity from Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR)Earth Polychromatic Camera (EPIC), 2017 AGUFall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
(5)Fang-Cheng Zhou, Zhao-Liang Li, Hua Wu, Bo-Hui Tang,Rong-Lin Tang, Xiaoning Song, Guangjian Yan, Si-Bo Duan, Analgorithm for retrieving land surface temperature from AMSR-E data over thedesert regions, Geoscience and RemoteSensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017 IEEE International, 3976-3979.
(6)Xiangyang Liu, Bo-Hui Tang, Hua Wu, Ronglin Tang,Zhao-Liang Li, Guangjian Yan, Evaluation of two kernel-driven models forestimating directional brightness temperature in the thermal infrared, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS), 2017 IEEE International, 6174-6177.
(7)Meng Liu, Rong-Lin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, YunJun Yao, GuangjianYan, Global land surface evapotranspiration estimation from MERRAdataset and MODIS product using the support vector machine, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS), 2017 IEEE International, 4851-4854.
(8)Linyuan Li, Guangjian Yan*, Xihan Mu, YimingChen, Kai Yan, Jinghui Luo, Wanjuan Song, Estimation of fractional vegetationcover using mean-based spectral unmixing method, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017 IEEEInternational, 3178-3180.
(9)Meng Liu, Rong-Lin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, YunJun Yao, GuangjianYan, Global land surface evapotranspiration estimation frommeteorological and satellite data using the support vector machine, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International, 218-221.
(10)Jianbo Qi, Donghui Xie, Guangjian Yan, Realistic3D-simulation of large-scale forest scene based on individual tree detection, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International, 728-731.
(11)Ling Chen, Guangjian Yan, Huazhong Ren,Tianxing Wang, A simple fusion algorithm of polar-orbiting and geostationarysatellite data for the estimation of surface shortwave fluxes, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International, 2657-2660.
(12)Yiting Wang, Donghui Xie, Ronghai Hu, GuangjianYan, Spatial scale effect on vegetation phenological analysis usingremote sensing data, Geoscience andRemote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International, 1329-1332.
(13)Tianxing Wang, Jiancheng Shi, Guangjian Yan, Bo Gao, LingChen, Dabin Ji, Chuan Xiong, Tianjie Zhao, Toward a general method fordetecting clouds and shadows in optical remote sensing imagery, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International, 585-588.
(14)Fang-Cheng Zhou, Zhao-Liang Li, Hua Wu, Bo-Hui Tang,Rong-Lin Tang, Xiaoning Song, Guangjian Yan, An algorithm forretrieving instantaneous microwave land surface emissivity from passivemicrowave brightness temperature and precipitable water vapor data, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International, 4298-4301.
(15)Chen, Ling; Yan, Guangjian, Wang, Tianxing, ShortwaveRadiative Transfer Modeling at Large Scale for Partial Cloudy Conditions, 2015 IEEE International Geoscience andRemote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2015, 1578-1581, 2015.7.26 -2015.7.31.
(16)Hu, Ronghai ; Luo, Jinghui ; Yan, Guangjian ; Zou, Jie,Indirect Measurement of Forest Leaf Area Index Using Path Length Model andMultispectral Canopy Imager, 2015 IEEEInternational Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2015,1957-1960, 2015.7.26 -2015.7.31.
(17)Fan, Xiwei; Tang, Bo-Hui; Wu, Hua; Yan, Guangjian, Li,Zhao-Liang, Estimation of Daytime Land Surface Temperature From SpaceRadiometer Under Thin Cirrus Cloudy Skies, 2015IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2015,3103-3106, 2015.7.26 -2015.7.31.
(18)Wang Xiangyu, Xie Donghui, Yan Guangjian, ZhangWuming, Wang Yan, and Chen Yiming. In 3d reconstruction of a single tree fromterrestrial lidar data, Geoscience andRemote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014 IEEE International, 13-18 July2014, 2014; pp 796-799.
(19)Tianxing Wang, Guangjian Yan, Jiancheng Shi, XihanMu, Ling Chen, Huazhong Ren, Zhonghu Jiao, and Jing Zhao. In Topographiccorrection of retrieved surface shortwave radiative fluxes from space underclear-sky conditions, Geoscience andRemote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014 IEEE International, 13-18 July2014, 2014; pp 1813-1816.
(20)Tianxing Wang, Jiancheng Shi, Guangjian Yan, TianjieZhao, Dabin Ji, and Chuan Xiong. In Recovering land surface temperature undercloudy skies for potentially deriving surface emitted longwave radiation byfusing modis and amsr-e measurements, Geoscienceand Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014 IEEE International, 13-18 July2014, 2014; pp 1805-1808.
(21)Xiwei Fan, Bo-Hui Tang, Hua Wu, Ronglin Tang, GuangjianYan, and Zhao-Liang Li. In Influence of thin cirrus clouds on landsurface temperture retrieval using the generalized split-window algorithm fromthermal infrared data, Geoscience andRemote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014 IEEE International, 13-18 July2014, 2014; pp 3037-3040.
(22)Donghui Xie, Yan Wang, Peijuan Wang, Guangjian Yan, andJinling Song. In Analyzing the characteristics of fpar from maize canopiesmeasured in northwest china, 2013 33rd IEEEInternational Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2013, July21, 2013 - July 26, 2013, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 2013; Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp2802-2805.
(23)Yan Wang, Donghui Xie, Guangjian Yan, WumingZhang, and Xihan Mu. In Analysis on the inversion accuracy of lai based onsimulated point clouds of terrestrial lidar of tree by ray tracing algorithm, 2013 33rd IEEE International Geoscience andRemote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2013, July 21, 2013 - July 26, 2013,Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 2013; Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersInc.: Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp 532-535.
(24)Shuai Huang, Xihan Mu, and Guangjian Yan. InValidation of coarse-resolution fractional vegetation cover product in heihebasin, china, 2013 33rd IEEEInternational Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2013, July21, 2013 - July 26, 2013, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 2013; Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp2102-2105.
(25)Y. M. Chen, W. M. Zhang, G. Q. Zhou, and G.J. Yan. A novel building boundary reconstruction method based on lidardata and images. International Symposiumon Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2013: Laser Sensing and Imaging andApplications.2013, 8905.
(26)Kai Yan, Huazhong Ren, Ronghai Hu, Xihan Mu, Zhao Liu,and GuangjianYan, Error analysis for emissivity measurement using FTIR spectrometer.IGARSS 2013, 2013, 3080-3083.
(27)Yan Guangjian, Ren Huazhong, Hu Ronghai, Yan Kai, Zhang Wuming, A PortableMulti-Angle Observation System, IEEEIGARSS’12 , Munich, Germany,2012.
(28)DonghuiXie, Peijuan Wang, Guangjian Yan and Qijiang Zhu, Extending RGM to simulatethe directional reflectance for complex mountainous regions, IEEE IGARSS’12 , Munich, Germany, 2012.
(29)JiqiangZhao, Donghui Xie, Guangjian Yan, Accuracy evaluation of the ground-basedfractional vegetation cover measurement by using simulated images, IEEE IGARSS’12 , Munich, Germany, 2012.
(30)GuoqingZhou, Kai Yan, Wuming Zhang, Guangjian Yan Yiming Chen, Pierre Grussenmeyer, MostafaMohamed: Comparison of 3D buildings reconstructed by different data sources. IEEE IGARSS’12 , Munich, Germany, 2012. 6001-6004
(31)WumingZhang, Yiming Chen, Kai Yan, Guangjian Yan, Guoqing Zhou: PRIMITIVE-BASED 3D BUILDINGRECONSTRUCTION METHOD TESTED BY REFERENCE AIRBORNE DATA. XXIInd Congress of the ISPRS, Melbourne, Australia, 2012.
(32)Yan Guangjian, Yang Xiaoyan, Li Jing, Mu Xihan, Retrieval of time series LAI bycoupling an empirical crop growth model with a radiative transfer model, IEEE IGARSS’10 , Hawaii, USA, 2010.
(33)XihanMu, Yaokai Liu, Guangjian Yan, Yanjuan Yao, Fractional vegetation coverretrieval using multi-spatial resolution data and plant growth model, IEEE IGARSS’10 , Hawaii, USA, 2010.
(34)LingChen, Guangjian Yan* , Huazhong Ren, Aihua Li, AModified Vegetation Index Based Algorithm for Thermal Imagery Sharpening, IEEE IGARSS’10 , Hawaii, USA, 2010.
(35)YingjieYu, Guangjian Yan*,JingLi , A parameterized canopy reflectance model group based on SAILH model, 2008 Remote Sensing Symposium across TaiwanStrait, Guilin, China, 2008.
(36)YingjieYu, Xihan Mu, Qiang Liu, Zhigang Liu,Yuanyuan Wang and Guangjian Yan,Kernel Based Simplification of Canopy ReflectanceModel Using Partial Least Square Regression,Proceedings of SPIE – Vol. 6752,675214,Geoinformatics 2007: Remotely Sensed Data andInformation.
YingjieYu, Xihan Mu, Qiang Liu, Zhigang Liu,Yuanyuan Wang and Guangjian Yan,Kernel Based Simplification of Canopy ReflectanceModel Using Partial Least Square Regression,Geoinformatics 2007, Nanjing, China, 2007.
(37)XiaoyanYang, Xihan Mu, Dongwei Wang, Zhao-Liang Li, Wuming Zhang, Guangjian Yan, Retrievalof LAI by assimilating remotely sensed data into a simple crop growth model, Proceedings of SPIE -- Volume 6752, 67521O,Geoinformatics 2007: Remotely Sensed Data andInformation.
XiaoyanYang, Xihan Mu, Dongwei Wang, Zhaoliang Li, Wuming Zhang and Guangjian Yan, Retrieval of LAI by assimilatingremotely sensed data into a simple crop growth model, Geoinformatics 2007, Nanjing,China, 2007.
(38)XueFeng, Guangjian Yan*, Zhanjun Guo,Di Shi, Aerosol optical propertiesmeasurements and analysis using sun-photometer, 2007 Remote Sensing Symposium across Taiwan Strait, Taiwan, China,2007.
(39)XihanMu, Guangjian Yan*, Bin Shen, Xue Feng, Sibo Duan, Zhao-Liang Li, Simulation of thermalradiation from mountain areas based on common land model, 2007 Remote Sensing Symposium across Taiwan Strait, Taiwan, China,2007.
(40)YinchiMa, Zhiqiang Xiao, Zhanjun Guo, Guangjian Yan, Research of dealing with vector informationbased on human-computer interaction method in AMPLI software system, 2007 Remote Sensing Symposium across TaiwanStrait, Taiwan, China, 2007.
(41)Guangjian Yan, Junfa Wang, Qiang Liu, Lin Su, Pengxin Wang, Junming Liu, WumingZhang, Zhiqiang Xiao, An airborne multi-angle power line inspection system, IEEE IGARSS’07 ,Barcelona, Spain, 2007.
(42)Guangjian Yan, Xihan Mu, and Zhao-Liang Li, 2006, A prioriknowledge construction strategy in BRDF model based LAI inversion, Second Recent Advances in QuantitativeRemote Sensing, ISBN:84-370-6533-X; 978-84-370-6533-5, pp:71-76.
(43)XihanMu, Guangjian Yan*, and Zhao-Liang Li,2006,Uncertainty and sensitivity ratio of parametersin estimating and promoting retrival accuracy, 2006, Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, ISBN:84-370-6533-X;978-84-370-6533-5,pp:36-41.
(44)LiQiaozhi, Zhang Wuming, Wang Ning, Yan Guangjian, Zhou Guoqing, “POSSupported Sparse Bundle Adjustment and Its Application in Power LineInspection,” Proceedings of SPIE --Volume 6366,Remote Sensing forEnvironmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology VI, Stockholm, 2006.
LiQiaozhi, Zhang Wuming, Wang Ning, Yan Guangjian, Zhou Guoqing, POSSupported Sparse Bundle Adjustment and Its Application in Power LineInspection, Remote Sensing 2006, Stockholm, 2006.
(45)WangNing, Zhang Wuming, Yan Guangjian, Li Qiaozhi, An Improved Method for StereoOrthoimage Pair Generation, 3rdInternational Symposium on Future Intelligent Earth Observing Satellites, Beijing, 2006.
(46)MaYinchi, Zhang Wuming, Yan Guangjian, Preliminary Attemptfor 3D-Thermal Distribution Reconstruction Using Multi-angle Thermal InfraredImages, 3rd International Symposium onFuture Intelligent Earth Observing Satellites, Beijing,2006.
(47)LiQiaozhi, Zhou Guoqing, Zhang Wuming, Yan Guangjian, Simulation Study ofSatellite-borne Three-line CCD images, 3rdInternational Symposium on Future Intelligent Earth Observing Satellites, Beijing, 2006.
(48)YuliShi, Guangjian Yan, Zhao-Liang Li and Xiaowen Li, Surface Component TemperaturesInversion Using Dual-angle Observations of Directional Radiometric Temperature,2005, pp. 157-159, The 9th InternationalSymposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing,Beijing, China.
(49)ZhiqiangXiao, Guangjian Yan,Chaoyang Li,Tiegang Tong,Automatic spacer extraction based on the adaptivemodel match from aerial imagery,2005,pp. 304-306, The 9th InternationalSymposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing, Beijing, China.
(50)ChaoyangLi, Guangjian Yan, Zhiqiang Xiao, Jun Guo, Xiaowen Li, Jingdi Wang,Automatic extraction of power lines from large-scaleaerial images, 2005, pp. 568-570, The 9thInternational Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in RemoteSensing, Beijing, China.
(51)ChaoyangLi, Zhiqiang Xiao, Guoqing Zhou, Guangjian Yan, Jun Guo, Xiaowen Li and Jingdi Wang, Tree Crown Segmentation in Aerial Images by Multiscale Weight AggregationBased on the DSM, 2005,pp. 248-251, The 9th InternationalSymposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing, Beijing,China.
(52)ChaoyangLi, Guangjian Yan, Qiang Liu, Zhiqiang Xiao, Jingdi Wang, Extraction of tree height fromlarge viewing angle aerial images,International Conference on SpaceInformation Technology, SPIE, ICSIT'2005,Wuhan, China,Vol.5985, pp. 560-565,2005.
(53) Xiaoyu Zhang, GuangjianYan*,HuaweiWan,Hong Shi,Defa Mao,Xiaowen Li,Xihan Mu,ModelingVegetation Cover Distribution at Different Scales Based on Bayesian StatisticalInference,IEEE/ IGARSS 2004,9, Alaska,USA,IV:2727 - 2729.
(54)YuliShi, Guangjian Yan*, Liming HE, Xiaowen Li,APractical Algorithm to Inverse Land Surface Component Temperatures from ATSR-2and ASTER Data,IEEE/ IGARSS 2004,9, Alaska,USA,III:2078 - 2078.
(55)XihanMu, Guangjian Yan, Zhaoliang Li ,Xiaoyu Zhang,ASensitivity criterion for BRDF Model Inversion Analysis,IEEE/ IGARSS 2004,9, Alaska,USA,VII:4488 - 4491.
(56)ZHAOFeng, WANG Jin-di, Gao Feng, YAN Guang-jian, WANG Zhuo-sen, DuKe-ping,Kernel-Based Vegetation Index and Its ValidationWith Different-Scale BRDF Data Sets,IEEE/ IGARSS 2004,9, Alaska,USA,VI: 4356 - 4359.
(57) Guangjian Yan, Yuyu Zhou, Jindi Wang, Xiaowen Li, AnIterative Temperature Inversion Method for Nonisothermal Land Surfaces, IEEE/ IGARSS 2003,6, France,VI:3866-3868.
(58)LimingHe, Guangjian Yan*, Hua Wang, Xiaowen Li, Jindi Wang, Atmospheric Correction for AMTISSingle-channel Multi-angular Thermal-infrared Imagery, IEEE/ IGARSS 2003,6,France,III:2069-2071.
(59)YuyuZhou, Guangjian Yan, Qijiang Zhou, Shihao Tang, New Airborne Multi-angle High Resolution SensorAMTIS LAI Inversion Based on Neural Network, IEEE/ IGARSS 2003,6,France,VI:3887-3889.
(60)YanjuanYao, Guangjian Yan*, J indi Wang, Peijuan Wang,Yonghua Qu ,Kaiguang Zhao, Leaf Area IndexInversion Using Multiangular and Multispectral Data Sets, IEEE/ IGARSS 2003,6,France,VI:3869-3871.
(61)LimingHe, Xiaowen Li, Hua Wang, Guangjian Yan, Jindi Wang, Atmospheric Correction forAMTIS VIS/NIR Bands Imagery Based on BRDF Loop and MODTRAN4, IEEE/ IGARSS 2003,6, France,VI:3607-3609.
(62)LimingHe, Hua Wang, Guangjian Yan, Xiaowen Li, Jindi Wang, Retrieval ofAerosol Optical Depth and Single Scattering Albedo from AMTIS Imagery, IEEE/ IGARSS 2003,6, France,IV:2170-2172.
(63)Zhao,Feng, Wang, Jin-Di; Tang, Shi-Hao; Yan, Guang-Jian; Jiao, Zi-Ti; Li,Xiao-Wen, On the study of BRDF changing feature of winter wheat in differentseason,Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for OpticalEngineering, v5286, n 1, 2003, p 473-476.
(64)JindiWang, Ziti Jiao, Feng Gao, Liou Xie, Guangjian Yan, Yueqin Xiang, Shunlin Liang,Xiaowen Li, Validation of MODIS Albedo Product by Using Field Measurements andAirborne Multi-angular Remote Sensing Observations, IEEE/ IGARSS 2003,6,France,III:1888-1890.
(65)Yan, G.,Wang, J., Li, X., A Priori Knowledge in the Inversion of Linear Kernel-drivenBRDF Models, IEEE/ IGARSS,2002,6,Canada,III:1633-1635.
(66)Yan, G., Yang, H., Jiang L., Wang, J., Li, X., A Thermal Bidirectional Gap Modelfor Row Crop Canopies, IEEE/ IGARSS,2002,6,Canada,IV:2357-2360.
(67)XinDing, Guangjian Yan, Xiaowen Li, Ziti Jiao, Jindi Wang, Hua Yang, Menxin Wu,BRDF Modeling and Inversion of StructureParameters for Sparse Vegetation Canopy,IEEE/ IGARSS,2002,6,Canada,IV:2553-2555.
(68)LiouXie, Jindi Wang, Xiaowen Li, Guangjian Yan, Yueqin Xiang, Hao Zhang, Xin Ding, Hua Yang,Approach and validation on land surface albedo retrieval using multiangularremote sensing observations, IEEE/ IGARSS,2002,6,Canada,VI:3211-3214.
(69)ShihaoTang, Qijiang Zhu, Xiaowen Li, Jindi Wang, Guangjian Yan,Uncertainty of remote sensinf model inversionand a synthetical inverse scenario,IEEE/ IGARSS,2002,6,Canada,IV:2565-2567.
(70)ShihaoTang, Qijiang Zhu, Guangjian Yan, Menxin Wu, Yunfeng Tian,Effects of GA on the inversion f linear andnonlinear remote sensing models,IEEE/ IGARSS,2002,6,Canada,IV:2562-2564.
(71)WangliXU, Hua YANG, Xiaowen LI, Jindi WANG, Guangjian YAN,Information Content of Multi-Angular RemoteSensing Data,IEEE/ IGARSS,2002,6,Canada,III:1636-1638.
(72)Yan, G.,Wang, J., Li, X., Making Use of A Priori Knowledge of Vegetation Spectrum inInversion for Canopy Structure Parameters,IEEE/ IGARSS,2001,7,Australia, III: 1064-1066.
(73)Yan, G.,Wang, J., Jiao, Z., Li, X., An Extension of Augmented Lagrange MultiplierMethod,IEEE/ IGARSS,2001,7,Australia, pp.2400-2402.
(74)Jiao,Z., Li, X., Wang, J., Yan, G., Classification-based Fusionof IKONOS 1-m High-resolution Panchromatic Image and 4-m Multi-spectral Images,IEEE/ IGARSS,2001,7,Australia,pp. 703-705.
(75)Tang,S., Zhu, Q., Li, X., Sun, R., Yan, G., Inversion of Li-StrahlerGOMS Model for Component Signatures and Fractions,IEEE/ IGARSS,2001,7,Australia,pp. 2367-2369.
(76)阎广建,王锦地,李小文,对地遥感反演中先验知识作用的证明, 2000年中国博士后学术大会论文集,数学物理与地质分册,中国博士后科学基金会编,科学出版社,pp. 363-367, 2001.
(77) Bai,Tingzhu,Li, Na; Zou, Zhengfeng; Lu,Hansheng; Yan, Guangjian,Researchof digital simulation for low-light-level night vision imaging system,Proceedings of SPIE - The InternationalSociety for Optical Engineering, v 4222, 2000, p 100-104.
(78) Yan, G.,He, L., Wang, J., Li, X., A Model-based Land Surface Temperature RetrievalAlgorithm, ERS – ENVISAT SYMPOSIUM Looking at ourEarth in the New Millennium, The Session of Land Surface TemperatureGothenburg, Sweden, Oct. 16-22, 2000.
(79) Yan, G., Guo, J., Wang, J., Li, X., Zhu, C., Modeling Illumination Effects toRetrieve the True Reflectance in Rugged Terrain, SPIE, vol. 3502, pp 173-178, 1998.
(80) GuoJun, Li Xiaowen, Zheng Ke, Zhu Chongguang, Luo Zhong, Yan Guangjian, AutomaticCorrection of Distorted Aerial Images and Extraction of MultiangularInformation, International Geoscience andRemote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) , IEEE,vol.4, Jul 6-10, pp 2047-2049, 1998.
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(3)Yan, G.,Z.-L. Li,B.-H. Tang,Z. Xiao,X. Mu,L. Jia,J. Yang,Q. Liu,J. Li,Q. Liu ,Description of landsurface properties retrieved from spectro-radiometric data in the opticalspectral region,CEOP-AEGIS Deliverable Report De2.5, LSIIT-TRIO, University of Strasbourg, p13, France, 2011.
(4)Yan, G.,W. Verhoef,Q. Liu,Z. Xiao,M. Menenti,L. Jia,Q. Liu,X. Mu,J. Li,B. Zhong,H. Ren ,Multi-source remotesensing - Algorithmes Theoretical Basis Document,CEOP-AEGIS Deliverable Report De2.4, LSIIT-TRIO, University of Strasbourg, p136, France, 2011.
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(6)Yan, G.,W. Verhoef,Q. Liu,Z. Xiao,M. Menenti,L. Jia,Q. Liu,X. Mu,J. Li,B. Zhong,H. Ren ,Generic algorithms toretrieve land surface variables with a multitude of satellite sensors,CEOP-AEGISDeliverable Report De2.1, LSIIT-TRIO,University of Strasbourg, p 126, France, 2009.