


姓名:蒋卫国 学历:博士 职称:教授、博士生导师







国家自然科学基金面上项目“城市湿地空间退化模拟与风险防范研究” (41571077),2016.1-2019.12,项目负责人。


国家自然科学基金青年项目“洪泛湿地水文生态过程的防洪效应研究” (40701172),2008.1-2010.12,项目负责人。


[1] 蒋卫国,王文杰,等. 遥感卫星导论,科学出版社, 2015

[2] 陈云浩,蒋卫国,等.基于多源信息的北京城市湿地价值评价与功能分区,科学出版社,2012

[3] 王文杰,蒋卫国,等.环境遥感监测与应用,中国环境科学出版社,2011

[4] 王文杰,蒋卫国,等.黄河流域生态环境十年变化评估,科学出版社,2017

[5] 王维,王文杰,张文国,蒋卫国,等.长江流域生态系统评估,科学出版社,2017

[6] Kaifeng Peng, Weiguo Jiang, et al. Evaluating the potential impacts of land use changes on ecosystem service value under multiple scenarios in support of SDG reporting: A case study of the Wuhan urban agglomeration. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021,307,127321

[7] Zhuo Li, Weiguo Jiang, et al. Ecological risk assessment of the wetlands in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration. Ecological Indicators,  2020,117,106677

[8] Kai Jia, Weiguo Jiang, et al. Spectral matching based ondiscrete particle swarm optimization: A new method for terrestrial water bodyextraction using multi-temporal Landsat 8 images. Remote Sensing of Environment,2018,209, 1–18

[9] Yue Deng, Weiguo Jiang, et al.Change in intensity andfrequency of extreme precipitation and its possible teleconnection withlarge-scale climate index over the China from 1960 to 2015.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,2018,123,1-14

[10] Weiguo Jiang, et al.Marsh wetland degradation riskassessment and change analysis: A case study in the Zoige Plateau, China.Ecological Indicators,2017, 82:316-326.

[11] Weiguo Jiang, et al.  Modelling the potential impacts ofurban ecosystem changes on carbon storage under different scenarios by linkingthe CLUE-S and the InVEST models. Ecological Modelling, 2017,345: 30-40.

[12] Weiguo Jiang, et al. Simulation of urban agglomerationecosystem spatial distributions under different scenarios. Ecological Engineering,2016,88:112-121.

[13] Weiguo Jiang, et al. Spatio-temporal analysis of vegetationvariation in the Yellow River Basin. Ecological Indicators,2015, 51:117-126.

[14] Weiguo Jiang, et al. Evaluating the Vegetation Recovery inthe Damage Area of Wenchuan Earthquake Using MODIS Data. Remote Sensing,2015,7(7):8757-8778.

[15] Weiguo Jiang, et al.Quantifying driving forces of urbanwetlands change in Beijing City.Journal of Geographical Sciences,2012,22(2):301-314.