


姓名:柏延臣 学历:博士 职称:教授


国家自然科学基金项目“基于时空数据贝叶斯层次建模的多源土壤水分遥感产品融合与降尺度方法研究”(No. 41871232;执行期:2019.1-2022.12)(主持)

国家重点研发计划项目“地球资源环境动态监测技术”第二课题“全球多时空尺度遥感动态监测模拟预测” ( 项目编号:2016YFB0501502;执行期限:2016-2021年;经费:1042.0万元)(主持)

国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于时空统计方法的多源定量遥感产品融合方法研究”(No. 41271347)(2013.1-2016.12)(主持)

国家973计划项目课题“遥感信息动态特征分析与时间尺度扩展”(No. 2013CB733403; 执行期限: 2013-2017年;经费:462万)(骨干)


Wenzhi Zhao , XuehongChen, YanchenBo*, and Jiage Chen (2020): Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image ClassificationWith Cluster-Based Conditional Generative Adversarial Net. IEEE Geoscience andRemote Sensing Letters. 17(3):539-543

Wenzhi Zhao , Lichao Mou, JiageChen, Yanchen Bo*, and William J.Emery (2020):Incorporating Metric Learning and AdversarialNetwork for Seasonal Invariant Change Detection. IEEE Transactions onGeoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(4):2720 - 2731

Liu, X., Shi, Z., Huang, G.,  Bo, Y*.;Chen, G. Time Series Remote SensingData-Based Identification of the DominantFactor for Inland Lake Surface AreaChange: Anthropogenic Activities or NaturalEvents? Remote Sens. 2020, 12,612.

Chao Song,Yaqian He,Yanchen Bo*,Jinfeng Wang et al. (2019): Disease relative risk downscaling model tolocalizespatial epidemiologic indicators for mapping hand, foot, and mouthdisease overChina. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.33:1815–1833

Zhu Y., Emily Kangand YanchenBo et al. (2019): Hierarchical Bayesian Model Based onRobust Fixed RankFilter for Fusing MODIS SST and AMSR-E SST. PhotogrammetricEngineering andRemote Sensing. 85(2):119-131

Gao, S.; Liu, X.; Bo, Y*.; Shi, Z.;Zhou, H.(2019):  Rubber Identification Based on BlendedHighSpatio-Temporal Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study inXishuangbanna. Remote Sens., 11, 496.

W Zhao, Y Bo*, J Chen, D Tiede,B Thomas, WJEmery(2019):Exploringsemantic elements for urban scenerecognition: Deep integration ofhigh-resolution imagery and OpenStreetMap(OSM). ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 151,237-250

Song Chao, Shi Xun, Bo Yanchen,Wang Jinfeng et al.(2019): Exploring spatiotemporal nonstationary effects ofclimate factors onhand, foot, and mouth disease using Bayesian SpatiotemporallyVarying Coefficients (STVC) model in Sichuan, China.  Science of the TotalEnvironment 648: 550–560

Zhao, W.; Emery, W.J.; Bo, Y*.;Chen, J.(2018):Land Cover Mapping with Higher OrderGraph-BasedCo-Occurrence Model. Remote Sensing. 10, 1713.

Song Chao, He Yaqian,Bo Yanchen *(2018)Risk Assessment andMapping of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease at the CountyLevel in Mainland ChinaUsing Spatiotemporal Zero-Inflated BayesianHierarchical Models.  Int. J.Environ.Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1476; doi:10.3390/ijerph15071476

Chao Song, Xiu Yang, XunShi, Yanchen Bo & Jinfeng Wang(2018) Estimating missing valuesinChina’s official socioeconomic statistics using progressivespatiotemporalBayesian hierarchical modeling. Scientific Reports,8:10055;DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-28322-z

Yuxin Zhu, Yanchen Bo*et al.,(2018): Fusion of Multisensor SSTs Based on the SpatiotemporalHierarchicalBayesian Model. Journal ofAtmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 35:91-109

Xiaolong Liu, Zhiting Hou, ZhengtaoShi, Yanchen Bo &Jiehai Cheng (2017) A shadow identificationmethod using vegetationindices derived from hyperspectraldata, International Journal of RemoteSensing, 38:19, 5357-5373, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2017.1338785

Tang, Qingxin., Yanchen Bo*, and Y. Zhu(2016): Spatio-temporal fusion of multiple satellite aerosol optical depth(AOD) products using Bayesian Maximum Entropy method, Journal of GeophysicalResearch- Atmospheres, 121, 4034–4048, doi:10.1002/2015JD024571.

Yaqian He, Yanchen Bo*, LeiLei Chai et al.(2016): Linking in situ LAI and fine resolution remote sensing data tomapreference LAI over cropland and grassland using geostatistical regressionmethod. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation50 (2016) 26–38.

Yuxin Zhu, Emily Lei Kang, Yanchen Bo*,Qingxin Tang et al. (2015): A Robust Fixed Rank Kriging Method for Improvingthe Spatial Completeness and Accuracy of Satellite SST Products. IEEETransactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(9): 5021-5035; doi:10.1109/TGRS.2015.2416351

Aihua Li, Yanchen Bo* et al. (2013):Blending multi-resolution satellite sea surface temperature (SST) productsusing Bayesian maximum entropy method. Remote Sensing of Environment, 135:52-63

Yanchen Bo*, Chao Song,J.Wang and Xiaowen Li (2014): Using anautologistic regression model to identify spatial risk factors and spatial riskpatterns of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Mainland China. BMC PublicHealth, 14:358