


姓名:苏筠 学历:博士 职称:教授


1. 过去千年强火山喷发后中国气候变化空间型重建,国家自然科学基金重点基金(项目号:41430528),2015-2019年,参与。

2.暖期气候对中国社会经济的影响与人类适应研究,全球变化研究国家重大科学研究计划项目( 2010CB950103),2010-2014年,参与。

3.科技信赖对公众的灾害风险认知与响应行为的影响,国家自然科学基金(项目号:40601035), 2007-2009年,主持。


[1] Su Y, Liu L, Fang XQ et al. 2016. The relationship between climate change and wars waged between nomadic and farming groups from the Western Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty period. Climate of the Past, 12: 137-150.

[2] Jun Yin, Yun Su*, Xiuqi Fang. 2016. Climate change and social vicissitudes in China over the past two millennia. Quaternary Research, 86(2):133-143.

[3] Yun Su, Fan Zhao, Linzhao Tan. 2015. Whether a large disaster could change public concern and risk perception——A case study of the 7/21 extraordinary rainstorm disaster in Beijing in 2012. Natural Hazards, 78:555–567.

[4] Fang X Q, Su Y*, Yin J, et al. 2015. Transmission of climate change impacts from temperature change to grain harvests, famines and peasant uprisings in the historical China. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2015,58(8):1427-1439.

[5] 苏筠, 方修琦, 尹君. 2014. 气候变化对中国西汉至五代(206BC~960AD)粮食丰歉的影响. 中国科学: 地球科学, 44: 146–155.