



姓名:狄增如 学历:博士 职称:教授


2008.01-2010.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:社会关系网络空间标度性质的形成机制和传播功能 (No: 60974084),主持。

2008.01-2010.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:二分网络社团结构分析的理论与应用研究 (No: 70771011),参加。

2004.01-2006.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:企业规模幂律分布的形成机制 (No: 70371072),主持。

2005.01-2008.12 国家自然科学基金重点项目: 非线性网络的动力学复杂性研究 (No: 70431002),参加。

2002.09-2003.09 教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金项目:非均匀介质中螺旋波的动力学行为,主持。

2000.05-2005.05 国家自然科学基金重大项目:支持宏观经济决策的人机结合综合集成体系研究,参加。


[1]  Menghui Li, Ying Fan, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di*, Phase transitions in Ising model induced by weight redistribution on weighted regular networks, Accepted By International Journal of Modern Physics B, (2010).

[2] H. Yang, Y. Nie, A. Zeng Y. Fan, Y. Hu, Z. Di*, Scaling Properties in Spatial Networks and its Effects on Topology and Traffic,EPL, 89 (2010) 58002.

[3] Xiaojia Li, Yanqing Hu Menghui Li Zengru Di, Ying Fan*, Detecting Community Structure by Coherent Oscillation of Excitable Systems, Physica A 389, (2010):164-170

[4] Menghui Li, Liang Gao, Ying Fan, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, Emergence of global preferential attachment from local interaction, New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 043029.

[5] Jiefei Yu, Yanqing Hu, Min Yu, Zengru Di*, Analyzing netizens' view and reply behaviors on the forum, Physica A 389, (2010) 3267-3273, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.03.043.

[6] An Zeng, Yanqing Hu, Zengru Di*, Unevenness of loop location in complex networks, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 81, 046121 (2010)

[7] Y. Hu, J. Wu and Z. Di*,Enhance the efficiency of heuristic algorithms for maximizing modularity Q,EPL (Europhysics Letters),85 [8] Hua Yang, Yuchao Nie, Hongbin Zhang, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, Insight to the express transport network, Computational Physics Communication Volume 180, Issue 9, September 2009, Pages 1511-1515.

[9] Xu, LD; Qu, ZL; Di, ZR*, Drifting dynamics of dense and sparse spiral waves in heterogeneous excitable media, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79 (3): Art No. 036212 2009.

[10] A. Zeng, Y. Hu and Z. Di*, Optimal tree for both synchronizability and converging time, EPL, 87 (2009) 48002.

[11] Chai Lei, Dahui Wang, Jiawei Chen, Menghui Li, Zengru Di, Cluster splitting transition in a Markov chain model for labor division, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. Vol.18, No.2, (2008), 593-598. IDS Number: 321GG

[12] Qi Ma, Yongwang Chen, Hui Tong, Zengru Di, Production, depreciation and the size distribution of firms, Physica A, Volume: 387 Issue: 13  Pages: 3209-3217 Published: MAY 15 (2008), doi:10.1016/j.physa.2008.01.064, IDS Number: 295KT

[13] Hu YQ (Hu, Yanqing), Li MH (Li, Menghui), Zhang P (Zhang, Peng), Fan Y (Fan, Ying), Di ZR (Di, Zengru), Community detection by signaling on complex networks, PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 78 Issue: 1  Article Number: 016115  Published: JUL 2008, IDS Number: 333UV

[14] Yanqing Hu, Hongbin Chen, Peng Zhang, Menghui Li, Zengru Di, and Ying Fan, Comparative definition of community and corresponding identifying algorithm, Phys. Rev. E 78, 026121 (2008)

[15] Peng Zhang, Jinliang Wang, Xiaojia Li, Menghui Li, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, Clustering coefficient and community structure of bipartite networks, Physica A 387, (2008), 6869-6875 . doi:10.1016/j.physa.2008.09.006.

[16] Liang Gao, Yanqing Hu, Zengru Di, Accuracy of ball-covering approach for fractal dimension of complex networks and an improved algorithm, PRE, 78,046109 (2008).

[17] 李晓佳,张鹏,狄增如,樊瑛,复杂网络中的社团结构,复杂系统与复杂性科学,第5卷,第3期,19-42,(2008)。

[18] 李梦辉,樊瑛,狄增如,加权网络的结构、功能和演化,in: 陈关荣,许晓鸣,复杂网络理论与应用,上海系统科学出版社,香港,107-143,(2008)。

[19] 程洁,狄增如,复杂网络上集群行为与自旋模型,力学进展,38卷,第6期,733-750, (2008) (加标注)。

[20] Daqing Li, Menghui Li, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, Enhancing Synchronizability by Weights Randomization on Regular Networks, Eur. Phys. J. B 57, 423–428 (2007).

[21] Chai L, Chen JW, Han ZG, et al.,Emergence of specialization from global optimizing evolution in a multi-agent system,7th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007), MAY 27-30, 2007,COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE - ICCS 2007, PT 4, PROCEEDINGS : 98-105, 2007. IDS Number: BGH52.

[22] Li MH, Wu JS, Fan Y, et al.,Econophysicists collaboration networks: Empirical studies and evolutionary model,3rd Workshop on Econophysics and Sociophysics of Markets and Networks, MAR 12-15, 2007,ECONOPHYSICS OF MARKETS AND BUSINESS NETWORKS : 173-182, 2007. IDS Number: BGW45.

[23] Menghui Li, Ying Fan, Dahui Wang, Daqing Li, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, Small-world effect induced by weight randomization on regular networks, Physics Letters A, 364 (2007) 488–493.

[24] Daqing Li, Menghui Li, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, Enhancing Synchronizability by Weights Randomization on Regular Networks, Eur. Phys. J. B 57, (2007) 423–428.

[25]  Ying Fan, Menghui Li, Peng Zhang, Jinshan Wu and Zengru Di, Accuracy and precision of methods for community identification in weighted networks, Physica A,  377  (2007) , 363-372.

[26] Ying Fan, Menghui Li, Peng Zhang, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, The Effect of Weight on Community Structure of Networks, Physica A, 378, (2007) 583-590.

[27]  Menghui Li, Jinshan Wu, Dahui Wang, Tao Zhou, Zengru Di and Ying Fan, Evolving model of weighted networks inspired by scientific collaboration networks,  Physica A, 375, (2007), 355-364.

[28]  Menghui Li, Dahui Wang, Ying Fan, Zengru Di and Jinshan Wu, Modelling weighted networks using connection count, New J. Phys. 8 (2006) 72.

[29] Wang Dahui, Zhou Li and Di Zengru,Bipartite producer–consumer networks and the size distribution of firms, Physica A, 363, (2006) 359-366.

[30] Peng Zhang, Menghui Li, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, The Analysis and Dissimilarity Comparison of Community Structure, Physica A. 367, (2006) 577-585.

[31] Menghui Li, Ying Fan, Jiawei Chen, Liang Gao, Zengru Di, Jinshan Wu, Weighted networks of scientific communication: the measurement and topological role of weight, Physica A, 350 (2005) 643–656.

[32] Wang Dahui, Li Menghui, Di Zengru, True reason for Zipf`s law in language, Physica A, 358 (2005) 545-550.

[33] Ying Fan, Menghui Li, Jiawei Chen, Liang Gao, Zengru Di, Jinshan Wu, Network of econophysicists: a network to investigate the development of econophysics, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 18, Nos. 17-19 , 2004, 2005-2011.

[34]  吴金闪,狄增如,从统计物理学看复杂网络研究,《物理学进展》,Vol. 24, No. 1, 2004. 18-46

[35]  Jingshan Wu, Zengru Di and Zhanru Yang, The labor division as the results of phase transition, Physica A, 323, 2003, 663-676.

[36]  Zengru Di, Zhilin Qu, James N. Weiss and Alan Garfinkel, A kinematic study of spiral wave drift due to an electric field, Physics Letters A, 308, 2003, 179-186.