



姓名:赵俊龙 职称:北京师范大学统计学院教授、博士生导师


从事数理统计和机器学习相关研究,包括:高维数据分析、统计机器学习、稳健统计等。部分成果发表在统计学顶级期刊JASA, JRSSB, AOS, Biometrika等。



1.  2019.1-2022.12 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:融合结构信息的高维数据稳健方法(编号:11871104)

2.  2015.1—2018.12 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目: “高维复杂结构数据降维" (编号:11471030)

3.  2015.1-2018.12 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:实时流数据变系数多分类模型研究 (编号:61472475)

4.  2012.1—2014.12 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金“ 高维数据降维和变量选择的若干稳健降维方法研究" (编号:11101022)

5. 2022.1-2026.12参加国家自然科学基金重点项目“因果分析的若干统计学基础问题的研究及其应用”(编号:12131006)


[1]  Junlong Zhao, Xiumin Li, Hansheng Wang, Chenlei Leng (2022) Dimension reduction for covariates in network data. Biometrika. 109(1),85-102.

[2] Yiwei Fan, Xiaoling Lu, Yufeng Liu & Junlong Zhao* (2022) Angle-based hierarchical classification using exact label  embedding, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117:538, 704-717.

[3]  Junlong Zhao, Chao Liu, Lu Niu, Chenlei Leng, (2019)  Multiple influential point detection in high dimensional regression spaces,  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B. 81(2), 385–408 https://rss.onlinelibrary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/rssb.12311

[4]  Junlong Zhao, Guan Yu, Yufeng Liu, (2018) Assecing the robustness of classification in angular breakdown point. The Annals of Statistics. 46, 3362–3389.

[5]  Junlong Zhao, Chenlei Leng, Lexin Li, Hansheng Wang (2013). High dimensional influence measure. The Annals of Statistics 41(5), 2639-2667

[6]  Mengyu Li, Junlong Zhao* (2022) Communication-Efficient Distributed Linear Discriminant Analysis for Binary Classification. Statistica Sinica, 32(3), 1-19.

[7]  Yiwei Fan, Junlong Zhao* (2022) Safe sample screening rules for multicategory angle-based support vector machines, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 173,107508,

[8] Fan, Y., Lu, X., Zhao, J., Fu, H., & Liu, Y. (2022). Estimating individualized treatment rules for treatments with hierarchical structure. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 16(1), 737-784.

[9] Xin Zhang, Junlong Zhao & Chunlei Zhang (2021) Spatial correlation filter and its application in hyperspectral ground objects recognition, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42:18, 7053-7074.

[10]  Lu Niu, Xiumin Liu, Junlong Zhao* (2020) Robust estimator of the correlation matrix with sparse Kronecker structure for a high-dimensional matrix-variate. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 177: 104598

[11] Lu Niu, Junlong Zhao* (2019) High dimensional semiparametric estimate of latent covariance matrix for matrix-variate. Statistica sinica,29, 1535-1559.

[12]   Junlong Zhao, Hongyu Zhao, Lixing Zhu (2018) Pivotal variable detection of the covariance matrix and its application to high-dimensional factor models. Statistics and Computing.  28(4), 775-793.

[13]  Lan Wei, Yingying Ma, Junlong Zhao, Hansheng Wang, Thai-Chi Ling(2018), Sequential model averaging for  high dimensional linear regression models. Statistica Sinica, 28,  449-469.

[14]  Junlong Zhao, Lu Niu, Shushi Zhan.(2017) Trace regression model with simultaneously low rank and row (column) sparse parameter. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 116,1-17.

[15]  Xuehu Zhu, Tao Wang, Junlong Zhao, Lixing Zhu(2017)Inference for biased tranformation models,Computational Statistic&Data Analysis.109, 105-120.

[16]  Junlong Zhao, Chenlei Leng (2016). An analysis on penalized interaction model.  Bernoulli, 22(3), 1937–1961.

[17]   Lele Huang, Junlong Zhao*, Huiwen Wang, Siyang Wang. (2016)  Robust Shrinkage Estimation and Selection for Functional Multiple Linear Model Through LAD Loss. Computational statistics & data analysis.103, 384-400.

[18]   Junlong Zhao, Chenlei Leng, (2014). Structured Lasso with matrix covariates in regression. Statistica Sinica. 24, 799-814.

[19]   Junlong Zhao (2013). Asymptotic convergence of dimension reduction based boosting in classification. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 143, 651–662.