


姓名:魏志强 学历:博士 职称:讲师、硕士生导师 电子邮箱:weizq@bnu.edu.cn


2013-2019    华南师范大学,自然地理学,博士

2017-2018    美国里海大学,公派访问学者

2008-2012    华南师范大学,地理信息系统,学士


2023-至今    北京师范大学文理学院,讲师

2019-2023    北京师范大学,地理学博士后

2012-2013    广东国地规划科技有限公司,规划师





1. 2023-2025,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,科技部,主持

2. 2023-2026,北京师范大学珠海校区人才引进项目,主持

3. 2022-2023,北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室开放课题,主持

4. 2019-2021,北京师范大学博士后人才启动基金,主持

5. 2016-2017,华南师范大学创新计划资助项目,主持

6. 2022-2027,国家重点研发计划课题,科技部,参加

7. 2020-2023,国家自然科学基金面上项目,科技部,参加

8. 2017-2020,国家自然科学基金面上项目,科技部,参加

9. 2016-2019,国家自然科学基金面上项目,科技部,参加

10. 2014-2017,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,广东省教育厅,参加


1. Zhiqiang Wei, Zhiheng Du, Lei Wang, Wei Zhong, Jiahui Lin, Qian Xu, Cunde Xiao*. Sedimentary organic carbon storage of thermokarst lakes and ponds across Tibetan permafrost region. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 831: 154761.

2. Zhiheng Du, Lei Wange, Zhiqiang Wei*, Jingfeng Liu, Penglin Lin, Jiahui Lin, Yanzhao, Li, Zizhen Jin, Jizu Chen, Xiaoxiang Wang, Xiang Qin, Cunde Xiao. CH4 and CO2 observations from a melting high mountain glacier, No. 12. Advance in Climate Change Research, 2022, 13: 146–155.

3. Zhiqiang Wei, Zhiheng Du, Lei Wang, Jiahui Lin, Yaru Feng, Qian Xu, Cunde Xiao*. Sentinel-Based Inventory of Thermokarst Lakes and Ponds Across Permafrost Landscapes on the QinghaiTibet Plateau. Earth and Space Science, 2021, 8(11): e2021EA001950.

4. Zhiqiang Wei, Wei Zhong*, Jibin Xue, Jun Ouyang, Shengtan Shang, Susu Ye, Jiayuan Cao, Mingkun Li. Late Quaternary East Asian Summer Monsoon Variability Deduced From Lacustrine Mineral Magnetic Records of Dahu Swamp, Southern China. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 2020, 35(2): e2019PA003796.

5. Zhiqiang Wei, Wei Zhong*, Shengtan Shang, Susu Ye, Xiaowen Tang, Jibin Xue, Jun Ouyang, John P. Smol. Lacustrine mineral magnetic record of postglacial environmental changes from Dahu Swamp, southern China. Global and Planetary Change, 2018, 170: 62–75.

6. Zhiqiang Wei, Wei Zhong*, Shengtan Shang, Jibin Xue, Jun Ouyang, Chan Zhu, Lixue Tian, Yu Chen, Bin Chen. Carbon accumulation in Dahu Swamp in the eastern Nanling Mountains (south China) and its implications for hydroclimatic variability over the past 47 000 years. Boreas, 2018, 47(2): 469–480.

7. Wei Zhong*, Zhiqiang Wei, Shengtan Shang, Susu Ye, Mingying Quan, Tianhang Li, Jun Ouyang. A 47.0-kyr Record of Strontium and Neodymium Isotopes of the Lake Sediments from Dahu Swamp in East Nanling Mountains (South China): Implications for the Source of Sediments and Climatic Changes. Geochemistry International, 2022, 60: 877–890.

8. Wei Zhong*, Zhiqiang Wei, Shengtan Shang, Susu Ye, Xiaowen Tang, Chan Zhu, Jibin Xue, Jun Ouyang, John P. Smol. A 15,400-year record of environmental magnetic variations in sub-alpine lake sediments from the western Nanling Mountains in South China: Implications for palaeoenvironmental changes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018, 154: 82–92.

9. Wei Zhong*, Zhiqiang Wei, Shengtan Shang, Yu Chen, Susu Ye, Xiaowen Tang, Chan Zhu, Jun Ouyang, Jibin Xue. Late Holocene stable isotopic (δ13C and δ15 N) records of lacustrine organic matter in Guangdong Province, south China, and their palaeoenvironmental implications. Boreas, 2017, 47(2): 510–521.

10. Wei Zhong*, Zhiqiang Wei, Yu Chen, Shengtan Shang, Jibin Xue, Jun Ouyang, Jiayuan Cao, Bin Chen, Chan Zhu. A 15.4-ka paleoclimate record inferred from δ13C and δ15N of organic matter in sediments from the sub-alpine Daping Swamp, western Nanling Mountains, South China. Journal of Paleolimnology, 2017, 57: 127–139.

11. Lei Wang, Zhiheng Du, Zhiqiang Wei, Wei Ouyang, Damien T. Maher, Qian Xu, Cunde Xiao*. Large methane emission during ice-melt in spring from thermokarst lakes and ponds in the interior Tibetan Plateau. Catena, 2023, 232: 107454.

12. Lei Wang, Zhiheng Du, Zhiqiang Wei, Qian Xu, Yaru Feng, Penglin Lin, Jiahui Lin, Shengyun Chen, Yongping Qiao, Jianzong Shi, Cunde Xiao*. High methane emissions from thermokarst lakes on the Tibetan Plateau are largely attributed to ebullition fluxes. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 801: 149692.

13. Tianhang Li, Wei Zhong*, Zhiqiang Wei,  Shengtan Shang, Susu Ye, Yuanhan Chen, Junyu Pan, Xiaojun Wang. Response of mercury accumulation to anthropogenic pollution in the past 1000 years based on Lake Huguangyan sediments, Southern China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2021, 43: 3921–3933.

14. Junyu Pan, Wei Zhong*, Zhiqiang Wei,  Jun Ouyang, Shengtan Shang, Susu Ye, Yuanhan Chen, Jibin Xue, Xiaowen Tang. A 15,400-year record of natural and anthropogenic input of mercury (Hg) in a sub-alpine lacustrine sediment succession from the western Nanling Mountains, South China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 20478–20489.

15. Susu Ye, Wei Zhong*, Zhiqiang Wei, Shengtan Shang, Xiaowen Tang, Chan Zhu, Jibin Xue, Jun Ouyang, Junyu Pan. Environmental magnetic record of a ~ 3000-years subalpine peat core from the western Nanling Mountains, South China. Journal of Paleolimnology, 2019, 62: 229–244.

16. Shengtan Shang, Wei Zhong*, Zhiqiang Wei, Chan Zhu, Susu Ye, Xiaowen Tang, Yu Chen, Lixue Tian, Bin Chen. Heavy metals in surface sediments of lakes in Guangzhou public parks in China and their relations with anthropogenic activities and urbanization. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2017, 23(8): 2002-2016.

17. Wei Zhong*, Xiaowen Tang, Shengtan Shang, Zhiqiang Wei, Yuanhan Chen, Mingying Quan, Tianhang Li. Magnetic properties of the surface sediments from the Huguangyan Maar Lake in tropical Southern China and the sediment source identification. Near Surface Geophysics, 2021, 19: 661–676.

18. Bing Liu, Robert K. Booth*, Jaime Escobar, Zhiqiang Wei, Broxton W. Bird, Andres Pardo, Jason H. Curtis, Jun Ouyang. Ecology and paleoenvironmental application of testate amoebae in peatlands of the high-elevation Colombian páramo. Quaternary Research, 2019, 92: 1–19.

19. Qian Xu, Zhiheng Du, Lei Wang, Kai Xue, Zhiqiang Wei, Gaosen Zhang, Keshao Liu, Jiahui Lin, Penglin Lin, Tuo Chen, Cunde Xiao*. The Role of Thermokarst Lake Expansion in Altering the Microbial Community and Methane Cycling in Beiluhe Basin on Tibetan Plateau. Microorganisms, 2022, 10(8): 1620.

20. Bingxiang Wang, Wei Zhong*, Chan Zhu, Jun Ouyang, Zhiqiang Wei, Shengtan Shang. Geochemistry of Sediments from a Subalpine Lake Sedimentary Succession in the Western Nanling Mountains, Southern China: Implications for Catchment Weathering During the Last 15 400 Years. Chinese Geographical Science, 2022, 32(3): 537–548.

21. Jibin Xue*, Wei Zhong, Qing Li, Rong Cheng, Aihua You, Zhiqiang Wei, Shengtan Shang. Holocene fire history in eastern monsoonal region of China and its controls. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2018, 496: 136–145

22. Lei Wang, Cunde Xiao*, Zhiheng Du, Damien T. MAHER, Jingfeng Liu, Zhiqiang Wei.  In-situ  measurement on airewater flux of CH4, CO2 and their carbon stable isotope in lakes of northeast Tibetan Plateau. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2022, 13:279–289.

23. Xiaojun Wang, Wei Zhong*, Tianhang Li, Mingying Quan, Bingxiang Wang, Zhiqiang Wei. A 16.2-kyr lacustrine sediment record of mercury deposition in Dahu Swamp, eastern Nanling Mountains, southern China: Analysis of implications for climatic changes. Quaternary International, 2021, 592: 12–21.

24. Qian, Zhiheng Du*, Lei Wang, Liang Zhao, Dongdong Chen, Fangping Yan, Xinshu Zhu, Zhiqiang Wei, Gaosen Zhang, Binglin Zhang, Tuo Chen, Yongqin Liu, Cunde Xiao. Temperature sensitivity of methanogenesis and anaerobic methane oxidation in thermokarst lakes modulated by surrounding vegetation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 907: 167962.

25. 魏志强,钟巍*,欧阳军,叶素素,商圣潭,杨坤有,唐小雯,薛积彬,Robert K. BOOTH. 南岭西部亚高山泥炭地现代有壳变形虫环境指示意义—以湖南大坪为例. 华南师范大学学报《自然科学版》,2019,51(3): 70–78.

26. 魏志强,钟巍*,陈永强,谭玲玲. 亚热带季风区湖沼流域表生地球化学元素研究—以江西定南大湖为例. 地理科学进展,2015,34(7): 909–917.

27. 钟巍*,陈援翰,魏志强,叶素素,商圣潭,薛积彬,欧阳军,曹家元. 近50 ka以来雷州半岛北部泥炭序列87Sr/86Sr比值变化的环境意义研究. 华南师范大学学报《自然科学版》,2018,50(5): 89–97.

28. 商圣潭,钟巍*,魏志强,朱婵,薛积彬. 南岭东部定南大湖沉积物粒度敏感组分及末次冰消期环境记录. 沉积学报,2018,36(2): 310–318.

29. 谭玲玲,钟巍*,薛积彬,魏志强,陈永强. 新疆巴里坤湖全新世湖泊沉积物中 Zr/Rb比值特征及其环境意义. 干旱区资源与环境,2015,29(11): 109–114.

30. 陈永强,钟巍*,谭玲玲,魏志强. 西风区湖泊沉积物中砷元素对气候环境变化的响应研究. 华南师范大学学报《自然科学版》,2015,47(6): 83–90.

31. 许茜,效存德*,冯雅茹,杜志恒,王磊,魏志强. 微生物介导的热融湖碳循环关键过程研究进展. 地球科学进展,2023,38(5): 470–482.