


姓名:郑重 学历:博士 职称:副教授,博士生导师 电子邮箱:z.zheng@bnu.edu.cn



l2013年9月- 2018年1月  荷兰埃因霍温理工大学 城市规划 博士

l2011年9月- 2013年7月  中山大学 人文地理学 硕士

l2006年9月- 2011年7月  中山大学 城市规划 学士









1.Chen F., S. Zhou, J. Lu, Z. Zheng*. (2024). A behavioral explanation of the activity-space segregation: Individuals’ preference of choosing an activity destination.  Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science: 23998083241229110.

2.Song J., S. Zhou*, Z. Zheng. (2024). Relationship between built environment and the subjective well-being of onsite workers after China’s COVID-19 lockdown.  Chinese Geographical Science : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-024-1414-0.

3.Zheng Z., F. Chen, J. Lu, S. Zhou*. (2023).

Exploring the influence of individual daily activity patterns on activity-space segregation.  Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology  

2(1): 19-38.

4.Lu J., S. Zhou*, Z. Zheng, L. Liu. (2023). Examining the Relationship between Social Context and Community Attachment Through the Daily Social Context Averaging Effect.  Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. DOI: 10.1080/04353684.2023.2196568

5.An N., Z. Zheng*, C. Chen, X. Yang, M. Lin (2022) Mapping country image from global news report about COVID-19 pandemic.  Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy : 1-20. 0.1007/s12061-022-09498-4.

6.Zheng Z., S. Zhou*, X. Deng (2022) The spatially heterogeneous and double- edged effect of the built environment on commuting distance : Home-based and work- based perspectives.  Plos one  17(3): e0262727. (IF=3.240)

7.Zhou S., S. Zhou*, Z. Zheng, J. Lu, T. Song (2022), Risk assessment for precise intervention of COVID-19 epidemic based on available big data and spatio-temporal simulation method: Empirical evidence from different public places in Guangzhou, China.  Applied Geography  143: 102702. (IF=4.240)

8.Zheng Z., S. Zhou*, X. Deng (2021) Exploring both home-based and work-based jobs-housing balance by distance decay effect.  Journal of Transport Geography 93: 103043. (IF=4.986)

9.Zhou S., S. Zhou*, Z. Zheng, J. Lu (2021) Optimizing spatial allocation of COVID-19 vaccine by agent-based spatiotemporal simulations.  Geohealth  5: e2021GH000427. (IF=4.529)

10.Zheng Z.*, S. Rasouli, H.J.P. Timmermans (2021) Modeling taxi driver search behavior under uncertainty.  Travel Behavior and Society  22: 207-218. (IF=4.983)

11.Zheng Z., S. Rasouli, H.J.P. Timmermans* (2018) Modeling taxi driver anticipatory behavior.  Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 69: 133-141. (IF=5.342)

12.Zheng Z., S. Zhou* (2017). Scaling laws of spatial visitation frequency: An application to transport prediction from built environment.  Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 64: 332-343. (IF=5.342)

13.Zheng Z., S. Rasouli, H.J.P. Timmermans* (2016).  Two-Regime Pattern in Human Mobility: Evidence from GPS Taxi Trajectory Data.  Geographical Analysis  48: 157-175. (IF=4.268)

14.Zheng, Z., S. Rasouli, H.J.P. Timmermans* (2014), Evaluating the accuracy of GPS-based taxi trajectory records,  Procedia Environmental Sciences 22: 186-198.

15.王林森,郑重,周素红*,李秋萍,宋江宇,马若飞. (2022). 基于街景感知分析的城市空间活力与品质耦合关系及规划启示. 规划师,  3 , 68-75.

16.周素红,廖伊彤,郑重*. (2021). “时-空-人”交互视角下的国土空间公共安全规划体系构建. 自然资源学报, 36 (9), 2248. (IF=3.24)

17.柳林, 宋广文, 周素红*, 陈建国, 郑重, 刘凯. (2015). 城市空间结构对惠州市中心城区交通事故影响的时间差异分析. 地理科学,  35 (1), 75–83.

18.古杰, 周素红*, 闫小培, 柴彦威, 郑重. (2013). 基于文献引用关系和知识图谱的时空关系研究热点分析. 地理科学进展,  32 (9), 1332–1343.

19.古杰, 周素红*, 闫小培, 郑重. (2013). 中国农村居民生活水平的时空变化过程及其影响因素. 经济地理,  33 (10), 124–131.

20.周素红,郑重,柳林* (2012). 城市交通消散期事故高峰现象及成因. 地理科学  32 (6): 649-657.


1.Zheng, Z. and S. Zhou (2014), Characterizing Urban Structure Using Taxi GPS Data. In Mobile Technologies for Active-Travel Data Collection and Analysis, IGI Publishers, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 341-350.


1.周淑丽,周素红,郑重,卢俊文.(2020). 一种基于疫情传播风险的疫苗分配方法、系统及装置. 发明专利. 授权公布号:CN112633681B,授权公告日:2021-10-26


