


姓名:刘志锋 学历:博士 职称:副教授/硕士研究生导师













1. Richard T. T. Forman(著),邬建国、刘志锋、黄甘霖、黄璐、黄庆旭、刘颖慧、申卫军、杨健、赵媛媛、周伟奇和朱伟兴(译),2017,城市生态学——城市之科学,北京:高等教育出版社.

2. 高玉葆和邬建国(主编),任安芝、马成仓、赵念席和刘志锋(副主编),2017,现代生态学讲座(VIII)——群落、生态系统和景观生态学研究新进展,北京:高等教育出版社.

3. 何春阳、黄庆旭、刘志锋、马群和邬建国(著),2018,城市景观生态学:过程、影响和可持续性,北京:科学出版社.


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9-TJHdkAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhifeng_Liu4


70. Xinhao Pan, Yihang Wang, Zhifeng Liu*, Chunyang He, Haimeng Liu, Zhirong Chen.2020. Understanding urban expansion on the Tibetan Plateau over the pasthalf century based on remote sensing: The case of Xining City, China. Remote Sensing. Accepted.

69. Zihang Fang, Shixiong Song, Chunyang He, Zhifeng Liu, Tao Qi, Jinxi Zhang, Jian Li.2020. Evaluating the Impacts of Future Urban Expansion on Surface Runoff in an Alpine Basin by Coupling the LUSD-urban and SCS-CN Models. Water. 12, 3405.

68. Benxin Chen, Zhifeng Liu*, Chunyang He, Hui Peng, Pei Xia, Yu Nie.2020. The Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System for 30 years: A systematic review. Water. 12, 2878.

67. Yanmin Yang, Ying Nan, Zhifeng Liu, Da Zhang, Yaohang Sun.2020. Direct and indirect losses of natural habitat caused by future urban expansion in the transnational area of Changbai Mountain. Sustainable Cities and Society. Accepted.

66. Yihang Wang, Zhifeng Liu*, Chunyang He, Pei Xia, Ziwen Liu, Haimeng Liu.2020. Quantifying urbanization levels on the Tibetan Plateau with high-resolution nighttime light data. Geography and Sustainability. Published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geosus.2020.08.004.

65. Ying Nan, Bingbing Wang, Da Zhang, Zhifeng Liu, Dekang Qi, Haohao Zhou.2020. Spatial Patterns of LULC and Driving Forces in the Transnational Area of Tumen River: A Comparative Analysis of the Sub-regions of China, the DPRK, and Russia. Chinese Geographical Science. 30(4):588-599.

64. Lingqiang Kong, Zhifeng Liu*, Jianguo Wu.2020. A systematic review of big data-based urban sustainability research: State-of-the-science and future directions. Journal of Cleaner Production. 273, 123142.

63. Binghua Gong, Zhifeng Liu*.2020. Assessing impacts of land use policies on environmental sustainability of oasis landscapes with scenario analysis: The case of northern China. Landscaped Ecology. Doi:10.1007/s10980-020-01065-x.

62. Zihang Fang, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Mengzhao Tu, Rui Zhao, Wenlu Lu. 2020. Will climate change make Chinese peoplemore comfortable? A scenario analysis based on the weather preference index. Environmental Research Letters. 15, 084028.

61. Huanchun Huang, Hailin Yang, Xin Deng, CuiHao, Zhifeng Liu, Wei Liu, Peng Zeng. 2020. Analyzing the influence factors ofurban thermal field intensity using big-data-based GIS. Sustainable Cities and Society. 55, 102024.

60. Yuanyuan Zhao, Zhifeng Liu*, Jianguo Wu.2020.Grassland ecosystem services: A systematic review of research advances and futuredirections. Landscape Ecology.25,793-814.

59. Shixiong Song, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Wenlu Lu. 2020. Evaluating the effects of urban expansion on natural habitat quality by coupling localized shared socioeconomic pathways and the land use scenario dynamics-urban model. Ecological Indicators. 112,106071.

58. Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Yanjie Yang, ZihangFang. 2020. Planning sustainable urban landscape under the stress of climate change in the drylands of northern China:A scenario analysis based on LUSD-urban model. Journal of Cleaner Production. 244, 118709.

57. Jianwen Wang, Da Zhang, Ying Nan, Zhifeng Liu, Dekang Qi. 2020. Spatial patterns of net primary productivity and its driving forces: a multi-scale analysis in the transnational area of the Tumen River. Frontiers of Earth Science,14(1):124-139.

56. 宋世雄,张金茜,刘志锋*,何春阳.2020.基于随机森林方法的旱区城市扩展过程区位因素研究——以中国呼包鄂榆城市群为例.自然资源学报,已录用.

55. 涂梦昭,刘志锋,何春阳,任强,卢文路.2020.基于GRACE卫星数据的中国地下水储量监测进展.地球科学进展,35(6):643-656.


53. 卢文路,刘志锋*,何春阳,夏沛.2020.基于Sentinel-1A合成孔径雷达数据和全卷积网络的城市建设用地监测方法研究.干旱区地理,43(3):750-760.

52. 方梓行,何春阳,刘志锋,赵媛媛,杨延杰.2020.中国北方农牧交错带气候变化特点及未来趋势——基于观测和模拟资料的综合分析.自然资源学报,35(2):358-370.


51. Mengzhao Tu, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, ZihangFang,Wenlu Lu. 2019. The relationships between urban landscape patterns andfineparticulate pollution in China: A multiscale investigation using a geographicallyweighted regression using a geographically weighted regression model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 237,117744.

50. Yanmin Yang, Da Zhang,Ying Nan, Zhifeng Liu,WeiZheng. 2019. Modeling urban expansion in the transnational area of Changbai Mountain:A scenario analysis based on the zoned Land Use ScenarioDynamics-urban model. Sustainable Cities and Soiety, 50,101622.

49. Zhifeng Liu, Meihui Ding, Chunyang He,Jingwei Li, Jianguo Wu. 2019. The impairment of environmental sustainabilitydue to rapid urbanization in the dry land region of northern China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 187,165-180.

48. Chunyang He, Zhifeng Liu*, Siyuan Gou,Qiaofeng Zhang, Jinshui Zhang, Linlin Xu. 2019. Detecting global urbanexpansion overthe last three decades using a fully convolutional network. Environmental Research Letters, 14,034008

47. Zhifeng Liu, Yanjie Yang, Chunyang He, Mengzhao Tu. 2019. Climate change will constrain the rapid urban expansion indrylands: A scenario analysis with the zoned Land Use Scenario Dynamics-urbanmodel. Science of the Total Environment,651, 2772-2786.

46. 王一航,夏沛,刘志锋*,卢文路,何春阳.2019.中国绿洲城市土地利用-覆盖变化研究进展.干旱区地理,42:341-353.


45. Xiaoji Zeng, Zhifeng Liu*, Chunyang He, QunMa, and Jianguo Wu. 2018. Quantifying Surface Coal-Mining Patterns to PromoteRegional Sustainability in Ordos, Inner Mongolia. Sustainability, 10(4), 1135.

44. Bing Li, Zhifeng Liu, Ying Nan, Shengnan Li, YanminYang, 2018, Comparative Analysis of Urban Heat Island Intensities in Chinese,Russian, and DPRK Regions across the Transnational Urban Agglomeration of theTumen River in Northeast Asia, Sustainability10(8):2637.

43. Siyuan Gou, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, JingweiLi. 2018. The Extent of Temporary Water Bodies Increased in the Drylands of NorthernChina: A Multiscale Analysis Based on Modis Data. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190, 269c.

42. Ang Li, Jianguo Wu, Xueyao Zhang, JianguoXue, Zhifeng Liu, Xingguo Han, Jianhui Huang. 2018. China’s new rural “separatingthree property rights” land reform results in grassland degradation: Evidenc efromInner Mongolia. Land Use Policy, 71,170-182.

41. Bryan, B.A., Gao, L., Ye, Y., Sun, X.,Connor, J.D., Crossman, N.D., Stafford-Smith, M., Wu, J., He,C., Yu, D., Liu Z., Li,A., Huang, Q., Ren, H.,Deng, X., Zheng, H., Niu, J., Han, G., Hou, X. 2018.China's response to a national land-system sustainability emergency. Nature, 559, 193-204.

40. 宋世雄,刘志锋*,何春阳,赵瑞,任强. 2018.城市扩展过程对自然生境影响评价的研究进展.地球科学进展,33(10):1094-1104.

39. 任强,何春阳,黄庆旭,刘志锋,李经纬.2018.中国北方农牧交错带贫困动态:基于贫困距离指数的分析.资源科学,40(2):404-416.


38. Zhifeng Liu, Peter Verburg, Jianguo Wu,Chunyang He. 2017. Understanding land system change through scenario-basedsimulations: A case study from drylands in northern China. Environmental Management, 59, 440-454.

37. Xiaoji Zeng, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Qun Ma,Jianguo Wu. 2017. Detecting surface coal mining areas from remote sensing imagery:a new approach based on one object-oriented decision tree. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,11(1),015025.

36. Yinyin Dou, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, HuanbiYue.2017. Urban land extraction using the NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data: an evaluationof three popular methods. Remote Sensing,9, 175.

35. Chunyang He, Zhifeng Liu, Min Xu, Qun Ma, YinyinDou.2017. Urban expansion brought stress to food security in China: Evidencefrom decreased cropland net primary productivity. Science of the Total Environment, 576, 660-670.

34. Jingwei Li, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, HuanbiYue, Siyuan Gou. 2017. Water shortages influence the sustainable development ofthe drylands of northern China: evidence from the water stress index. Science of the Total Environment,590-591,739-750.

33. Hui Tao, Ying Nan, Zhifeng Liu*. 2017. SpatiotemporalPatterns of Forest in the Transnational Area of Changbai Mountain from 1977 to2015: A Comparative Analysis of the Chinese and DPRK Sub-Regions. Sustainability, 9, 1054.

32. Chunyang He, Jingwei Li, Xiaoling Zhang, Zhifeng Liu, Da Zhang. 2017. Will rapid urban expansion in the drylands ofnorthern China continue: A scenario analysis based on the Land Use ScenarioDynamics-urbanmodel and the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 57-69.

31. 孙泽祥,刘志锋*,何春阳,邬建国.2017.中国北方干燥地区城市扩展过程对生态系统服务的影响——以呼和浩特-包头-鄂尔多斯城市群地区为例.自然资源学报,32(10):1691-1704.

30. 丁美慧,刘志锋*,何春阳,孙泽祥.2017.中国北方农牧交错带城市扩展过程对植被净初级生产力影响研究:以呼包鄂地区为例.干旱区地理,40(3):614-621.


29. Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Jianguo Wu. 2016.The relationship between habitat loss and fragmentation during urbanization: Anempirical evaluation from 16 world cities. PLOSONE, 11(4), e0154613.

28. Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Jianguo Wu. 2016.General spatiotemporal patterns of Urbanization: an examination of 16 worldcities. Sustainability, 8(1), 41.

27. Jingwei Li, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Wei Tu,Zexiang Sun. 2016. Are the drylands in northern China sustainable? A perspectivefrom ecological footprint dynamics from 1990 to 2010. Science of the Total Environment, 553C, 223-231.

26. Min Xu, Chunyang He, Zhifeng Liu, Yinyin Dou.2016. How did urban land expand in China between 1992 and 2015?  A multi-scale landscape analysis. PLOS ONE, 11(5), e0154839.

25. 孙泽祥,刘志锋*,何春阳,邬建国.2016.中国快速城市化干燥地区的生态系统服务权衡关系多尺度分析:以呼包鄂榆地区为例.生态学报,36(15):4881-4891.

24. 李国庆,刘志锋,常学礼,张蒙.2016.风电场对草地蒸散发影响分析.生态科学,35(6):146-151.

23. 黄甘霖,姜亚琼,刘志锋,聂梅,刘阳,李经纬,鲍宇阳,王玉海,邬建国.2016.人类福祉研究进展:一个基于可持续科学视角的综述.生态学报,36(23):7519-7527.

22. 杨洋,李雅静,何春阳,刘志锋,黄庆旭.2016.环渤海地区三大城市群城市规模分布动态比较.经济地理,36(4):59-69.


21. Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He, Bin Gao, YangYang, Zhifeng Liu, Yuanyuan Zhao. 2015. Detecting the 20 year city-sizedynamics in China with a rank clock approach and DMSP/OLS nighttime data. Landscape and Urban Planning,137,138-148.

20. 李经纬,刘志锋,何春阳,高宾.2015.基于人类可持续发展指数的中国1990-2010年人类-环境系统可持续性评价.自然资源学报,30(7):1118-1128.


19. Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Yuyu Zhou, JianguoWu. 2014. How much of the world's land has been urbanized, really? Ahierarchical framework for avoiding confusion. Landscape Ecology, 29(5), 763-771.

18. Chunyang He, Zhifeng Liu, Jie Tian, Qun Ma.2014. Urban expansion dynamics and natural habitat loss in China: amulti-scalelandscape perspective. Global ChangeBiology, 20, 2886-2902.

17. Chunyang He, Qun Ma, Zhifeng Liu, QiaofengZhang. 2014. Modeling the spatiotemporal dynamics of electric power consumptionin Mainland China using saturation-corrected DMSP/OLS nighttime stable light data. International Journal of Digital Earth,7(12), 993-1014.

16. Qiaofeng Zhang, Chunyang He, Zhifeng Liu.2014.Studying urban development and change in the contiguous United Statesusing two scaled measures derived from night time lights data and populationcensus. GIScience & Remote Sensing,51(1), 63-82.

15. Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He, Zhifeng Liu, Peijun Shi. 2014. Modeling the impacts of drying trend scenarios on landsystems in northern China using an integrated SD and CA model. Science China-Earth Sciences, 57(4), 839-854.

14. Qun Ma, Chunyang He, Jianguo Wu, Zhifeng Liu,Qiaofeng Zhang, Zexiang Sun. 2014. Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns of urbanimpervious surfaces in China: An improved assessment using nighttime lightdata. Landscape and Urban Planning,130, 36-49.


13. Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Qiaofeng Zhang,Qingxu Huang, Yang Yang. 2012. Extracting the dynamics of urban expansion inChina using DMSP-OLS night time light data from 1992 to 2008. Landscape and Urban Planning,106(1),62-72.

12. Chunyang He, Qun Ma, Tong Li, Yang Yang, Zhifeng Liu. 2012. Spatiotemporal dynamics of electric power consumption in ChineseMainland from 1995 to 2008 modeled using DMSP/OLS stable night time lightsdata. Journal of Geographical Sciences,22(1), 125-136.


11. Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Yang Yang. 2011.Mapping urban areas by performing systematic correction for DMSP/OLS nighttimelights time series in China from1992 to 2008. 2011 IEEE InternationalGeoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (EI,检索号:20114614516407)

10. 南颖,刘志锋,朱卫红,武耀祥,薛俊刚.2011.基于遥感技术的长白山风灾区范围及植被恢复动态研究.自然灾害学报,20(6):131-139.

9. 金石柱,刘志锋.2011.基于TM影像的延吉市土地利用动态变化研究.地理科学,31(10):1249-1253.

8. 李通,何春阳,杨洋,刘志锋.2011.1995-2008年中国大陆电力消费量时空动态.地理学报,66(10):1403-1412.

7. 李洪楠,朱卫红,佟守正,杨宗成,刘志锋,张达.2011.延边朝鲜族自治州湿地时空分布特征.湿地科学,9(3):257-262.


6. 刘志锋,南颖,胡浩,董叶辉,杨易,周鹏,吉喆.2010.2000-2008年长白山地区植被覆盖变化特征研究.西北植物学报,30(2):391-398.

5. 刘志锋,朱卫红,南颖,森本幸裕,王琪,赵洋.2009.基于Corona和Spot-5影像的图们江下游敬信湿地变化研究.湿地科学,7(3):237-242.

4. 刘志锋,南颖,胡浩,董叶辉,李银河.2009.基于WebGIS的长白山地区多语种旅游资源信息系统设计.测绘科学,34(S1):171-174.

3. 南颖,刘志锋,董叶辉,李秀霞,吉喆.2010.2000-2008年长白山地区植被覆盖变化对气候的响应研究.地理科学,30(6):921-928.

2. 朱卫红,南颖,刘志锋,王琪,程火生,今西纯一,森本幸裕.2007.基于3S技术的图们江下游湿地系统分类及分布特征研究.东北师大学报:自然科学版,39(3):106-113.

1. 王琪,朱卫红,张达,刘志锋,孙鹏.2010.图们江下游地区湿地生态评价.湿地科学,8(1):79-85.