


姓名:刘世群 学历:博士 职称:讲师 电子邮箱:ivanliu@bnu.edu.cn



清华大学 数据科学与信息技术 工学博士





1. Liu, I., Liu, F., Xiao, Y., Huang, Y., Wu, S., & Ni, S. (2024). Investigating the Key Success Factors of Chatbot-Based Positive Psychology Intervention with Retrieval-and Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT)-Based Chatbots. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-12.

2. Hou, H., Liu, I., Kong, F., & Ni, S. (2024). Computational positive psychology: advancing the science of wellbeing in the digital era. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439760.2024.2362443. 共同第一作者.

3. Liu, I., Liu, F., Zhong, Q., Ma, F. & Ni, S. (2024). Your blush gives you away: detecting hidden mental states with remote photoplethysmography and thermal imaging, PeerJ Computer Science.

4. Liu, I., Ni, S., & Peng, K. (2020). Happiness at your fingertips: Assessing mental health with smartphone photoplethysmogram-based heart rate variability analysis. Telemedicine and e-Health, 26(12), 1483-1491.

5. Liu, I., Ni, S., & Peng, K. (2020). Enhancing the robustness of smartphone photoplethysmography: A signal quality index approach. Sensors, 20(7), 1923.


1.Liu, I., Li, S., Ma, D., Luan, J., Wu, X., Liu, F., Shen, Y., & Ni, S. (2024) Detecting Moral Emotions with Facial and Vocal Expressions: A Multimodal Emotion Recognition Approach, In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS). IEEE.

2. Liu, I., Xiao, Y., Liu, F., Wu, S., & Ni, S. (2022). Assessing the Effectiveness of Using Chatbots for Positive Psychological Intervention: A Randomized Control Study. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium of Chinese CHI (pp. 227-234).

3. Liu, I., Chen, W., Ge, Q., Song, D., & Ni, S. (2022). Enhancing Psychological Resilience with Chatbot-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A Randomized Control Pilot Study. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium of Chinese CHI (pp. 216-221).

4. Liu, I., Zhong, Q., Liu, F., Xu, H., Chen, W., Zhu, X., ... & Ni, S. (2022). Assessing Mental Health During Covid-19 Lockdown: A Smartphone-Based Multimodal Emotion Recognition Approach. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium of Chinese CHI (pp. 262-269).

5. Liu, I., Ni, S., & Peng, K. (2020). Predicting Personality with Smartphone Cameras: A Pilot Study. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.





北京师范大学应用心理专硕 心理与行为大数据方向 实践主管