


姓名:王慧 学历:博士 职称:特聘副研究员、硕士生导师 电子邮箱:huiwang@bnu.edu.cn



2010.09-2014.06    中国青年政治学院,思想政治教育,教育学学士

2014.09-2017.06    北京师范大学,发展与教育心理学,心理学硕士

2019.10-2020.10    美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,人类发展与家庭研究,联合培养博士

2017.09-2021.06    北京师范大学,临床与咨询心理学,心理学博士


2022年6月至今 北京师范大学文理学院心理系,特聘副研究员





2. 广东省哲学社会科学规划青年项目,基于虚拟现实技术的正念干预改善儿童的情绪问题:效果与神经心理机制;2024-2025;主持

3. 北京师范大学珠海校区引进人才工作运行和科研启动项目,孤独症儿童情绪调节能力的生理机制研究;2022-2025;主持

4. 北京师范大学心理学部MAP人才培养改革项目,临床与咨询心理学中英双语优质课程实践;2023-2024;主持

5. 国家社会科学基金重点项目,社会转型期中国家庭教养的新理念对青少年心理健康的影响;2024-2026;参与

6. 北京市社会科学基金重点项目,父母教养行为对青少年性别角色发展的影响及其机制;2023-2025;参与

7. 北京市社会科学基金重点项目,中国学龄前儿童家庭的情绪和正念干预研究;2022-2024;参与

8. 北京市社会科学基金一般项目,北京孤独症儿童家庭需求与家庭支持体系研究, 2020-2021;参与



1. Wang, H., Xu, J., Fu, S., Tsang, U. K., Ren, H., Zhang, S., ... & Han, Z. R. (2024). Friend emotional support and dynamics of adolescent socioemotional problems. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-024-02025-3

2. Wang, H., Zhang, Y., Hale, M. E., Liu, S., Xu, J., Zhu, C., ... & Han, Z. R. (2024). Peer Stress Spills Over to Family Stress in the Context of Emotion Regulation Difficulties: A Daily Diary Study with Chinese Adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-024-01962-3

3. Wang, H., Liu, S., Xu, J., Hu, X., & Han, & Z. R.* (2023). Daily experiences and well-being of Chinese parents of children with autism.  Autism , 13623613221144191.

4. Han, Z. R., Yan, J., Yang, X., Guo, M., West, K. B., Suveg, C., Wang, H.* (2023). The Impacts of Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms on Emotional Processing in Children and Their Parents: An Event-Related Potential Study.  Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 17 (1), 58.

5. Wang, H.#, Wang, Q.#, Hu, X.*, & Han, Z. R. (2022). Mindfulness and Stress Among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in China.  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52 (5), 2035-2045.    

6. Wang, H., Suveg, C., West, K. B., Han, Z. R.*, Zhang, X., Hu, X., & Yi, L. (2021). Synchrony of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia in Parents and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Moderation by Interaction Quality and Child Behavior Problems.  Autism Research, 14 (3), 512-522.

7. Wang, H., Han, Z. R.*, Yan, J. J., & Ahemaitijiang, N. (2021). Dispositional Mindfulness Moderates the Relationship between Family Risks and Chinese Parents’ Mental Health.  Mindfulness, 12 (3), 672-682.                                      

8. Wang, H., Hu, X.*, & Han, Z. R. (2021). Parental Stress, Involvement, and Family Quality of Life in Mothers and Fathers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Mainland China: A Dyadic Analysis.  Research in Developmental Disabilities, 107 , 103791.

9. Hu, X., Wang, H.*, Han, Z. R., Zhao, Y., & Ke, L. (2021). The influence of visual supports and motivation on motor performance of the MABC-2 for Chinese school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder.  Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 15557.

10. Wang, H., Han, Z. R.*, Bai, L., & Li, X. (2020). Attachment Experience and Cortisol Recovery from Romantic Conflict among Young Chinese Couples: A Dyadic Analysis.  International Journal of Psychology, 55 (1), 22-32.

11. Wang, H., Mai, X., Han, Z. R.*, Hu, Y., & Lei, X. (2018). Linkage between Parent-child Frontal Resting Electroencephalogram (EEG) Asymmetry: The Moderating Role of Emotional Parenting.  Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27 (9), 2990-2998.  


1. Xu, J., Zhang, Y., Wang, H., Peng, M., Zhu, Y., Wang, X., Yi, Z., Chen, L., & Han, Z. R. (2024). A context-dependent perspective to understand the relation between parent–child physiological synchrony and child socioemotional adjustment. Developmental Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/desc.13506

2. Xu, J., Wang, H., Morrow, K. E., Xu, Y., Gao, M. M., Hu, Y., Suveg, C., & Han, Z. R. (2023). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) dynamics matter for children's emotion regulation: RSA inertia and instability within a stress task.  Child Development . 95(1), 70-81.

3. Xu, J., Wang, H., Liu, S., Hale, M. E., Weng, X., Ahemaitijiang, N., Hu, Y., Suveg, C., & Han, Z. R. (2023). Relations among family, peer, and academic stress and adjustment in Chinese adolescents: A daily diary analysis.  Developmental Psychology . 59(7), 1346-1358.

4. Ren, Y., Zou, S., Wang, H., Ying, J., Wang, X., & Wu, X.* (2022). Fathers and mothers’ parenting stress and adolescent depressive symptoms: The mediating roles of overt and covert coparenting conflict behaviors.  Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health,16 , 102.

5. Xu, J., Hao, L., Chen, M., He, Y., Jiang, M., Tian, T., Wang, H., ... & Qin, S.* (2022). Developmental Sex Differences in Negative Emotion Decision-Making Dynamics: Computational Evidence and Amygdala-Prefrontal Pathways.  Cerebral Cortex. 32 (11), 2478-2491.

6. Ahemaitijiang, N., Ren, H., Wang, H., & Han, Z. R.* (2021). Longitudinal Association Between Emotional Parenting and Child Aggression: The Moderating Role of Parent-Child Physiological Synchrony.  Aggressive Behavior, 47 , 267-275.                            

7 Wang, Q., Han, Z., Hu, X., Feng, S., Wang, H., Liu, T., & Yi, L.* (2020). Autism Symptoms Modulate Interpersonal Neural Synchronization in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Cooperative Interactions.  Brain Topography, 33 , 112-122.

8. Hu, X., Han, Z. R.*, Wang, H., Hu, Y., Wang, Q., Feng, S., & Yi, L. (2018). The Relation of Parental Emotion Regulation to Child Autism Spectrum Disorder Core Symptoms: The Moderating Role of Child Cardiac Vagal Activity.  Frontiers in Psychology, 9 , 2480.

9. Han, Z. R., Lei, X., Qian, J.*, Li, P., Wang, H., & Zhang, X. (2016). Parent and Child Psychopathological Symptoms: The Mediating Role of Parental Emotion Dysregulation.  Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 21 , 161–168.

10. Qian, J.*, Wang, H., Han, Z. R., Wang, J., & Wang, H. (2015). Mental Health Risks among Nurses Under Abusive Supervision: The Moderating Roles of Job Role Ambiguity and Patients’ Lack of Reciprocity.  International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 9 , 1-6.                        


1. Xu, J., Wang, H., Fu, S., Zhang, S., Han, Z. R. Supportive Friend Emotion Socialization and Daily Dynamics of Emotional and Peer Problems in Chinese Adolescents. Symposium chaired at 2023 Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD 2023) Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

2. Yang, S., Wang, H., Xu, J., Liu, S., Weng, X., Han, Z. R. Shared and Differential Emotional Characteristics of Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms among Chinese Adolescents. Poster presented at 2023 Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD 2023) Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

3. Wang, H. & Han, Z. R. (2021, April). The Relations of Emotional Parenting and Parental Psychopathology on Chinese Children’s Psychopathology: Moderation by Parent-Child Physiological Synchrony. Symposium chaired at 2021 Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD 2021) Biennial Meeting, Virtual.

4. Bai, L., Wang, H., & Teti, D. M. (2021, April). Infant Sleep and Behavioral Problems During the Second year: The Moderating Role of Socioeconomic Risk. Poster presented at 2021 Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD 2021) Biennial Meeting, Virtual.

5. Wang, H., Han, Z. R., & Yi., L. (2019, March). Parent-child Cortisol Coregulation in Children with Autism: Effects of Parenting Stress and Unresponsive Parenting. Poster presented at 2019 Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD 2019) Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

6. Wang, H. & Han, R. Z. (2016, July). Transmission of Attachment Style and Physiological Stress Response to Romantic Conflict in Chinese Young Couples: A Dyadic Analysis. Symposium chaired at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.

7. 张旭彤,王慧,韩卓. (2015年7月). 父母在儿童经历负性情绪时的生理唤醒度对儿童情绪调节的影响:情绪社会化与亲职压力的中介及调节作用. 中国心理学会发展





特邀审稿人:Mindfulness, Autism Research, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Journal of Child and Family Studies, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 心理与行为研究