


姓名:孔秋怡 学历:博士 职称:讲师 电子邮箱:qiuyi.kong@bnu.edu.cn

心理学博士,硕士生导师。博士毕业于新西兰奥塔戈大学心理学院,2023年入职北京师范大学珠海校区文理学院心理系。研究方向主要为儿童社会认知能力发展。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,近五年发表SCI论文10余篇,担任Child Development、Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking、Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology等杂志审稿人。


2011-2015 吉林大学,应用心理学,理学学士

2015-2017 香港中文大学,心理学,哲学硕士(MPhil)

2018-2022 新西兰奥塔戈大学,心理学,哲学博士


2015-2017香港中文大学 心理系,助教

2017-2018 香港浸会大学 教育学系,高级研究助理

2019-2022 新西兰奥塔戈大学 心理学院,实验课讲师

2023- 至今 北京师范大学珠海校区, 讲师


家庭科学与儿童发展方向。研究内容包括但不限于儿童青少年社会认知发展、心理理论(theory of mind)、情绪识别、亲社会行为及老年人社会认知变化等。目前研究的主要议题有:婴幼儿心理理论的认知神经机制、亲子交流对儿童社会认知发展的影响、情绪识别的跨文化比较、青少年社交媒体使用及心理健康发展、老年人认知能力对社会认知的影响机制及作用后果。


1.(2023 - 2025)北京师范大学珠海校区引进人才工作运行和科研启动项目, 童年期心理理论的发展及其影响因素. 主持

2.(2023 - 2026)国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,绩效评估与反馈中的人机协同:模式、影响效应与作用机理. 参与

3. (2017 -2018) Public Policy Research Fund (Hong Kong), Critical news literacy among Chinese teenagers in the age of social media. PI: Dr Kelly Y. L. Ku, worked as RA

4. (2017 – 2018). Faculty Research Grant, Hong Kong Baptist University. University Students’ Critical News Literacy: Perceived Cognitive Control and Awareness. PI: Dr Kelly Y. L. Ku, worked as RA


1.Kong, Q. *, Currie, N., Du, K., Hunter, J. A., & Ruffman, T.* (2025). Older adults know when they have been left out but they respond rationally. European Journal of Ageing, 22(1), 1-14.

2.Kong, Q.*, Fraser, H., Elwina, F. C., & Ruffman, T.* (2024). What she believes or what she says? The relation between maternal social dominance orientation, right-wing authoritarianism, mental state talk, and children’s theory of mind. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 49(2), 135-145.

3.Kong, Q.*, Selwood, O., Mfumu-Nsuka, T., Buchanan, M., Eriksen, T., Fraser, H., & Ruffman, T.* (2024). Theory of mind development in middle childhood and adolescence: accuracy and preference for mental-state reasoning. Journal of Cognition and Development, 0(0), 1-25.

4.Hunter, J. A.*, Stringer, M. Azeem, A., Kong, Q., Scarf, D. (2024). The language of political violence. In A Akande (Ed), Leadership and Politics: New Perspectives in Business, Government and Society (pp. 443-467). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

5.Moodie, H., Kong, Q., Ruffman, T., Loffhagen, J., Scarf, D., & Hunter, J. A.* (2024). Discrimination Against Asians: The Role of Belonging. In A Akande (Ed), Leadership and Politics: New Perspectives in Business, Government and Society (pp. 353-381). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

6.Kong, Q.*, Mulvihill, A., Slaughter, V., Fraser, H., Cavanagh-Welch, B., Elwina, F. C., Kang, J., & Ruffman, T.* (2023). Not just quantity but also quality of language: Cross-cultural comparisons of maternal mental state talk in New Zealand, Australia, and China. PloS one, 18(3), e0282480.

7.Ruffman, T.*, Kong, Q., Lim, H. M., Du, K., & Tiainen, E. (2023). Recognition of facial emotions across the lifespan: 8-year-olds resemble older adults. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 41(2), 128-139.

8.Kong, Q.*, Currie, N., Du, K., & Ruffman, T.* (2022). General cognitive decline does not account for older adults’ worse emotion recognition and theory of mind. Scientific Reports. 12(1), e6808.

9.Kong, Q., & Cheung, H.* (2021). Investigating 18-month-olds’ association-based inferences in an interactive unexpected-identity paradigm. Cognitive Development, 59, e101051.

10.Kong, Q.*, Ku, K.Y. L., Deng, L., & Yan-Au, A. C. (2021). Motivation and perception of Hong Kong university students about social media news. Comunicar, 29 (67), 33-42.

11.Ku, K. Y.*, Kong, Q., Song, Y., Deng, L., Kang, Y., & Hu, A. (2019). What predicts adolescents’ critical thinking about real-life news? The roles of social media news consumption and news media literacy. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 33, e100570.

12.Deng, L.*, Ku, K. Y., & Kong, Q. (2019), Examining predictive factors and effects of in-class multitasking with mobile phones, Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 16(1), 49-58.


1.Kong, Q., Fraser, H., Elwina, F. C., & Ruffman, T. (2024, July 8-11). What she believes or what she says? The relation between maternal attitudes, mental state talk, and children's theory of mind. Paper presented at International Congress of Infant Studies (ICIS), Glasgow, the UK.

2.Yu, Z., Yang, D., Zhang, H., & Kong, Q. (2024, June 16-19). Social media use and advanced theory of mind development in adolescents. Paper presented at the 27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Lisbon, Portugal.

3.Kong, Q., Fraser, H., Cavanagh-Welcha, B., Elwina, F. C., & Ruffman, T. (2022, November). What she believes or what she says? The relation between maternal attitudes, mental state talk, and children’s theory of mind. Paper presented at the Society of Australasian Social Psychologists (SASP) 2022 Conference, Adelaide, Australia.

4.Deng, L., Ku, K. Y. L., & Kong, Q. (2018, May). Examining Hong Kong university students’ multitasking with mobile phones. Paper presented at 22nd Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), Guangzhou, China. [Nominated as best research paper]

5.Kong, Q., Ku, K. Y. L., Deng, L., Song, Y., Kang, Y., & Hu, A. (2018, March). Hong Kong students’ critical news literacy in the age of social media. Paper presented at the First Joint Symposium on Education by Hong Kong Baptist University and Hiroshima University, Hong Kong.

6.Kong, Q. (2017, June). 18-month-olds’ false belief reasoning on object identity. Paper presented at Postgraduate Student Seminar in Department of Psychology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

7.Kong, Q., & Cheung, H. (2016, July). Inhibitory control and switch flexibility as factors for the bilingual effect on false belief. Paper presented at 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Vilnius, Lithuania.




2024-2026 珠海市家庭教育专家指导(咨询)委员会委员


1. University of Otago Doctorate Scholarship

2. Postgraduate Publishing Bursaries, University of Otago

3. PhD Conference Travel Funding, University of Otago

4. Postgraduate Studentship, Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港政府奖学金)

5. 国家奖学金 (2012-2013)