


姓名:潘韩婷 学历:博士 职称:副教授 电子邮箱:panhanting@bnu.edu.cn

广东饶平人,英语语言学(翻译研究)哲学博士,现任北京师范大学文理学院外语系副教授。主持在研国家社科基金中华学术外译一般项目1项,主持完成省部级课题1项,主持完成厅局级课题2项,出版专著1部,译著3部,主、参编教材2部,在国内外翻译学核心期刊《中国翻译》、 Perspectives 、 Target 、 Babel 等发表学术文章20余篇。


2005.09-2009.06    广东外语外贸大学,英语(国际经济法),文学学士

2009.08-2011.06    澳门大学,翻译研究,文学硕士

2011.08-2015.07    澳门大学,英语语言学(翻译研究),哲学博士


2015.10-2019.03 中山大学外国语学院 博士后

2019.03-2021.04 中山大学外国语学院 研究员

2018.08-2018.12 澳门大学人文学院 博士后

2021.05-2024.03 北京师范大学未来教育学院 副教授

2024.03 至今 北京师范大学文理学院 副教授




1. 《民生为本的社会建设》;国家社科基金中华学术外译项目一般项目;2022-2025;主持

2. 《珠澳政府英文网站文旅资讯多模态翻译比较研究》;珠海市哲学社会科学“十四五”规划课题一般项目;2021-2022;主持

3. 《粤港澳政府网站多模态翻译批评研究》;广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划课题一般项目;2017-2020;主持

4. 《广州外宣网站多模态翻译批评研究》;广州市哲学社会科学“十三五”规划课题一般项目;2017-2018;主持





4Social Construction based on People's Well-being in China (译著),劳特利奇出版社,出版中。


    1.“Translating Conjunctive Cohesion in Legal Documents”. In  Perspectives: Studies in Translatology , 2014, 22 (1): 1-20. doi: 10.1080/0907676X.2013.777463 (SSCI; A&HCI) (ISSN 0907-676X)

    2.“Conceptualizing“Chinese Surrealism”through Translation: A Case study of the China Independent Fine Arts Association’s cultural identity and its translation of surrealism in 1930s”. (Corresponding author, with Chen Qing) In Perspectives: Studies in Translation Practice and Theory, 2024. doi: 10.1080/0907676X.2024.2332433      (SSCI; A&HCI) (ISSN 0907-676X)

    3.“Institutional  Power In and Behind Discourse: A Case Study of SARS Notices and Their  Translations Used in Macao”, (corresponding author, co-authored with ZHANG  Meifang), In  Special Issue of Target: Discourse and Translation , 2015, 27(3), 387-405. doi: 10.1075/target.27.3.04zha (SSCI; A&HCI) (ISSN 0924-1884)

    4.“Mapping Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies via Bibliometrics: a Survey of Journal Publications”, (second author, co-authored with ZHANG Meifang, CHEN Xi, LUO Tian), In  Perspectives: Studies in Translatology ,      2015, 23(2), 223-239. doi: 10.1080/0907676X.2015.1021260 ((SSCI; A&HCI) (ISSN 0907-676X)

    5.“Translating for a Healthier Gaming Industry: Keywords and translation of the Macao gaming discourse”, (first author, co-authored with ZHANG Meifang)In Translation Spaces , 2016, 5(2), 163-180. doi: 10.1075/ts.5.2.01pan (LLBA,  ESCI, Translation Studies Bibliography) (ISSN 2211-3711)

    6.“Andrew  Chesterman. Reflections on Translation Theory: Selected papers 1993-2014”,  (first author, co-authored with WANG Yuechen) In  Babel ,  2018, 64(2), 326-333. doi: 10.1075/babel.00033.pan (SSCI; A&HCI) (ISSN      0521-9744)  

    7.“Fernando  Prieto Ramos (ed.). Institutional Translation for International Governance Enhancing Quality in Multilingual Legal Communication”, (first author, co-authored with HUANG Limin) In  Babel , 2020, 66(6): 1033-1038. Doi: 10.1075/babel.00194.hua (SSCI; A&HCI). (ISSN 0521-9744)

    8.“Hailing Yu. Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng: A Systemic Functional  Approach to Translations of the Platform Sutra”, (corresponding author,  co-authored with CHEN Xi) In  Babel , 2022, 68(1): 169-174. https://doi.org/10.1075/babel.00258.che  (SSCI; A&HCI). (ISSN 0521-9744)

    9.“翻译研究的语言学途径:从比较语言学到多模态话语分析”, 中国翻译 ,2022,43(1): 18-28. (CSSCI) (ISSN 1000-873X)

    10.“见微知著,译路躬行——《笔尖上的文化碰撞:对外话语与翻译》评述”,(一作,潘韩婷、余璐平).  翻译季刊 (Translation Quarterly)[J],2023, (107): 109-113. (ISSN 1027-8559)

    11.“翻译研究的多模态转向:现状与展望”,(通讯作者,陈曦、潘韩婷、潘莉).  外语学刊 ,2020, (2): 80-87. Doi:      10.16263/j.cnki.23-1071/h.2020.02.013 (CSSCI) (ISSN 1000-0100)

    12.“因势置译:机构权势操纵下的话语生产”, (一作,潘韩婷、张美芳).  翻译季刊 (Translation Quarterly)[J],2018, (89):      1-20. (ISSN 1027-8559)

    13.“后回归时期的澳门博彩话语建构与发展”, (一作,潘韩婷、张美芳).  澳门研究  (Macau Studies) ,2017, (2):      73-87. (ISSN 0872-8526) 本文获人大复印资料D424《台、港、澳研究》2017年06期全文转载。

    14.“16-20世纪澳门教堂名称汉译特色及社会影响”, 澳门学刊 ,2023, (5): 65-74.      (ISSN 2521-4004)

    15.“语篇分析途径翻译研究的回顾及展望”, (二作,张美芳、潘韩婷、罗天、陈曦).  中国翻译 ,2015, (5): 25-32. (CSSCI) (ISSN      1000-873X)

    16.“Authority      Reestablished via Modal Verb Translation: A Corpus-based study of Hong      Kong Financial News Release Translation”, In  Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Translation Studies (亚太跨学科翻译研究), Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2015, 145-167. (ISBN 9787302422181)

    17.“显化假说普遍性之再思考——以招股章程中的连接词为例”, 当代外语研究 , 2015, (4): 71-76. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2015.04.000 (CSSCI)      (ISSN 1674-8921)

    18.“法律文本及其翻译中的逻辑连接”, (张美芳、潘韩婷), 当代外语研究 , 2014, (7): 50-55. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2014.07.010 (CSSCI)      (ISSN 1674-8921)

    19.“Translate, Explore and Live: An Interview with Susan Bassnett.” In  Projections: A Journal of Graduate Students of FSH, UM. URL:  http://www.umac.mo/fsh/projections2012/08%20Bassnett%20interview.html, 2012.

    20.“中文刑事判决书中法律术语的英译原则解析——兼讨论部分英译实例”, 新疆石油教育学院学报 . 2008年第7期,页98-101. (ISSN1008-9071)

    21."Translating Multimodal Cohesion in Chinese Government  Websites". In  Multimodality in Translation Studies . Eds. Pan, L., Wu, X., Luo, T. & Qian, H. London: Routledge, pp. 161-179,  2023.

    22.“Translation  and Linguistics” (first author, co-authored with ZHANG Meifang). In  Malmkjaer K. (ed.),  The Cambridge Handbook of Translation ,   Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 238-257, 2022. (DOI:      https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108616119.013)

    23.“The  immigration of key cultural icons: A case study of church name translation      in Macao”, In Malmkjaer K., Serban, A. & Louwagie F. (eds.),  Key  Cultural Texts in Translation , Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John      Benjamins, pp.137-190, 2018. (doi 10.1075/btl.140.11pan)

    24.“Institutional power in and behind discourse: A case study of SARS notices and their translations used in Macao" (with Meifang Zhang as the first author), in Munday J. & M. Zhang  (eds.),  Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies . Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp.63-82, 2017. (doi 10.1075/bct.94)

    25.“在线双语法律语料库辅助的法律翻译学习”,载《法律语言与法律翻译(第一卷)》,余素青编,上海:上海译文出版社,页96-104,2010. (ISBN 978-7-5327-5005-4)

    26.“From‘gambling’ to‘gaming’: A corpus-assisted study of discursive construction of Macao’s gaming industry”. (co-authored with ZHANG Meifang) In  Second Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference Proceedings . Hong Kong:  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2014, pp. 130-13. (ISBN:      978-962-367-766-0).

    27.“Translating for Institutions: A Case Study of Model Verbs Translation in Hong Kong Financial News Releases”. In Awang R, Ghani, A.A.& L, Leelany (eds.),  Translator and Interpreter Education and Training . Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Translators Association, 2013, pp. 806-19. (ISBN 978-967-12092-0-2)

