


姓名:王评 学历:博士 职称:特聘副研究员 电子邮箱:wpking@bnu.edu.cn

理学博士,现任北京师范大学文理学院特聘副研究员。2007年毕业于合肥工业大学,2015年在中国科学技术大学近代物理系获得博士学位,指导老师为杜江峰院士和北京计算科学研究中心杨文教授。2016年到2021年在香港中文大学刘仁保教授指导下从事量子精密测量理论的研究。2021年加入北京师范大学珠海校区未来教育学院,主要研究方向为量子精密测量以及量子信息理论研究。至今以第一作者或者通讯作者Phys. Rev. Lett., Nat. Commun.等学术期刊上发表论文多篇,参与在研国家科技重大专项研究。


2003/09- 2007/07    合肥工业大学,材料与工程系,工学学士

2007/09- 2010/12    中国科学技术大学,近代物理系,理学硕士

2012/09- 2015/11    中国科学技术大学 ,近代物理系,理学博士


2011/01-2012/07    湖南工学院,基础教学部,大学物理教师

2015/11-2016/01    北京计算科学研究中心,物理模型实验室,访问学者

2016/01-2021/04     香港中文大学,物理系,博士后




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目;基于量子探测器的非平衡量子多体物理的理论研究;2025.01-2028.12;主持

2. 2030-“量子通信与量子计算机”重大项目;临界纳米磁性的金刚石量子传感研究与应用;2024.01-2028.12;参与

发表论文表示共同一作, *表示共同通讯

1. Ze Wu, Ping Wang , Tianyun Wang, Yuchen Li, Ran Liu, Yuquan Chen, Xinhua Peng, and Ren-Bao Liu,Phys. Rev. Lett.132, 200802(2024)

2. Ping Wang, Chong Chen, Xinhua Peng, Jörg Wrachtrup, and Ren-Bao Liu, Characterization of Arbitrary-Order Correlations in Quantum Baths by Weak Measurement, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 050603(2019)

3. Ping Wang; Wen Yang; Renbao Liu ; Using Weak Measurements to Synthesize Projective Measurement of Nonconserved Observables of Weakly Coupled Nuclear Spins, Phys. Rev. Applied, 19, 054037(2023).

4. Ping Wang(王评), Chong Chen(陈冲), and Ren-Bao Liu(刘仁保),  Classical-Noise-Free Sensing Based on Quantum Correlation Measurement, Chin. Phys. Lett.(Express Letter), 38, 010301(2021) :

5.  Ping Wang and Wen Yang, Theory of nuclear spin dephasing and relaxationby optically illuminated nitrogen-vacancy center, New J. Phys. 17, 113041(2015)

6. Yang Shen; Ping Wang  * ; Chun Tung Cheung; Jörg Wrachtrup; Ren-Bao Liu * ; Sen Yang *  ; Detection of Quantum Signals Free of Classical Noise via Quantum Correlation, Phys. Rev. Lett., 130, 070802(2023)(共同通讯和共同一作)

7. Matthias Pfender , Ping Wang , Hitoshi Sumiya, Shinobu Onoda, Wen Yang, Durga Bhaktavatsala Rao Dasari, Philipp Neumann, Xin-Yu Pan, Junichi Isoya, Ren-Bao Liu, J. Wrachtrup , High-resolution spectroscopy of single nuclear spins via sequential weak measurements,  Nature Communications 10, 594 (2019)(共同一作)

8. Jonas Meinel ; Vadim V. Vorobyov ; Ping Wang ; B. V. Yavkin; Matthias Pfender; HitoshiSumiya; Shinobu Onoda; Junichi Isoya; Ren-Bao Liu; Joerg Wrachtrup ; Quantum nonlinear spectroscopy of single nuclear spins.,Nature Communications, 13, 5318(2022). (共同一作)

9. Ping Wang, Bao Liu, and Wen Yang, Strongly polarizing weakly coupled 13C nuclear spins with optically pumped nitrogen-vacancy center, Scientific Reports 5, 15847(2015)

10. Ping Wang and Qiang Zheng, Polarization for the Strong coupled nuclear spin near Ground State Level Anti-Crossing point in nitrogen-vacancy center, European Physical Journal D 70,210(2016)

11. Wang Ping, Zheng Qiang, Wang Wen-Ge, Decay of Loschmidt Echo at a Critical Point in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model, Chin. Phys. Lett, 27,8(2010)

12. X.M. Feng , Ping Wang , Wen Yang and G. R. Jin, High-precision evaluation of Wigner's d matrix by exact diagonalization, Phys. Rev. E 92, 043307 (2015)

13. Sen Yang, Ya Wang, D. D. Bhaktavatsala Rao, Thai Hien Tran,Ali S. Momenzadeh, M. Markham, D. J. Twitchen, Ping Wang, Wen Yang, Rainer Stöhr, Philipp Neumann, Hideo Kosaka , Jörg Wrachtrup, Nature Photonics 10, 507–511 (2016)

14. Gang-Qin Liu, Jian Xing, Wen-Long Ma, Ping Wang, Chang-Hao Li, HoiChun Po, Yu-Ran Zhang, Heng Fan, Ren-Bao Liu, and Xin-Yu Pan,Single-Shot Readout of a Nuclear Spin Weakly Coupled to a Nitrogen-Vacancy Center at Room Temperature, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 150504 (2017)

15. P. Liu,  P. Wang, W. Yang, G. R. Jin and C. P. Sun, Fisher information of a squeezed-state interferometer with a finite photon-number resolution, Phys. Rev. A 95, 023824 (2017)

16. Wen-Long Ma, Ping Wang, Weng-Hang Leong, and Ren-Bao Liu,Phase transitions in sequential weak measurements, Phys. Rev. A 98, 012117(2017)

17. Qian Wang, Ping Wang, Yinbiao Yang, and Wen-ge Wang, Decay of quantum Loschmidt echo and fidelity in the broken phase of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model,Phys. Rev. A 91, 042102(2015)


本科生: 量子物理(本科必修课程),量子技术及其物理实现(本科选修课程)

