


姓名:平永利 学历:博士 职称:特聘副研究员 电子邮箱:ylping@bnu.edu.cn

河北邯郸人,理学博士,现任北京师范大学文理学院物理系特聘副研究员。主持在研国家自然科学基金面上项目一项,主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目和国家博士后基金各,在《Nature Physics》等刊物发表学术文章30余篇。


1999.09-2003.06 河北师范大学,物理教育专业,理学学士

2003.09-2008.06 大连理工大学,理论物理专业,理学博士


2008.09-2011.06 北京大学,应用物理与技术研究中心,博士后

2011.09-2014.06 中国科学院,国家天文台,博士后

2014.09-2017.09 知识产权公司,专利工程师

2017.10-2024.08 北京师范大学天文系,系聘副研究员

2024.09-至今 北京师范大学,文理学院,特聘副研究员




1. 国家自然科学基金委面上基金;耀变体辐射机制中的相对论磁重联模拟研究;2022-2025;主持

2. 中国科学院先导A课题;McMIXS高速二维硬X射线成像系统;2020-2025;参与

3. 科技部重点研发计划课题;天体湍流系统能量转化及粒子加速实验室模拟研究;2023-2027;参与

4. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金;GeV电子柱在稠密等离子体中散射产生GeV超高能伽玛射线;2010-2012;主持

5. 中国博士后基金;高能电子在稠密等离子体中散射和能量沉积;2009-2011;主持


1. Qian Zhang, Yongli Ping, Weiming An, and Jiayong Zhong. Electron acceleration in the electron diffusion region of asymmetrical magnetic reconnection driven by ultra-intensity lasers. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 66(7): 075011 (2024).

2. Yongli Ping, Jiayong Zhong, Xiaogang Wang et al, Turbulent magnetic reconnection generated by intense lasers, Nature Physics, 19 263 (2023).

3. Qian Zhang, Yongli Ping, Weiming An, Wei Sun, and Jiayong Zhong. Effect of the magnetization parameter on electron acceleration during relativistic magnetic reconnection in ultra-intense laser-produced plasma. Chinese Physics B, 31(6), 65203-065203 (2022).

4. Yongli Ping, Jiayong Zhong, Xiaogang Wang, and Gang Zhao, Reconnection rate and multi-scale relativistic magnetic reconnection driven by ultra-intense lasers, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 63 085012 (2021).

5. Yongli Ping, Jiayong Zhong, Xiaogang Wang, and Gang Zhao, Asymmetric magnetic reconnection driven by ultraintense femtosecond lasers, Phys. Plasmas, 26, 122110 (2019).

6. Yongli Ping, Jiayong. Zhong, Xiaogang. Wang, Zhengming. Sheng, and G. Zhao, Acceleration and Pickup Ring of Energetic Electrons Observed in Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection Simulations, The Astrophysical Journal, 849:137 (2017).

7. Yongli Ping, Jiayong Zhong, Zhengming Sheng et al, Three-dimensional fast magnetic reconnection driven by relativistic ultraintense femtosecond lasers, Physical Review E (RAPID COMMUNICATIONS) 89, 031101(R) (2014).