


姓名:康秀英 学历:博士 职称:副教授








[1] X Kang, Z Dun, Accuracy and grid convergence of wall shear stress measured by lattice Boltzmann method, Int J Mod Phys C, 25(12), pp1450057-13, 2014.

[2] X Kang, Assessment of pulsatile wall shear stress in the stenosed and recanalized carotid bifurcations by the lattice Boltzmann method, Computers & Fluids, 97, pp156-163, 2014.

[3] X Kang, Lattice Boltzmann simulating hemodynamics in the three-dimensional stenosed and recanalized human carotid bifurcations, Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 2014, in press.

[4] 敦志娅, 康秀英, 格子玻尔兹曼模拟壁面剪切应力的精度, 北京师范大学学报, 50(2), pp5-8, 2014。

[5] 范照萌, 康秀英, 颈动脉几何形状对动脉粥样硬化形成的影响, 北京师范大学学报, 49(1), p18-22, 2013。

[6] KANG XiuYing, SU YanPing , Lattice Boltzmann simulation of flow around two, three and four circular cylinders in close proximity, SCIENCE CHINA, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55 (10), pp1873–1885, 2012.

[7] 苏艳平, 康秀英, 格子Boltzmann方法模拟狭窄颈动脉修复前后的流场, 北京师范大学学报, 48(1), p24-27, 2012。

[8] Ji Yupin, Kang Xiuying, Liu Dahe, Simulation of non-Newtonian Blood flow by lattice Boltzmann method,Chinese physics Letters, 27,9 (2010), p094701.

[9] 张立换,康秀英,吉驭嫔,格子Boltzmann方法模拟二维轴对称狭窄血管内的脉动流,北京师范大学学报,2010年,第2期。

[10] Ji Yupin, Kang Xiuying, Liu Dahe, Blood flow at arterial bifurcations simulated by lattice Boltzmann method,Chinese physics Letters, 26,7 (2009), p074702.

[11] Kang Xiuying , Ji Yupin, Liu Dah , Jin Yongjuan, Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method simulating blood flow in aortic arch, Chinese Physics B, 2008, 17 ,1041-1049.

[12] 康秀英,吉玉嫔,张焕焕,刘大禾,金永娟,三维晶格玻尔兹曼方法模拟动脉弓内的流场,北京师范大学学报,2007年第05期。

[13] 康秀英,刘大禾,周静,金永娟,晶格Boltzmann方法模拟流体在三维圆管的流场,北京师范大学学报,2006年第03期。

[14] Kang X Y, Liu D H, Zhou J, Jing Y J, Simulation of blood flow at vessel bifurcation by lattice Boltzmann method,Chinese physics Letters, 22,11 (2005), p2873-2876.

[15] Kang X Y, Liu D H, Zhou J, Jing Y J, Simulating high Reynolds number flow by lattice Boltzmann method,Chinese physics Letters, 22,6 (2005), p1456-1459.

[16] Zheng S Z,Kang X Y, The comparison of green function for qusi-linear elliptic equation,Acta Mathematica Scientia,Vol. 25,3(2005), p470-480.

[17] 康秀英,刘大禾,周静,金永娟,用晶格Boltzmann方法模拟动脉分叉流场,北京师范大学学报,2005年 第04期。