


姓名:周静 学历:博士 职称:教授







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[2] Y. Ye, P. Shi, S. Huang, J. Zhou*, "Design of chirped fiber gratings for optical beamforming networks", Optoelectronic Letter, 7 (2011).

[3] S. Huang, J. Li, Jing Zhou*, "Novel spectrum properties of the periodic π-phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating", Optics Communications, 285 (2012).

[4] S. Huang, J. Li, Y. Ye, P. Shi, Jing Zhou* ,"The further investigation of the true time delay unit based on discrete fiber Bragg gratings", Optics & Laser Technology 44 (2012).

[5] C. Fan, S. Huang, X. Gao, Jing Zhou*, "Compact high frequency true-time-delay beamformer using bidirectional reflectance of the fiber gratings", Optical Fiber Technology 19 (2013).

[6] H. Gao, J. Zhou*, "Achieving frequency red-shift and multiple extraordinary optical transmission via sub-wavelength perfect electrical conductor structure", Optics Communications, 306 (2013).

[7] X. Gao, S. Huang*, J. Zhou*, "Generating, multiplexing/demultiplexing and receiving the orbital angular momentum of radio frequency signals using an optical true time delay unit", J. Opt. 15 (2013).

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