姓名:陈瑾 学历:博士 职称:北京师范大学统计学院副教授
1. 教育部教育财务管理研究课题:城乡统一的义务教育经费保障机制下制约教育均衡发展的因素和对策研究(110522001),2018/12-2020/12,15万元,主持,在研。
2. 国家社会科学基金中华学术外译项目《看懂中国GDP》(英文版)(18WJL012),2018/9-2019/12,25万元,主持,在研。
3. 北京师范大学青年教师基金项目(310422109):我国高校学生资助政策对教育公平的影响研究2017/11-2020/12,10万元,主持,在研。
[4] DesJardins, S., Toutkoushian, R., Hossler, D. & Chen, J. (2019). Time may change me: Examining how aspirations for college evolve during high school. The Review of Higher Education.43 (1):263-294. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1353/rhe.2019.0096
[5] Chen, J., Ziskin, M., & Torres, V. (2019). An analysis of factors affecting dropout risks of nontraditional students: evidence from U.S. 4-year commuter institutions. International Journal of Educational Reform. 00 (0): 1-22. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1056787919874864
[6] Chen, J.& Zerquera, D.(2018).Leaving or staying home: Predicting where students attend college. Education and Urban Society. 50 (4):376-399. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0013124517713245
[7] Chen, J. & Hossler, D. (2017). The effects of financial aid on college success of two-year beginning nontraditional students, Research in Higher Education, 58 (1), 40-76. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11162-016-9416-0