


姓名:郭旭 学历:2014年获博士学位 职称:北京师范大学统计学院副教授,博士生导师




1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,高维半参数回归模型的两类假设检验问题,(No. 12071038),2021.1—2024.12,主持

2.北京市自然科学基金面上项目,大数据背景下高维单指标模型的统计推断及其应用,(No. 1212004),2021.1—2023.12,主持

3.国家自然科学基金青年基金, 基于投影的多元非参数回归曲线比较及若干拓展问题,(No.11601227), 2017.1—2019.12, 主持


[1] Guo Xu, Li Runze, Liu Jingyuan, Zeng Mudong (2022). High-dimensional mediation analysis for selecting DNA methylation Loci mediating childhood trauma and cortisol stress reactivity.  Journal of the American Statistical Association, published online. (SCI).

[2] Guo Xu, Li Runze, Liu Jingyuan, Zeng Mudong (2022). Statistical inference for linear mediation models with high-dimensional mediators and application to studying stock reaction to COVID-19 pandemic.  Journal of Econometrics , to appear. (SCI).

[3] Guo Xu, Ren Haojie, Zou Changliang, Li Runze. (2021). Threshold selection in feature screening for error rate control  Journal of the American Statistical Association, published online. (SCI)

[4] Du Lilun, Guo Xu, Sun Wenguang, Zou Changliang. (2021). False Discovery Rate Control Under General Dependence by Symmetrized Data Aggregation.  Journal of the American Statistical Association ,published online. (SCI)

[5] Guo Xu, Wang Tao and Zhu Lixing (2016). Model checking for parametric single index models: A dimension-reduction model-adaptive approach.  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B. Vol 78, 1013-1035. (SCI)

[6] Wang Tao, Guo Xu, Xu Peirong and Zhu Lixing(2014). Transformed Sufficient Dimension Reduction.  Biometrika. Vol. 101, No. 4, 815-829. (SCI)

[7] Zhou Niwen and Guo Xu (2022). Discussion on “Assumption-lean inference for generalised linear model parameters" by Stijn Vansteelandt and Oliver Dukes,  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B , to appear.