


姓名:段小刚 职称:副教授


联系方式: xgduan@bnu.edu.cn


1. 博士点基金: 2013.1—2015.12.

2. 青年基金: 2014.1—2016.12.

3. 面上项目: 2018.1-2021.12.


(一) 中文论文:




(二) 英文论文:

[4] Li Y, Fang WH and Duan XG(2019+]. On the Driving Forces of Historical Changes in the Fatalities of Tropical Cyclone Disasters in China from 1951~2014. Natural Hazards. Accepted.

[5] He J, Duan XG, Zhang SM and Li H (2019+]. Estimation of marginal generalized linear model with subgroup auxiliary information. Comm Statist Theory Methods.   Accepted.

[6] Duan XG* and Wang QH (2019+]. Quantile regression under local misspecification.   Acta Math Appl Sin Engl Ser. To appear.

[7] He J, Li H, Zhang SM and Duan XG*(2019]. Additive hazards model with auxiliary subgroup survival information. Lifetime Data Analysis, 25: 128—149.

[8] Duan XG and Yin GS (2017]. Ensemble approaches to estimation of the population mean with missing responses. Scand Statist. 44:899—917.

[9] Zhang QZ, Duan XG and Zhou XH (2017]. A weighted Wilcoxon estimate for the covariate-specific ROC curve. Sci China Math. 60: 1705—1716.

[10] Hu XN, Duan XG, Pan DD, Zhang SG and Li QZ (2017].  A Model-embedded trend test with incorporating Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium Information. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity (J Syst Sci Complex] 30: 101—110.

[11] Zhang QZ, Duan XG and Ma SG (2017]. Focused information criterion and model average under generalized rank regression. Statist Probab Lett., 112:11—19.

[12] Li H, Duan XG and Yin GS (2016]. GMM for additive hazards model with clustered dental survival data. Scand Statist, 43(4]: 1124—1139.

[13] Liu LP, Guo ZC and Duan XG (2016]. Population size estimation with covariate values missing non-ignorable. Acta Math Appl Sin Engl Ser, 32, 659—668.

[14] Duan XG* and Wang Z (2016]. A fusion of least squares and empirical likelihood for regression models with a missing binary covariate.  Sci China Math, 59(10], 2027—2036.

[15] Duan XG and Zhou XH (2013].  Composite quantile regression for the receiver operating characteristic curve. Biometrika, 100, 889—900.

[16] Duan XG, Qin J and Wang QH (2010].  Optimal estimation in surrogate outcome regression problems. Canad J Statist, 38, 633—646.

[17] Duan XG, Liu LP and Zhao P (2009]. Estimation of covariates distribution with capture recapture data. Comm Statist Theory Methods, 38: 3705—3712.