


姓名:张勋 职称:北京师范大学统计学院金融统计系教授,博士生导师 电子邮箱:zhangxun@bnu.edu.cn




1)       国家自然科学基金面上项目(71973014):《交通基础设施,市场一体化与区域经济协同发展:理论与政策评估研究》,52万,主持,在研。

2)       国家社科基金重大项目(19ZDA151):《中国相对贫困的多维识别与协同治理研究》,子课题负责人。

3)       北京市教育科学“十三五”规划重点课题(CAGA18087):《京津冀协同发展背景下义务教育经费投入与包容性增长的关系研究》,10万,主持,已结题。

4)       北京师范大学中国教育与社会发展研究院2020年度内设项目(Wa2020003):《重大突发事件发生时应急管理政策措施、效果及改善策略研究——对新冠肺炎疫情下封城和居家隔离政策的经济损失评估》,5万,主持,已结题。

5)       全国统计科学研究重点项目(2017LZ21):《“一带一路”背景下我国基础设施投资回报率的测算方法研究》,3万,主持,已结题。

6)       国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(71603026):《基础设施与包容性增长:理论与政策评估研究》,17万,主持,已结题(项目绩效评估“特优”)。

7)       北京大学-林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策研究中心课题:《教育投入、投入结构与学区房溢价》,8万,与张欣共同主持,已结题。

8)       北京大学新结构经济学研究中心课题:《基础设施与结构变迁研究》,3万,主持,已结题。

9)       中国博士后科学基金第9批特别资助项目(2016T90048),15万,主持,已结题。

10)   中国博士后科学基金第58批面上资助项目(2015M580055),8万,主持,已结题。

11)   北京师范大学青年教师基金项目(SKXJS2015011),10万,主持,已结题。

12)   亚洲开发银行研究项目:《亚洲-太平洋地区的城镇化、贫困和不平等三角》。

13)   2013年中国人民银行重点研究课题:《中国投资率的影响因素及长期变化趋势》。

14)   国务院发展研究中心研究课题:《十三五时期国民经济风险评估与防控对策》。

15)   联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会研究课题:《抵御自然灾害和经济危机》。























(二) 英文论文:

[1]    Wan G., C. Wang, J. Wang, and X. Zhang, 2022. The Income Inequality-CO2 Emissions Nexus: Transmission Mechanisms. Ecological Economics, in press.

[2]       Luo Z., G. Wan, C. Wang, and X. Zhang, 2021. The Distributive Impacts of the Belt and Road Initiative. Journal of Economic Surveys, in press.

[3]       Wan. G., C. Wang, and X. Zhang, 2021. The Poverty-Growth-Inequality Triangle: Asia 1960s-2010s. Social Indicator Research, 153, 795-822.

[4]       Zhang X., G. Wan, J. Li, and Z. He, 2020. Global Spatial Economic Interaction: Knowledge Spillover or Technical Diffusion? Spatial Economic Analysis, 15(1], pp. 5-23(国际区域经济学会2021年最佳论文奖).

[5]       Zhang X., 2019. Structural Change through Public Education Expenditure: Evidence from China, Contemporary Economic Policy, 37(2], 366-388(中国教育发展战略学会教育财政专业委员会青年优秀论文奖二等奖).

[6]       Luo Z., C. Wang, and X. Zhang*, 2018. Does Cancellation of Tax Preferential Policy Reduce Foreign Direct Investment Inflows? China & World Economy, 26(6], pp. 97-115(商务发展研究成果奖).

[7]       Luo Z., G. Wan, C. Wang, and X. Zhang, 2018. Urban Pollution and Road Infrastructure: A Case Study of China, China Economic Review, 49, 171-183.

[8]       Zhang X., G. Wan, C. Wang, and Z. Luo, 2017. Technical Change and Income Inequality in China, The World Economy, 40(11], 2378-2402.

[9]       Tang Y., J. Xu, and X. Zhang*, 2017. China’s Investment and Rate of Return on Capital Revisited, Journal of Asian Economics, 49, pp. 12-25.

[10]   Hu C., X. Zhang*, and Q. Gao, 2015. Synthetic CDO Pricing: The Perspective of Risk Integration, Applied Economics, 47(15], pp. 1574-1587.

[11]   Xu J. and X. Zhang, 2014. China’s Sovereign Debt: A Balance-Sheet Perspective, China Economic Review, 31, pp. 53-73.

[12]   Zhang X., J. Zhang, G. Wan, and Z. Luo, 2020. Fintech, Growth, and Inequality: Evidence from China’s Household Survey Data, Singapore Economic Review, 65(S1], pp. 75-94.

[13]   Jiang Q., X. Zhang, M. Wu, and X. Tong, 2020. Testing Economic “Genetic Pleiotropy” For Box-Cox Linear Model, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 49(19], pp. 4804-4818.

[14]   Zhang X., Y. Wang, X. Chen, and X. Zhang*, 2020. Associations Between Prenatal Sunshine Exposure and Birth Outcomes in China, Science of the Total Environment, 713, 136472.

[15]   Zhang X., G. Wan, J. Zhang, and Z. He, 2020. Digital Economy, Financial Inclusion and Inclusive Growth, China Economist, 5, pp. 92-105.

[16]   Wan G., Q. Zhu, C. Wang, and X. Zhang, 2020. The Size Distribution of Cities in China: Evolution of Urban System and Deviations from Zipf’s Law, Ecological Indicators, 111, 106003.

[17]   Zhang X., Y. Tan, Z. Hu, C. Wang, G. Wan, 2020. The Trickle-down Effect of Fintech Development: From the Perspective of Urbanization, China & World Economy, 28(1], pp. 23-40.

[18]   Zhang X., H. Niu, G. Wan, and C. Wang, 2020. Investing for Urban-Rural Migration: The Role of Education, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 24(4], pp. 578-594.

[19]   Zhang X., G. Wan, Z. Luo, and C. Wang, 2019. Explaining the East Asia Miracle: The Role of Urbanization, Economic Systems, 43(2], 100697.

[20]   Luo Z., G. Wan, C. Wang, and X. Zhang*, 2018. Aging and Inequality: The Link and Transmission Mechanisms, Review of Development Economics, 22, pp. 885-903.

[21]   Zhang X., Z. He, J. Zhu, and J. Li, 2018. Quantity of Finance and Financial Crisis: A Non-Monotonic Investigation, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 44, pp. 129-139.

[22]   Zhang X., G. Wan, and X. Wang, 2017. Road Infrastructure and the Share of Labor Income: Evidence from China’s Manufacturing Sector, Economic Systems, 41, pp. 513-523.

[23]   Liu P., S. Jia, and X. Zhang*, 2017. Catch-up Cycle: A General Equilibrium Framework, Review of Development Economics, 2017, 21(4], pp. 1327-1340.

[24]   Zhang X. and G. Wan, 2017. Rural Infrastructure and China’s Inclusive Growth, China Economist, 5, pp. 100-109.

[25]   Zhang R. and X. Zhang*, 2016. Capital Structure Premium in Multinational SOEs: Evidence from China, Review of Development Economics, 20(1], pp. 283-293.

[26]   Zhang G., K. K. Yau, X. Zhang, and Y. Li, 2016. Traffic Accidents involving Fatigue Driving and Their Extent of Casualties, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 87, pp. 34-42.