


姓名:刘君 学历:博士 职称:副教授


[1]. Jun Liu, Stanley Osher. Block Matching Local SVD Operator Based Sparsity and TV Regularization for Image Denoising. Journal of Scientific Computing. (2019) 78(1): 607-624.

[2]. Jun Liu, Xiaojun Zheng. A Block Nonlocal TV Method for Image Restoration. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences,(2017) 10(2):920-941.

[3]. Jun Liu, Xue-cheng Tai, Haiyang Huang, Zhongdan Huan. A Weighted Dictionary Learning Model for Denoising Images Corrupted by Mixed Noise. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. (2013) 22(3): 1108-1120.

[4]. Jun Liu, Haiyang Huang, Zhongdan Huan, Haili Zhang. Adaptive Variational Method for Restoring Color Images with High Density Impulse Noise. International Journal of Computer Vision. (2010) 90 (2): 131-149.

[5]. Jun Liu, Zhongdan Huan, Haiyang Huang, and Haili Zhang. An Adaptive Method for Recovering Image from Mixed Noisy Data. International Journal of Computer Vision. (2009) 85 (2): 182-191.
