


姓名:张敬刚 学历:博士 职称:讲师 电子邮箱:zhangjg@bnu,edu.cn



2010.09-2014.06    吉林农业大学,动物科学,农学学士

2014.09-2017.06    北京师范大学,生物学,理学硕士

2017.09-2022.01    北京师范大学,动物学,理学博士


2022.04-2024.08    德国马普生物智能研究所,博士后

2024.09-至今         北京师范大学文理学院,讲师










1.Zhang J*, Santema P, Li J, Deng W*, Kempenaers B 2024. Video evidence that cuckoos farm their hosts by ejecting nestlings.  Ecology and Evolution , 14: e11196.

2.Zhang J, Santema P, Li J, Deng W*, Kempenaers B 2023. Brood parasitism risk drives birds to breed near humans.  Current Biology , 33: 1-5.

3.Zhang J, Santema P, Lin Z, Yang L, Liu M, Li J, Deng W*, Kempenaers B 2023. Experimental evidence that cuckoos choose host nests following an egg matching strategy.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 290: 20222094.

4.Zhang J*, Santema P, Lin Z, Yang L, Liu M, Li J, Deng W, Kempenaers B 2023. Differences in the costs and benefits of choosiness may explain variation in cuckoo egg-matching strategy. A reply to Wang and Liang (2023).  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 290: 20231219.

5.Zhang J, Santema P, Li J, Yang L, Deng W*, Kempenaers B 2021. Host personality predicts cuckoo egg rejection in Daurian Redstarts  Phoenicurus auroreus.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 288: 20210228.

6.Zhang J, Santema P, Li J, Feeney W, Deng W*, Kempenaers B 2022. The mere presence of cuckoos in breeding area alters egg-ejection decisions in Daurian redstarts.  Behavioral Ecology , 33: 6.

7.Zhang J*, Santema P, Wang H, Lin Z, Yang L, Yan D, Li J, Deng W*, Kempenaers B 2024. The risk of brood parasitism does not affect levels of extrapair paternity in a cuckoo host.  Behavioral Ecology , 35:1.

8.Zhang J, Møller AP, Yan D, Li J, Deng W* 2021. Egg rejection changes with seasonal variation in risk of cuckoo parasitism in Daurian Redstarts,  Phoenicurus auroreus .  Animal Behaviour , 175: 193-200.

9.Zhang J, Shi J, Deng W*, Liang W* 2019. Nest defense and egg recognition in the Grey-backed Thrush  Turdus hortulorum : defense against interspecific or conspecific brood parasitism?  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology , 73: 1-8.