


姓名:黄家权 学历:博士 职称:讲师 电子邮箱:jiaquan_terry@bnu.edu.cn

广东深圳人,现任北京师范大学文理学院生物系讲师。主持在研国家及省部级课题(子课题)3项,在Journal of Advanced Research、Digital Discovery、Plant Physiology、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules等刊物发表学术文章10余篇等。


2012.09 – 2016.06,华南农业大学,植物保护,学士

2016.09 – 2021.12,华南农业大学,植物病理学,博士

2019.06 – 2020.07,美国农业部圣华金谷农业研究中心,生物信息学,联合培养博士(访问学者)


2022.02 – 2024.06, 北京师范大学生物科技研究中心,生物化学与分子生物学, 博士后


1. 链霉菌分泌利迪霉素调控植物根系生长素极性运输的机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(32400235),2025-01至2027-12,主持;

2. 自编码语言模型助力芳香型聚酮天然产物开发,广东省基础与应用基础研究基金省市联合基金青年项目(2023A1515110175), 2023-11至2026-10,主持。


1. 生物分子序列语言模型开发及下游应用

2. 植物与微生物互作来源的天然产物开发

3. 基于人工智能的抗菌肽及生物酶定向改造


1. H. Zhang*, Y. Wu#, Y. Zhu#, L. Ge, J. Huang*, Z. Qin*. Identification and functional analysis of a serine protease inhibitor using machine learning strategy. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024.

2. H. Zhang, Y. Wang, P. Huang, Y. Zhu, X. Li, Z. Chen, Y. Liu, J. Jiang, Y. Gao, J. Huang*, Z. Qin*. Machine learning and genetic algorithm-guided directed evolution for the development of antimicrobial peptides. Journal of Advanced Research, 2024.

3. J. Huang#, Y. Wu#, Q. Gao, X. Li, Y. Zeng, Y. Guo, H. Zhang*, Z. Qin*. Metagenomic exploration of the rhizosphere soil microbial community and their significance in facilitating the development of wild simulated ginseng. Applied Environmental and Microbiology, 2024.

4. X. Zhan, X. Li, Y. Zeng, S. Jiang, C. Pan, S. Pan, J. Huang*, H. Zhang*, Z. Qin*. Unlocking the biosynthetic regulation role of polyketide alkaloid lydicamycins. New Journal of Chemistry, 2024, 48, 525-528.

5. J. Huang#, X. Li#, X. Zhan#, S. Pan, C. Pan, J. Li, S. Fan, L. Zhang, K. Du, Z. Du, J. Zhang, H. Huang, J. Li, H. Zhang*, Z. Qin*. A Streptomyces species from the ginseng rhizosphere exhibits biocontrol potential. Plant Physiology, 2024, kiae006.

6. J. Huang, Q. Gao, Y. Tang, Y. Wu, H. Zhang*, Z. Qin*. A deep learning model for type II polyketide natural product prediction without sequence alignment. Digital Discovery, 2023, 2, 1484-1493.

7. H. Zhang, X. Li, S. Pan, J. Huang*, Z. Qin*. Dissecting the biosynthesis of the polyketide alkaloid lydicamycin using a complex metabolic network. New Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 47, 12093-12100.

8. J Huang, I. Alanís-Martínez, L. Kumagai, Z. Dai, Z. Zheng, AA. Perez de Leon, J. Chen, X. Deng. Machine learning and analysis of genomic diversity of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strains from 20 citrus production states in Mexico. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:1052680.

9. J. Huang, Z. Dai, Z. Zheng, PA. da Silvia, L. Kumagai, Q. Xiang, J. Chen, X. Deng. Bacteriomic Analyses of Asian Citrus Psyllid and Citrus Samples Infected With “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” in Southern California and Huanglongbing Management Implications. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12: 68348.