


姓名:梁雅轩 学历:博士 职称:副教授 电子邮箱:y.liang@bnu.edu.cn

本科就读于哈尔滨工业大学,于美国纽约大学(New York University)获得博士学位。纽约西奈山医学院(Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York)完成博士后训练。先后担任加州大学尔湾分校(UC@Irvine)医学院Project Scientist及深圳数字生命研究院主任研究员(Principle Investigator),主要从事外泌体领域研究。以通讯作者或第一作者在 J Extracell Vesicles.,Circ Res.,J Am Coll Cardiol. 等领域顶期发表多篇学术论文;曾获得2017国际细胞外囊泡大会Junior Member Scholarship奖,AHA 2017年度 Louis N. and Arnold M. Katz Basic Research奖并邀请在大会发言。主持国自然基金委以及美国心脏学会项目。任 EVCNA 杂志编委(Junior Editorial Board);担任 Theranostics, Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, Cancer Letters 等杂志特约审稿人。


1. 工程化细胞外囊泡(外泌体)药物递送载体在组织再生和肿瘤抑制中的应用;

2. 基于外泌体和腺相关病毒的基因递送和基因治疗;

3. 外周血/尿液中细胞外囊泡亚群分离方法与载物分析,及其在新型无创液体活检中的应用。




美国心脏学会基金American Heart Association Fellowship(主持,结题)


1. Liu B, Li Z, Huang S, Yan B, He S, Chen F, Liang Y*. AAV-Containing Exosomes as a Novel Vector for Improved Gene Delivery to Lung Cancer Cells. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Aug 13;9:707607. 

2. Liang Y*, Lehrich BM, Zheng S, Lu M. Emerging methods in biomarker identification for extracellular vesicle-based liquid biopsy. J Extracell Vesicles. 2021 May;10(7):e12090. 

3. Lehrich BM#, Liang Y#, Fiandaca MS. Foetal bovine serum influence on in vitro extracellular vesicle analyses. J Extracell Vesicles. 2021 Jan;10(3):e12061. 

4. Brandon M Lehrich, Yaxuan Liang & Massimo S. Fiandaca. Response to ”Technical approaches to reduce interference of Fetal calf serum derived RNA in the analysis of extracellular vesicle RNA from cultured cells” Journal of Extracellular Vesicles , 2019 Apr 14;8(1):1599681 

5. Mathiyalagan P, Adamiak M, Mayourian J, Sassi Y, Liang Y, Agarwal N, Jha D, Zhang S, Kohlbrenner E, Chepurko E, Chen J, Trivieri MG, Singh R, Bouchareb R, Fish K, Ishikawa K, Lebeche D, Hajjar RJ, Sahoo S. FTO-Dependent N6-Methyladenosine Regulates Cardiac Function During Remodeling and Repair. Circulation. 2019 Jan 22;139(4):518-532

6. Lehrich BM, Liang Y, Khosravi P, Federoff HJ, Fiandaca MS, Fetal Bovine Serum-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Persist within Vesicle-Depleted Culture Media. Int J Mol Sci . 2018 Nov 9;19(11).      

7. Mathiyalagan P#, Liang Y#, Kim D, Misener S, Thorne T, Kamide C, Klyachko E, Losordo DW, Hajjar RJ, Sahoo S. Angiogenic Mechanisms of Human CD34+ Stem Cell Exosomes in the Repair of Ischemic Hindlimb. Circ Res . 2017 Mar 15;120:1466-1476

8. Van Deun J, Mestdagh P, Agostinis P, ... Liang Y, ...et. al. EV-TRACK: transparent reporting and centralizing knowledge in extracellular vesicle research. Nat Methods. 2017 Feb 28;14(3):228-232

9. Liang Y, Sahoo S. Exosomes Explosion for Cardiac Resuscitation. J Am Coll Cardiol . 2015 Aug 11;66(6):612-5.