


姓名:王世超 学历:博士 职称:特聘副研究员 电子邮箱:scwang@bnu.edu.cn

博士毕业于澳门大学,在美国莱斯大学完成博士后研究工作。主要研究方向是荧光和光声探针的设计合成与应用,首次开发出能够穿越血脑屏障(BBB)的光声和近红外二区荧光小分子探针用于检测阿尔茨海默疾病和脑部胶质瘤。目前已在 J. Am. Chem. Soc. ,  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. ,  Chem. Sci. ,  Nat. Commun. 等专业期刊上发表论文20余篇。2023年2月起就职于北京师范大学珠海校区,担任青年英才特聘副研究员。


1. 小分子探针,主要应用于穿越血脑屏障对大脑疾病的成像诊断

2. 光活化功能的小分子探针及超分辨显影


2015.08-2019.01,   澳门大学,生物医药,博士

2012.09-2015.06,   安徽大学,应用化学 ,硕士

2008.09-2012.06,   安徽大学,化学工程与工艺 ,学士


2023.02-至今            北京师范大学珠海校区,文理学院,特聘副研究员

2020.01-2023.01      美国莱斯大学,化学系,博士后

2019.01-2019.12      澳门大学,健康与科学学院,助理研究员


1. ShichaoWang#, Hui Shi#, Lushun Wang, Axel Loredo, Sergei M. Bachilo, William Wu, Zeru Tian, Yuda Chen, R. Bruce Weisman, Xuanjun Zhang, Zhen Cheng*, Han Xiao*. Photostable Small-Molecule NIR-II Fluorescent Scaffolds that Cross the Blood-Brain Barrier for Noninvasive Brain Imaging.  J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 2022, 144, 23668–23676. (Featured as  Cover Article ).

2. Shichao Wang, Zonghai Sheng*, Zhenguo Yang, Dehong Hu, Xiaojing Long, Gang Feng, Yubin Liu, Zhen Yuan, Jingjing Zhang, Hairong Zheng, Xuanjun Zhang*,Activatable small-molecule photoacoustic probes that cross the blood-brain barrier for visualization of copper(II) in mice with Alzheimer’s disease,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.   2019, 58, 12415-12419.  (Featured as  Hot Paper ).

3. Lushun Wang#, Shichao Wang#(Co-first), Juan Tang, Vanessa Espinoza, Axel Loredo, Zeru Tian, Bruce Weissman, and Han Xiao*, Oxime as a General Photocage for the Design of Visible Light Photoactivatable Fluorophores, Chem. Sci.   2021, 12, 15572-15580 .

4. Shichao Wang, Zhi Li, Yubin Liu, Gang Feng, Jun Zheng*, Zhen Yuan*, Xuanjun Zhang*, Activatable photoacoustic and fluorescent probe of nitric oxide for cellular and  in vivo imaging.  Sensor Actuat. B-Chem.  2018, 267, 403-411.  

5. Shichao Wang, Boyu Zhang, Wenjing Wang, Gang Feng, Daqiang Yuan*, Xuanjun Zhang*, Elucidating the structure-reactivity correlation of phenothiazine based fluorescent probes toward ClO.  Chem. Eur. J.   2018, 24, 8157-8166.  

6. Shichao Wang, Xuanjun Zhang*, Design strategies of photoacoustic molecular probes,  ChemBioChem ,  2020, 21,1-10.

7. Shichao Wang#, Shasha Xu#, Yiming Wang, Xiaohe Tian,Yujin Zhang, Chuankui Wang,Jieying Wu, Jiaxiang Yang, and Yupeng Tian*, Synthesis, Crystals of centrosymmetric triphenylamine chromophores bearing prodigious two-photon absorption cross-section and biological imaging,  Spectrochim. Acta A  2017,173, 871–879.  

8. Yuda Chen, Shikai Jin, Mengxi Zhang, Kuan-lin Wu, Anna Chang, Shichao Wang, Zeru Tian, Peter G. Wolynes, Han Xiao*, Unleashing the Potential of Noncanonical Amino Acid Biosynthesis for Creation of Cells with Site-Specific Tyrosine Sulfation,  Nat. Commun. , 2022, 13, 5434.

9. Lushun Wang#, Chia-Heng Hsiung#, Xiaojing Liu, Shichao Wang, Axel Loredoa, Xin Zhang*, Han Xiao*, Single-Atom Replacement in Xanthone-Based Solvatochromic Fluorophores for Quantifying Micropolarity of Protein Aggregates,  Chem. Sci. , 2022,13,12540-12549.


1. 北京师范大学珠海校区人才引进项目:穿越血脑屏障近红外二区荧光探针的设计合成与评估研究 2023.02-2026.02(主持)

2. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), Development and Applications of Unnatural Organisms with a 21 Amino Acid Genetic Code, 2019.07 – 2024.06 (参与)

3. Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas, Probing and Manipulating the Interface of Cancer and Immunity, 2017.03 – 2023.02 (参与)