


姓名:杨逸 学历:博士 职称:特聘副研究员,硕士生导师 电子邮箱:yiyang@bnu.edu.cn



2018.08-2019.08   新加坡国立大学 土木与环境工程

2016.09-2020.06   华南理工大学   化学工程

2012.09-2016.06   华南理工大学   化学类创新班


2020.09-2023.08   北京师范大学   未来教育学院   特聘副研究员(青年英才)

2023.08-今  北京师范大学   文理学院 特聘副研究员(青年英才)




1.Yang Y*, Liu M, Tang S, You X, Li Y, Mei Y, Chen Y. Investigation of the key mechanisms and optimum conditions of high-effective phosphate removal by bimetallic La-Fe-CNT film. Sep Purif Technol. 2024, 341: 126938.

2.Yang Y, Tang S, Chen J P*. Carbon capture and utilization by algae with high concentration CO2 or bicarbonate as carbon source. Sci Total Environ, 2024, 918: 170325.

3.Yang Y*, Liu M, You X, et al. A novel bimetallic Fe-Cu-CNT catalyst for effective catalytic wet peroxide oxidation: Reaction optimization and mechanism investigation. Chem Eng J. 2024, 479: 147320.

4.Yang Y*, Tang S, Lin H, et al. Catalytic reaction intensification by novel cryogenic auxiliary synthesized Fe-PAN membrane. Ind Eng Chem Res. 2023, 62(48): 20677-20688. (Top journal in chemical engineering, cover paper)

5.Yang Y*. Fixed bed adsorption of phosphate by lanthanum carbonate modified microfibrous composite. Colloids Surfaces C. 2023, 1: 100007.

6.Yuan B, Huang X, Yang S, Yang Y*, et al. Development of a magnetic calcium-alginate hydrogel-sphere encapsulated with Fe–Mn–Zr ternary metal composite for heavy metal adsorption. Sep Purif Technol. 2023, 306: 122531.

7.Yang Y*, Wang Y, Zheng C, et al. Lanthanum carbonate grafted ZSM-5 for superior phosphate uptake: Investigation of the growth and adsorption mechanism. Chem Eng J. 2022, 430: 133166. (ESI Highly cited paper,Hot paper)

8.Yang Y*, Xu R, Zheng C, et al. Hierarchical hollow zeolite fiber in catalytic applications: A critical review. Chemosphere. 2022, 307: 135899.

9.Yang Y*, Zhu H, Xu X, et al. Construction of a novel lanthanum carbonate-grafted ZSM-5 zeolite for effective highly selective phosphate removal from wastewater. Micropor Mesopor Mat. 2021, 324, 111289. (ESI Highly cited paper,Hot paper)

10.Yang Y*, Zhu H, Bao L, et al. Critical review on microfibrous composites for applications in chemical engineering. Rev Chem Eng. 2023, 39(1), 105-126.

11.Yang Y, Zhang H, Huang H, et al. Degradation of m-cresol over iron loaded carbon nanotube microfibrous composite: Kinetic optimization and deactivation study. Sep Purif Technol. 2021, 262, 118340.

12.Yang Y*, Li X, Zhu H, et al. Chemical removal of m-cresol: a critical review. Rev Chem Eng. 2022, 38(8), 1023-1044.

13.Yang Y, Koh K Y, Huang H, et al. Great enhancement in phosphate uptake onto lanthanum carbonate grafted microfibrous composite under a low-voltage electrostatic field. Chemosphere. 2021, 264, 128378.

14.Koh K Y, Yang Y (Co-first author), Chen J P. Critical review on lanthanum-based materials used for water purification through adsorption of inorganic contaminants. Crit Rev Env Sci Tec. 2022, 52(10), 1773-1823.

15.Yang Y, Koh K Y, Li R, et al. An innovative lanthanum carbonate grafted microfibrous composite for phosphate adsorption in wastewater. J Hazard Mater. 2020, 392, 121952.

16.Yang Y, Yan Y, Zhang H, et al. Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of phenol on Fe-ZSM-5/PSSF membrane catalysts: Effect of framework Fe by hydrothermal synthesis. Sep Purif Technol. 2020, 237, 116452.

17.Yang Y, Zhang H, Huang H, et al. Iron-loaded carbon nanotube-microfibrous composite for catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of m-cresol in a fixed bed reactor. Environ Sci Pollut R. 2020, 27(6), 6338-6351.

18.Yang Y, Zhang H, Yan Y. Synthesis of CNTs on stainless steel microfibrous composite by CVD: Effect of synthesis condition on carbon nanotube growth and structure. Compos Part B-Eng. 2019, 160, 369-383.

19.Yang Y, Zhang H, Yan Y. Preparation of novel iron-loaded microfibers entrapped carbon-nanotube composites for catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of m-cresol in a fixed bed reactor. Sep Purif Technol. 2019, 212, 405-415.

20.Yang Y, Zhang H, Yan Y. Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of m-cresol over novel Fe2O3 loaded microfibrous entrapped CNT composite catalyst in a fixed-bed reactor. J Chem Technol Biot. 2018, 93(9), 2552-2563.(Cover paper)

21.Yang Y, Zhang H, Yan Y. The preparation of Fe2O3-ZSM-5 catalysts by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition method for catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of m-cresol. Roy Soc Open Sci. 2018, 5(3), 171731.

22.Yang Y, Zhang H, Yan Y. Synthesis of carbon nanotube on stainless steel microfibrous composite-Comparison of direct and indirect growth and its application in fixed bed m-cresol adsorption. Chem Eng Res Des. 2018, 139, 162-173.

23.Yang Y, Zhang H, Yan Y. Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of phenol on CeO2-ZSM-5 fixed bed reactor. Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science), 2017, 45(6): 117-130.

24.Wang Z, Koh K Y, Yang Y, et al. Design and optimization of an innovative lanthanum/chitosan bead for efficient phosphate removal and study of process performance and mechanisms. Chemosphere, 2022, 306: 135468.

25.Liu L, Lin X, Li W, et al. Thin film composite reverse osmosis membranes with metal-organic coordination complexes stabilized CNTs interlayer for enhanced removal of trace organic contaminants. J Membrane Sci. 2023, 687: 122012.

26.Wang C, Jiang A, Liu X, et al. Amorphous Metal-Organic Framework UiO-66-NO2 for Removal of Oxyanion Pollutants: Towards Improved Performance and Effective Reusability. Sep Purif Technol. 2022: 121014.

27.Dai X X, Feng H L, Chen W J, et al. Synthesis and photovoltaic performance of asymmetric di-anchoring organic dyes. Dyes Pigments. 2015, 122: 13-21.

28.Ou X, Pilitsis F, Jiao Y, et al. Hierarchical Fe-ZSM-5/SiC foam catalyst as the foam bed catalytic reactor (FBCR) for catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO). Chem Eng J. 2019, 362: 53-62.


本科生: 《普通化学》《化学测量实验》《化学基础实验》

研究生: 《材料与化工现代研究方法》












