


姓名:王贝贝 学历:博士 职称:副教授 电子邮箱:bbwang@bnu.edu.cn

理学博士,现任北京师范大学文理学院化学系副教授、博士生导师。主持国家自然科学基金两项、省部级项目1项、横向项目1项,在《Chemical reviews》等刊物发表学术文章二十余篇。


2003.09-2007.07,    中国石油大学(北京),应用化学专业       学士学位

2007.09-2012.07,    复旦大学,物理化学专业,   博士学位


2012.07-2015.05,      密歇根州立大学,生物化学与分子生物学系, 博士后

2015.06-2017.11,     卡尔加里大学,生物科学系, 博士后

2017.11-2021.09,     电子科技大学,生命科学与技术学院, 副教授

2021.09至今,            北京师范大学,文理学院,  副教授




1. 广东省面上项目,阿尔茨海默病早期诊断中示踪剂分子特异性结合的微观分子机制的研究,2024.01-2026.12,主持。

2. 国家自然科学面上项目,结核杆菌细胞被膜完整结构粗粒度模型的构建及其抗药机理研究, 2020.01-2023.12,主持。

3. 国家自然科学青年项目,利用分子动力学模拟解释膜蛋白体系在电喷雾电离过程中的行为, 2019.01-2021.12,主持。

4. 横向项目,小分子化合物在单晶硅表面的吸附特性研究,2018.10-2019.12,主持。

5. 电子科技大学青年人才学术托举工程,电子科技大学,2020.06-2023.06,主持。

6. 2018中央高校基本科研业务费,电子科技大学,2018.07-2020.06,主持。

7. 浙江大学,“拟冠状病毒”的构建及在筛选高亲和力“病毒封条”中的应用,2020.03 - 2020.12,参研。

8. 国际合作交流专项,9-20,基于水-有机双相体系进行手性药物和合成的卤醇脱卤酶的改造及其应用研究, 2019.01-2021.12,参研。

9. 四川省科学技术厅, 2018HH0154, 大规模生物淘选数据的获取、数据库的建立和分析, 2018-2020, 参研。


(24) Xinlin Wang, Yimin Chen, Yuqing Xiong, Longfei Zhang, Beibei Wang*, Yajun Liu, Mengchao Cui*. Design and Characterization of Squaramic Acid-based Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Inhibitors for Prostate Cancer.  J  ournal   of Medicinal Chemistry . 2023, 66, 10, 6889-6904.

(23) Beibei Wang*, D. Peter Tieleman*. Release of empty nanodiscs from charged droplets in the electrospray ionization process: a microsecond molecular dynamics study.  Communications Chemistry.  2023, 6, 21.

(22) 王贝贝*. 以iGEM为平台培养大学生创新能力的探索和体会。 大学教育 ,2023.153.130-132.

(21) Ting Wang, Jie Xu, Beibei Wang,Yulian Wang, Wei Zhao, Bin Xiang, Yuhua Xue, Quan Yuan and Yiqiang Wang. RBD-anchored peptides block binding of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins with cell surface ACE2.  Frontiers in Microbiology.  2022 13:910343.

(20) Changqing Zhong, and Beibei Wang*. Regulation of cholesterol binding to the receptor Patched1 by its interactions with the ligand Sonic hedgehog (Shh).  Front  iers   in M  olecular   B  io  sciences.  2022, 831931.

(19) Beibei Wang*, Changqing Zhong, and D. Peter Tieleman. The supramolecular organization of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 virions revealed by coarse-grained models of intact virus envelopes.  Journal of Chemical Information and   Modeling.  2022, 62, 176-186.

(18) Yuanyuan Li, Ying Shen, Yudan Zheng, Mengru Wang, Beibei Wang, Shundong Ji, Qingzhen Han, Yufeng Tian, and Yiqiang Wang*.Flagellar hook protein FlgE induces microvascular hyperpermeability via ectopic ATP synthase β on endothelial surface.  Front  iers   in   Cellular and Infection Microbiol ogy. 2021, 724912.

(17) Zhaochang Yang, Mingkang Liu, Bin Wang, and Beibei Wang*. Classification of Protein Domains based on their three-dimensional Shapes (CPD3DS).  Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology.    2021, 6, 224-230.

(16) Beibei Wang*, Huayi Yang, Jianan Sun, Chuhao Dou, Jian Huang, and Fengbiao Guo. BioMaster: an integrated database and analytic platform to provide comprehensive information about BioBrick parts.  Frontiers in Microbiology.  2021, 593979.

(15) 伍克煜,刘峰江,许浩,张浩天,王贝贝*. 合成生物学基因设计软件:iGEM设计综述。 生物信息学 , 2020, 18(1):8-15。

(14)TingWang,YingShen,YuanyuanLi,BeibeiWang,BenfangWang,DepeiWu,ChanggengRuan,YiqiangWang. Ectopic ATP Synthase Β Subunit Proteins on Human Leukemia Cell Surface Interact with Platelets by Binding Glycoprotein IIb. Haematologica.  2019104, e364-e368.

(13)Beibei Wang, Rachel E. Sexton, Michael Feig*. Kinetics of nucleotide entry into RNA polymerase active site provides mechanism for efficiency and fidelity.  BBA Gene Regulatory Mechanisms  2017 1860, 482-490.

(12) Beibei Wang, Joshua Francis, Monika Sharma, Sean M. Law, Alexander V. Predeus, Michael Feig*. Long-Range Signaling in MutS and MSH Homologs via Switching of Dynamic Communication Pathways.  PLoS Computational Biology  2016 12(10): e1005159.

(11) Mark Farrugia, Beibei Wang, Michael Feig, Robert P. Hausinger*. Mutational and Computational Evidence That a Nickel-Transfer Tunnel in UreD Is Used for Activation of Klebsiella aerogenes Urease.  Biochemistry 2015, 54, 6392-6401.

(10) Zhicheng Zuo, Beibei Wang, Jingwei Weng, Wenning Wang*. Stepwise substrate translocation mechanism revealed by free energy calculations of doxorubicin in the multidrug transporter AcrB.  Scientific Reports.  2015, 5, 13905.

(9)  Beibei Wang, Jingwei Weng, Wenning Wang*. Substrate binding accelerates the conformational transition and substrate extrusion in multidrug efflux transporter AcrB.  Frontiers in Microbiology  2015, 6, 302.

(8)  Beibei Wang, Kristopher Opron, Zachary F. Burton, Robert I. Cukier, Michael Feig*. Five checkpoints maintaining the fidelity of transcription by RNA polymerases in structural and energetic details.  Nucleic Acid Research  2015, 43, 1133-1146.

(7)  Beibei Wang, Jingwei Weng, Wenning Wang*. Free Energy Profiles of Ion Permeation and Doxorubicin Translocation in TolC.  Journal of Theoratical and Computational Chemistry.  2014, 13, 1450031.

(6)  Beibei Wang, Jingwei Weng, Wenning Wang*. Multiple conformational states and gate opening of outer membrane protein TolC revealed by MD simulations.  Proteins , 2014, 82, 2169-2179.

(5)  Beibei Wang, Michael Feig, Robert I. Cukier, Zachary F. Burton*. Computational simulation strategies for analysis of multi-subunit RNA polymerases.  Chemical Reviews.  2013, 113, 8546-8566.

(4)  Beibei Wang, Alexander V. Predeus, Zachary F. Burton, Michael Feig*. Energetic and Structural Details of the Trigger-Loop Closing Transition in RNA Polymerase II.  Biophysical Journal.  2013, 105, 767-775.

(3)  Mingming Zhang, Beibei Wang, Tao Jiang, Meijuan Jiang, Tao Yi*. From nano ribbon to fibre by concentration control.  CrystEngComm  2012, 14, 8057–8062.

(2)  Beibei Wang, Jingwei Weng, Kangnian Fan, Wenning Wang*. Inter-domain flexibility and pH-induced conformational changes of AcrA revealed by molecular dynamics simulations.  Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 2012, 116, 3411-3420.

(1)  Beibei Wang, Jingwei Weng, Kangnian Fan, Wenning Wang*. Elastic network model-based normal mode analysis reveals the conformational couplings in the tripartite AcrAB-TolC multidrug efflux complex.  Proteins , 2011, 79, 2936-2945.


本科生: 《物理化学》《化学信息学》《化学测量与计算II》

研究生: 《计算化学》


1. 2020国际基因工程机器大赛iGEM (UESTC-software)主教练(Gold Prize, nominated for Best of Software)。

2. 2019国际基因工程机器大赛iGEM (UESTC-software)主教练 (Gold Prize, Best of Software)。

3. 2018国际基因工程机器大赛iGEM (UESTC-software)主教练 (Gold Prize, Best of Software, nominated for Best of Product Design)。

4. 2020年电子科技大学优秀班主任。

5. 2016 Alberta Innovates Health Solutions (AIHS) fellowship, Canada