


姓名:欧阳津 学历:博士 职称:教授 电子邮箱:jinoyang@bnu.edu.cn

天津市人。2011年获国家级教学名师奖,2016年获批国家高层次人才特殊计划(万人计划)教学名师。主持在研国家自然科学基金1项,主持完成国家自然科学基金5项,中国-比利时国际合作项目1项。在Chem. Sci., Adv. Funct. Mater. , Anal. Chem. , Chem. Commun.等刊物发表SCI学术论文140余篇。现为中国物理学会质谱分会常务理事,北京理化分析测试技术学会色谱专业委员会理事。


1978.02-1982.01    陕西师范大学化学系,化学,理学学士

1994.09-1997.06    比利时根特大学,药物分析,理学硕士

2002.09-2006.06    比利时根特大学,药物分析,药学博士(在职)


1982.01-1998.07    陕西教育学院化学系任教

1998.07-2023.03    北京师范大学化学学院任教

2023.03-至今       北京师范大学文理学院化学系任教





2. 国家自然科学基金项目;基于增强型聚集诱导发光效应的生物大分子构象检测新方法研究;2016-2020;主持

3. 国家自然科学基金项目;基于金属微纳结构荧光增强效应DNA测序新方法研究;2014-2018;主持

4. 国家自然科学基金项目;新型荧光探针在低丰度肿瘤标志物电泳成像检测中的应用研究;2011-2015;主持

5. 国家自然科学基金项目(重大研究计划);基于常压质谱直接解吸附离子化的分子自组装检测新方法;2010-2013;主持





1. Zhu, Jiale; Zhao, Xuan; Mao, Jinpeng*; Na, Na; Ouyang, Jin* Single-molecule evaluation of the SARS-COV-2 nucleocapsid protein using gold particle-in-a-frame nanostructures enhanced fluorescent assay,  Anal. Chem.  2023, 95(12), 5267-5274.

2. Zhao Xuan , Na Na, Ouyang, Jin* Functionalized DNA nanoplatform for multi-target simultaneous imaging: Establish the atlas of cancer cell species, Talanta , 2023,(267) 125222

3. Zhao, Xuan; Na, Na; Ouyang, Jin* CRISPR/Cas9-based coronal nanostructures for targeted mitochondria single molecule imaging,  Chem. Sci.  2022, 13, 11433-11441.

4. Han, Qingzhi; Zhao, Xuan; Zhang, Xinlian; Na Na; Ouyang, Jin* A rationally designed triple-qualitative and double-quantitative high precision multi-signal readout sensing platform,  Sens. Actuators B Chem.  2022, 360, 131663.

5. Han, Qingzhi; Zhang, Xinlian; Jia, Yijing; Guo, Shaoshi; Zhu, Jiale; Luo, Shirui; Na, Na; Ouyang, Jin* Synthesis and characteristics of self-assembled multifunctional Ln3+-DNA hybrid coordination polymers,  Chem. Eur. J.  2022, 28, e202200281.

6. Shi, Ke; Na Na; Ouyang, Jin* Label- and enzyme-free plasmon-enhanced single molecule fluorescence detection of HIV DNA fragments based on a catalytic hairpin assembly,  Analyst  2022,147, 604-613.

7. Han, Qingzhi; Zhao, Xuan; Na, Na; Ouyang, Jin* Integrating near-infrared visual fluorescence with a photoelectrochemical sensing system for dual readout detection of biomolecules,  Anal. Chem.  2021, 93(7), 3486-3492.

8. Zhao, Xuan; Han, Qingzhi; Na, Na; Ouyang, Jin* Spatiotemporally controlled DNA nanoclamps: single-molecule imaging of receptor protein oligomerization,  Anal. Chem.  2021, 93(43), 14514-14520.

9. Zhang, Xinlian; Na, Na; Ouyang, Jin* Droplet-based extraction mass spectrometry, TrAC Trends  Anal. Chem.  2021, 143, 116366.

10. Wang, Feiyang; Na, Na; Ouyang, Jin* Particle-in-a-frame gold nanomaterials with an interior nanogap-based sensor array for versatile analyte detection,  Chem. Commun . 2021, 57, 4520-4523.

11. Jia, Yijing; Guo, Shaoshi; Han, Qingzhi; Zhang, Xinlian; Na, Na; Ouyang, Jin* Target-triggered and controlled release plasmon-enhanced fluorescent AIE probe for conformational monitoring of insulin fibrillation,  J. Mater. Chem.  B 2021, 9, 5128-5135.

12. Peng, Manshu; Sun, Feifei; Na, Na; Ouyang, Jin* Target-triggered assembly of nanogap antennas to enhance the fluorescence of single molecules and their application in microRNA detection,  Small  2020, 16, 2000460.

13. Fang, Zhuyin;Wang, Ruihua; Zhao, Hansen;Yao, Huan;Ouyang, Jin*; Zhang, Xinrong. Mannose promotes metabolic discrimination osteosarcoma cells at single-cell level by mass spectrometry,  Anal. Chem.  2020, 92(3), 2690-2696.

14. Sun, Feifei; Zhao, Shengnan; Peng, Manshu; Fu, Qiang; Gao, Huimin; Jia, Yijing; Na, Na; Ouyang, Jin* Sequencing of small DNA fragments with aggregated-induced-emission molecule-labeled nucleotides,  Anal. Chem.  2020, 92(10), 7179-7185.

15. Wang, Feiyang; Na, Na; Ouyang, Jin* A catalytic-regulated gold nanorods etching process as a receptor with multiple readouts for protein detection,  Sens. Actuators B Chem.  2020, 318, 128215.

16. Jia, Yijing; Shen, Xiaotong; Sun, Feifei; Na, Na; Ouyang, Jin* Metal-DNA coordination based bioinspired hybrid nanospheres for in situ amplification and sensing of microRNA,  J. Mater. Chem. B  2020, 8, 11074-11081.

17. Chen, Su; Liu, Yang; Zhou, Yanan; He, Lan*;Ouyang, Jin* Mechanism study on the abnormal accumulation and deposition of islet amyloid polypeptide by cold-spray ionization mass spectrometry,  Analyst  2020,145(22), 7289-7296.

18. Chen, Su; Gong, Xin; Tan, Hongwei; Liu, Yang; He, Lan*; Ouyang, Jin* Study of the noncovalent interactions between phenolic acid and lysozyme by cold spray ionization mass spectrometry (CSI-MS), multi-spectroscopic and molecular docking approaches,  Talanta  2020, 211, 120762.


本科生: 长期担任本科生“化学分析”,“化学基础实验II”主讲教师,自2021年起,担任珠海校区“现代分析化学”和“化学综合设计实验”主讲教师。

研究生: 长期担任研究生“现代分离科学”、“现代化学研究方法学(蛋白质组学研究)”以及“现代实验方法与技术(高效液相色谱分析)”主讲教师。





2. 国家高层次人才特殊计划(万人计划)教学名师,2016

4. 国家级教学成果奖二等奖:“高师本科化学实验教学体系建设与创新型人才培养”,第一完成人,2009

5. 国家级教学成果二等奖:免费师范生化学教学体系建设与创新型化学教育人才培养,第四完成人,2014

6. 女分析化学家奖,中国化学会分析化学专业委员会,2015

7. 北京市教学成果一等奖,“高师本科化学实验教学体系建设与创新型人才培养”,第一完成人,2009

8. 北京市教学成果一等奖,“注重学科优势和特色的化学虚拟仿真实验教学体系的建设与实践”,第一完成人,2017

9. 北京市教学名师奖,2010

10. 宝钢教育基金优秀教师奖,2009