


姓名:朱晓夏 学历:博士 职称:教授 电子邮箱:jxxz@bnu.edu.cn

研究领域主要涉及高分子材料领域,特别是生物医用材料方面的研究,擅长高分子设计合成及材料测试表征。目前专注于利用天然分子通过绿色化学方法制备新型高分子材料,并将其应用在生物医学以及其他工业领域,在降解性高分子、水凝胶、药物缓释、形状记忆材料和齿科复合树脂等领域均取得重要成果。迄今为止在国际权威期刊上发表学术论文 300 余篇,谷歌学术被引14800多次,H指数61,并有多项国内外授权专利。曾任中国科学(化学)、高分子学报编委,担任加拿大自然科学与工程基金委(NSERC)评委和中国国家自然科学基金委海外评委。他参与并发起了多项中加合作项目,促进了国际学术交流合作。2015年获得加拿大化学会高分子科学与工程奖(高分子领域最高奖)。


1983.10-1988.07, 加拿大麦吉尔大学, 高分子化学, 理学博士

1978.10-1982.07, 南开大学, 化学, 理学学士


2023.09   至今        北京师范大学珠海校区,教授

1992.09-2023.08   加拿大蒙特利尔大学,助理教授、副教授、教授

1990.05-1992.08   加拿大多伦多大学,博士后

1988.08-1989.11   法国CNAM,博士后




1.Xinzhen Fan, X.X. Zhu, “Chapter 6. Stimuli-responsive crystalline colloidal arrays formed by polymeric particles”, pp 171-202, in "Polymeric Nanoparticles: Preparation, Properties and Applications, Vol 1, Synthesis, Properties and Self-Assembly", J. He, X. Wang, eds, Nova Science, 2024.

2.E. Habib, R. Wang, X. X. Zhu, "5. Dental Nanocomposites", pp. 114-133 in  Advances in Nanostructured Composites , M. Aliofkhazraei, ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2019.

3.Y. Wang, F. Liu, E. Habib, R. Wang, X. Jiang, X. X. Zhu, M. Zhu, "Chapter 18. Research Progress in Biomimetic Materials for Human Dental Caries Restoration", pp. 351-363, in  Bioinspired Materials Science and Engineering , G. Yang, ed., Wiley, 2018.

4.S. Strandman, X. X. Zhu, “Chapter 11. Biodegradable shape memory polymers for biomedical applications”, pp. 219-245, in “Shape Memory Polymers for Biomedical Applications”, L. Yahia, Ed., Woodhead Publi, 2015.

5.H. Therien-Aubin, Y. J. Wang, X. X. Zhu, “Chapter 27. NMR imaging and its application in the study of pharmaceutical tablets”,  ACS Symposium Series , Vol. 1077, “NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules”, pp 441-457 (2011). DOI: 10.1021/bk-2011-1077.ch027.

6.H. Thérien-Aubin, X. X. Zhu, “Water diffusion in drug delivery systems made of high amylase starch by NMR imaging”, In “Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications”, R.H. Marchessault, F. Ravenelle, X.X. Zhu, eds, ACS Book Series , 934, 105-120 (2006). (Zhu, co-editor of this book.)

7.X.X. Zhu, L. Masaro, J.-M. Petit, B. Roux, P.M. Macdonald, " Chapter 18. Self-diffusion of solvents and solute probes in polymer solutions and gels: The use of a new physical model of diffusion", pp. 223-241, in  Tailored Polymeric Materials for Controlled Delivery Systems , I. McCullough, S. Shalaby, eds., ACS Publ., 1998.

8.X.X. Zhu, W.Q. Huang, " Chapter 13. Template-imprinted polymeric materials for molecular recognition", in  New Progress in Macromolecular Sciences , T.B. He, H.J. Hu, eds., pp. 193-216, Chemical Industry Publisher, Beijing, 1997.


1.G. Beaudoin, A. Lasri, C. Zhao, B. Liberelle, G. De Crescenzo, X. X. Zhu*, “Making hydrophilic polymers thermoresponsive: The upper critical solution temperature of copolymers of acrylamide and acrylic acid”, Macromolecules (IF="5.985)," 54, 7963-7969 (2021). (New strategy in the design and synthesis of thermoresponsive polymers; 19 citations.)

2.K. Wang, Y.G. Jia, X. X. Zhu*, "Multiple and two-way reversible shape memory polymers: Design strategies and applications”, Prog. Mater. Sci. (IF="39.58)," 105, 100572 (2019). (This review summarizes literature work including our new concept of co-crystallization in the design of reversible two-way shape-memory polymers; 135 citations.)

3.C. Zhao*, Z. Ma, X. X. Zhu*, "Rational design of thermoresponsive polymers in aqueous solutions: A thermodynamic map", Prog. Polym. Sci. (IF="31.28)," 90, 269–291, 2019. (Review paper illustrating thermodynamic principles for guiding the design of thermoresponsive polymers; 170 citations.)

4.E. Champagne, S. Strandman, X. X. Zhu*, “Recent developments and optimization of lipase-catalyzed lactone formation and ring-opening polymerization”, Macromol. Rapid Commun. (IF= 5.734), 37, 1986-2004, 2016. (Invited review on the use of enzymes in the preparation and transformation of polyesters; 46 citations.)

5.S. Strandman, X. X. Zhu*, “Thermo-responsive block copolymers with multiple phase transition temperatures in aqueous solutions”, Prog. Polym. Sci. (IF="31.28)," 42, 154–176, 2015. (Review on synthetic strategies for the preparation of responsive smart polymer materials with multiple transitions; 136 citations.)

6.Y. G. Jia, C. Malveau, M. A. Mezour, D. F. Perepichka, X. X. Zhu*, "A molecular necklace: threading β-cyclodextrins onto the bile acids derived polymers", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (IF="16.82)," 55, 11979–11983 (2016). DOI: 10.1002/anie.201605090 (New strategy in the design of molecular necklace by the use of natural molecules, 40 citations.)

7.J. E. Gautrot, X. X. Zhu*, “Main-chain bile acid-based degradable elastomers synthesized via entropy-driven ring-opening metathesis polymerization”, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. (IF="16.82)," 45, 6872-6874 (2006). (Important contribution for the synthesis and use of rigid macrocycles in making polyesters from containing natural compounds through the ROMP method; 89 citations.)

8.M. Gauthier, I. Strangel, T. Ellis, X. X. Zhu*, “Oxygen inhibition in dental resins”, J. Dent. Res. (IF="8.924)," 84, 725-729 (2005). (Major contribution in polymer dental composites with 218 citations.)

9.S. Freiberg, X. X. Zhu*, “Polymer microspheres for controlled drug release”, Int. J. Pharm. (IF="6.51)," 282, 1-18 (2004). (Review on the pharmaceutical applications of polymers; 1733 citations.)

10.L. Masaro, X. X. Zhu*, "Physical models of diffusion for polymer solutions, gels and solids", Prog. Polym. Sci. (IF="31.28)," 24, 731-775 (1999). (This comprehensive review summarized research progress in the field of diffusion in polymers with 1062 citations.)


本科生: 《化学专业英语》

研究生: 《现代化学进展》


1.   2020-2023年, 加拿大国家讲席教授 (Tier I)

2.   2015年, 加拿大化学会高分子科学与工程奖

3.   2012-2019年, 蒙特利尔大学讲席教授

4.   2001-2011年, 加拿大国家讲席教授 (Tier II)

5.   2000年, 阿斯利康研究奖

6.   1999年, 德国洪堡学者